Friday, August 4, 2023



We are all incensed and disgusted at how The Biden family scandal has been covered up and kept under wraps prior to the 2020 election by a government constitutional required to live within the framework of blind justice.

We have always wagged our fingers at many banana republic countries accusing them of circumventing laws and making their own lawlessness remain unpunished and excused. Now Americans see that our own branches of government that were designed to ensure against corruption have been colluding and supporting clear and obvious subversion of our laws and Bill of Rights through a complex maze of political partisan elitism.

The Republican Party that is supposed to be the opposition to the dangerous socialist’s movement by the Democrat party has ceded its responsibility because of one belief and its hubris hatred. That hatred apparently is so deeply held that among most of the GOP leaders, they are willing to sell our country’s soul to the devil.

What is that deeply held hatred? Well should we say who is that hatred directed towards? Yes, the answer is Donald Trump.  

 Regardless of how Republicans feel about Donald Trump you would think they cared about Americans and America. You would think they would rise up and demand that the rule of law not be subverted and contorted to hide the crimes of one president while demonizing an innocent president and subjecting him to indictments that are clearly made up of fabricated fabric.

The American people are watching this government idly stand by while the capital building reeks of the odorous stench of complete corruption from top to bottom.

It isn’t just that our government has done little to investigate the true wrongdoers allowed to roam freely and sell books on television but they have allowed parents, the elderly and children to be subjected to a world infested with a bullying counter culture consumed with the mission to destroy the Judeo-Christian family morale that underpins the entire stability of our nation.

The question most Americans ask is why? Why aren’t more good Americans in Congress, in the executive cabinet and on the Supreme Court speaking out against the rampant weaponization of our government agencies? Does Joe Biden have that much power? Is Joe Biden a dictator that causes them to fear a death squad?

We know that the answer to that question is no, so then what is it? What is the reason that the GOP is not fighting back against the misuse of government to interfere in our elections: hold January 5th political prisoners, arrest parents speaking out at school meetings, allow lying to courts to spy on campaigns, suppress free speech on social networks, allow news outlets to boldly lie and misinform the public but keep their broadcasting license under the banner of reporting news, pull down beloved statues on the public square, destroy neighborhoods with rioting, allow parades of naked men in front of innocent children, allow doxing and protests in front of the private homes of Supreme Court Justices, allow our border to be overrun with illegal aliens, lock down and shutter businesses because of a virus that even without medication is survivable, mandate the taking of a vaccine that wasn’t tested and has been proven ineffective and worse for one’s health, and allow an office selling bribery ring headed by the President of the United States to continue to destroy this nation’s economic health and security by holding the keys to nuclear war?   

Is not having Trump win another election worth that? Oh but maybe it isn’t just that they don’t like Trump, but are truly afraid that Trump and his future cabinet will finally expose all the corrupt and deceitful behavior done by all the members of Congress from pernicious graft to perverted pedophilia.

Is this the reason WE The People are not seeing people in our government stand up in droves condemning and decrying the despicable underhanded double dealing mumbo jumbo that has America holding its nose from the stench of our current contemptible government?

God save all the souls in Washington because the devil has your power hungry egos by the short hairs and if this nation starts to slip into hell, those of us standing by the stink-hole sink-hole will not reach out our hand to save you.

God will help patriotic Americans rebuild our nation brick by brick, pillar by pillar until our Constitutional Republic rises again from an idea, a principle, and a belief: that all men are created equal.