Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The news broke in all the major news outlets that the Presidents is sending 1200 troops and perhaps allocation 500 million to the Borders states. Does it sound as though perhaps the Administration is now serious about border control?
Well let’s see Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer and Arizona Senators John Kyle and John McCain have been asking the president for 6000 troops who are armed and have arrest authority just for the Arizona border. The 1200 troops being sent by Obama would not all go to Arizona but instead be split with other Border States. Equally these border agents would be behind the front lines and used as glorified assistants to border agents.
Interestingly yesterday May 25, 2010 the President met with Republican members and in their discussions about the Border issues the President spoke of immigration reform and McCain and others spoke of border protection and security. The debate got heated and the President did not comment to requests made that he to secure the border first before immigration reform would be considered by Republicans.
Senator John McCain and Senator John Kyl introduced Bill (S. 3332) and were asking for 6,000 troops along with money to implement completion of a fence, greater border resources and a visible armed troop presence among other provisions.
Why then after a meeting in which the president stayed silent on Border Protecting did the President seem to do a 180 turn and release to the press that he was sending 1200 troops and allocating 500 million to the border problem?
Answer twofold, one there was a good chance that (S.3332) would pass the Senate which is a bill very popular among not only with Arizona and other Border States but the American public. Two, this gives cover not only to the President who has been called the “most partisan President I have ever Dealt with…” (quote from John McCain in telephone interview about this subject on Fox News Greta Van Susteren’s show 4-25-10) but for the Democrats not now having to vote against the bill, that would further alienate them in November from the American people.
The 1200 troops and 500million in federal money is now the pay off and stall tactic needed for the Democratic Party and the President to pretend to be doing something about the border while just putting a child size band aid on a gushing artery. This is another decoy, another ploy, another political parlor trick, another smoke and mirrors image making that allows spin and cover for the President and Democrats.
Yes, he is the Great Pretender who claims to not be an “ideologue” but does he fool you?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The President, the Attorney General, Homeland Security, the State Department and the mayor of Los Angeles, California have all weighed in their disapproval of Arizona’s new immigration law. The sad state of America’s education system is unfortunately showing its decline in basic skills now apparently being reflected in halls of government leadership. The failure of so many of our officials and government representatives to pass the basic test of academic comprehension necessary to be intelligent on the issues before them as they speak out with assertive and defiant ignorance.
The Arizona Governor and the Arizona State Legislators have completed a diligent writing of a Bill that expected Constitutional challenge by the Federal Government as they carefully worded and consulted the reference material to merit a worthy script.
The American people have been told by our government that the decline in our educational standards make our Nation less competitive in the economic hunt for jobs and necessary performance skills to adjust to an evolving workplace.
Basic math and language skills fall way behind other Countries in the world and since the 1983 Commission on Excellence in Education report called A Nation at Risk and now twenty-five years later we see that little has changed to improve our system.
What is worse is we now have our Government officials exemplifying a remedial level of competency in the area of reading that one would assume would be their first obligation to endeavor before speaking to a mass audience about policy.
Apparently, for the high ranking offices of this Nation it is less important to read and think before you speak. In the parental world of supporting sound moral behavior and raising an educated and prepared child to be successful in the world it is understood that “Do as I say, not as I do” is a flawed role model. Parents that walk the talk and hold out high expectations experience the rewards of their children following their un-ambiguous example.
Therefore, it is not an unusual reaction from the majority of Americans and the State of Arizona to be headstrong in defending the Arizona Immigration Law and ignoring the Federal Government’s admitted illegitimate condemnation. When they both READ and COMPREHEND the law they then have legitimacy to weigh in their comments and opinions.
Americans stand with Arizona, while the Los Angeles Mayor calls for a boycott of Arizona and a commissioner of the Arizona Corporation Commission calls to cut off power to the California City. We Americans have already seen the bright lights dimmed in our Capital and have turned to our local State Representatives who read to be the new bright beacons of hope for America’s future.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
John H. Sununu former Govenor of New Hampshire is the Republican Chair (head) of that State. He is confident that New hampshire will win the Governors house and take back the senate seat of Paul Hodes in November.
