Sunday, May 9, 2010


John H. Sununu former Govenor of New Hampshire is the Republican Chair (head) of that State. He is confident that New hampshire will win the Governors house and take back the senate seat of Paul Hodes in November.

In a radio interview with Howie Carr (Boston Conservative talk radio host)he said that the party is as strong as the members put up good conservative candidates. He felt that the rage in the American voters was not about the economy alone as it had been in past elections, but rather that the people were upset about the lean of the country to the left.

He said the even if the economy were to "improve dramaticly, which he doubts" the voter anger is not about that but about how the Democrats were ignoring the voter and taken this country into  "socialism".

He further stated that it takes 140,000 thousand new jobs created each month just to keep up with new workers coming into the workforce. That means one million and a quarter jobs pre year just to maintain the current unemployment rate. 

That means at least one Republican Party leader gets it!

The Senate Republican Conference Chairman is Lamar Alexander he is in control of radio, T.V. and internet Ad content on the National level. Does he get it? Has he listened to the Tea Party or Sahra Palin that the Republican Party should be the Party of "NO" both before and after the November elections? Perhaps he should hear from us?

My State Party chairman in Maine is Charles M. Webster I am going check if he gets it, does yours?
Here is a site with a list for you.

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