In a radio interview with Howie Carr (Boston Conservative talk radio host)he said that the party is as strong as the members put up good conservative candidates. He felt that the rage in the American voters was not about the economy alone as it had been in past elections, but rather that the people were upset about the lean of the country to the left.
He said the even if the economy were to "improve dramaticly, which he doubts" the voter anger is not about that but about how the Democrats were ignoring the voter and taken this country into "socialism".
He further stated that it takes 140,000 thousand new jobs created each month just to keep up with new workers coming into the workforce. That means one million and a quarter jobs pre year just to maintain the current unemployment rate.
That means at least one Republican Party leader gets it!
The Senate Republican Conference Chairman is Lamar Alexander he is in control of radio, T.V. and internet Ad content on the National level. Does he get it? Has he listened to the Tea Party or Sahra Palin that the Republican Party should be the Party of "NO" both before and after the November elections? Perhaps he should hear from us?
My State Party chairman in Maine is Charles M. Webster I am going check if he gets it, does yours?
Here is a site with a list for you.
In a radio interview with Howie Carr (Boston Conservative talk radio host)he said that the party is as strong as the members put up good conservative candidates. He felt that the rage in the American voters was not about the economy alone as it had been in past elections, but rather that the people were upset about the lean of the country to the left.
He said the even if the economy were to "improve dramaticly, which he doubts" the voter anger is not about that but about how the Democrats were ignoring the voter and taken this country into "socialism".
He further stated that it takes 140,000 thousand new jobs created each month just to keep up with new workers coming into the workforce. That means one million and a quarter jobs pre year just to maintain the current unemployment rate.
That means at least one Republican Party leader gets it!
The Senate Republican Conference Chairman is Lamar Alexander he is in control of radio, T.V. and internet Ad content on the National level. Does he get it? Has he listened to the Tea Party or Sahra Palin that the Republican Party should be the Party of "NO" both before and after the November elections? Perhaps he should hear from us?
My State Party chairman in Maine is Charles M. Webster I am going check if he gets it, does yours?
Here is a site with a list for you.
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Illinois primary elections are over and the two Senate candidates heading into the fall election are Republican Mark Kirk and Democrat Alexi Giannoulias. This election must be a lock for the Democrats in the President’s home State right?
Well maybe not? The Democrats may have made the political miscalculation of backing a candidate Giannoulias with banking scandal on his hands. His family owned bank was seized by Federal Regulators to the tune $394 million dollars.
Democrats are rightfully worried that this hot topic scandal coming at a time when Obama is on the campaign trail again talking about the need for financial reform and demonizing bankers and Wall Street.
Mark Kirk(R) for Senate and the Illinois Republican Party hopefully will drumbeat this Banking scandal by the Democratic nominee Giannoulias. This is a winning attack ad gift from the Democratic Party and the President with every statement he makes now and up to November about financial reform.
Even a novice campaign manager could easily create political ad spots and slogans that could give this Senate seat to the Republicans. Let us hope that the Kirk campaign uses this political liability to its full potential.
Rumors about the DNC looking for a replacement candidate have been circulated but so far no truth has been found. It would be a backroom trick to negate the Democratic Primary voter rights. Do they dare?
The President recently speaking in Quincy Illinois gave a “shout out” to and for Giannoulias even though the White House spokesperson said it would not be “appropriate”.
Florida’s ex-republican Charlie Crist experienced first- hand how an Obama embrace is the kiss of death.However,what is the effect of an Obama endorsement today in light of lost Democratic seats where he has campaigned? (Scott Brown)The hypocrisy of the Obama administration might well start to hit some Independent and Democratic voters come November. Might an Obama embrace also be the kiss of death for the Democratic Candidates as well?
political power,
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