The notion that President Obama is moving to the center is yet another falsehood out of the left’s political playbook. The President and the Democratic Party have been the purveyors of prevarication to try and change reality TV into perception TV.
All Americans know that words mean nothing unless backed up by actions. This President knows well that the overwhelming majority of Americans did not want the Healthcare Bill to pass yet he ignored us. Then when the voters gave him a “shellacking” did we see or hear a mea culpa from our ideological President? No in fact he is still trying to sell us his Healthcare medicine.
What more proof does any American need to clearly see this rouse, façade and political circus act that won this man a presidency back in 2008? He paraded around during his campaign with a moderate political face and told everyone what they wanted to hear. He promised to end earmarks, lobbyists, partisanship and create a transparent government.
Some Americans were fooled that this otherwise ultra liberal Senator meant what he said when he was preaching his resume sermon to them. After he was hired they found out that his references were false and his qualifications made him not only inept but counterproductive to the traditional American economic engine.
He had an out as to why he could not keep his promises, and a cadre of liberal minions to tout his out. It was all the failed fiscal policies of the Bush Administration and he inherited a mess from the right wing. Not only is this excuse no longer acceptable as it has been so overplayed, but a lie. Any American paying attention knows that the fiscal fiasco was an “IED” (Improvised Economic Development) plan by Bill Clinton and the Democrats to encourage low income home ownership that was long buried in the economic sands that blew up during the Bush presidency.
The only promise that this president has kept between his campaign speeches and his current leadership or lack thereof is transparency. That is of course, his transparency.
This president, who has fooled us once, wants to perform another trick. He wants us to be a compliant audience while sawing his presidency in half suggesting that his better half will now care about the “gun and religion clinging” masses.
He wants us to believe that he will be a friend of business and industry by reducing regulations while his Labor Department requires ipso facto card check policies and the EPA ramps up carbon emission controls. Are you clapping yet?
He wants to invest in education and innovation? Mr. President perhaps you should re-read the “flawed” Constitution that clearly leaves education in the hands of the States. Regarding innovation, well it would be quite innovative if you smoked in public rather than continue to blow smoke in our face.
Pardon us Mr. President but we Americans have heard your prophetic pronouncements before and they have left us confused as to whether you or the teleprompter leads this floundering nation.
We don’t blame you, for we gave you the reigns of a horse you cannot ride. We gave your our trust that you never promised to hold sacred. We gave you the power of the Bully Pulpit and you have bullied all of us who oppose your socialist, social justice anathematic to American principles.
We know who the real political victim is by both you and all the ultra left that follow you. It is the truth. The truth is the victim in America today. The truth is what Americans yearn to hear from their leadership. The truth has been co-opted by teachers unions, the special interest groups, the media, the Democrats and you Mr. President.
Enjoy your parlor tricks, continue the smoke and mirrors, keep blaming others and keep pretending Americans think rabbits hatch from hats.
To paraphrase Lincoln “you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
This mentally unstable individual that I will not give a name to other than to refer to him as a crazed gunman whether acting alone or not, has little to do with political rhetoric. The senseless acts of killing innocent people in a public gathering in Tucson Arizona (Saturday Jan 8, 2011) was not a result of the political dialog going on in this country.
When John Lennon was shot by another crazed gunman, influenced by Catcher in the Rye should we blame and call for the banning of the book? Was it the result of words in a book? When young teens kill themselves and write suicide notes reflecting lyrics from a heavy metal songs do we blame and ban certain music. Is it the influence of music lyrics that creates depraved actions?
The idea of violence in movies, books, television, video, and computer games might be appropriate to speak about in regards to keeping the very young away from a daily dose of desensitizing from violence but it never reveals the cause for disturbing deeds of destruction.
We would have to ban the Bible and Mozart because under that logic or should I say illogical rational anything that influences an insane person to commit murderous acts could be blamed.
So when we hear that some say the political rhetoric in this country is to be blamed for the sick twisted devilish acts of a deranged individual they are wrong. To those that want to blame guns and call for stricter laws to stop these insane acts are equally wrong.
Just taking away Hinckley’s copy of Catcher in the Rye would not have stopped him. Banning all guns never stops criminals from buying or finding them illicitly. Banning music, books and all other forms of violent, racy or tasteless media doesn’t solve the phenomena of mass murderers.
Toning down the political rhetoric will not stop the crazed maniac and it is not the cause of those acts of self-serving rage. I think that toning down the political rhetoric will serve our nation well. Unfortunately it will do nothing to stop these kinds of indefensible acts from taking place.
I take homage with those that want to change definitions and call this sick killer a “terrorist” or “domestic terrorist”.
To me a “terrorist” is someone that is rational in their hatred with cold blooded hearts spurred on by a group that is dedicated to killing innocence for their own political gain. Mass murderers that go postal in company offices, restaurants or any public places are deranged individuals seeking revenge and infamy; are certainly terrifying but are not “terrorists”.
If he turns out to be part of some militia group, skin-head group or other upside-down hate group that espouses killing innocent life for religious, political or personal revenge then it still has nothing to do with rhetoric versus actions. If there is found to be an organized group who gave money orders and backing to this idiot as a soldier to their detestable mission of death then we can say this was a “domestic terrorist act”. Until then this deadly act appears to be one or possibly two deranged animals preying on innocent humans.
We as traditional Americans understand that “stick and stones break bones” and regardless of the tone of the political rhetoric today “names will never” be the cause of why you are gunned down in the street by a madman trying to “hurt you”.
The President has called conservative Americans the “enemy” and he has called the Republican Party “hostage takers” and he has stated he believes our Constitution is “flawed”. As much as I find his rhetoric divisive, inflammatory, and uncivil for his position and disagree mightily with all of his political beliefs, I do not think the President or anybody from the left or right in this country’s current political debate is responsible for the sadistic killing of 6 innocent people because of their vitriolic rhetoric.
Traditional Americans and Judeo-Christian values do not condone violence for any reason, let alone political voice. We don’t “cling to our guns and religion” seeking to harm anyone or anything but rather to protect ourselves and loved ones.
When lone crazed killers pop out of a crowd, storm into an office building, run into a school, or quietly enter a fast food restaurant and start shooting innocent people it is horrific for those in the crosshairs and horrifying to all of us!
Why do some people act in this demon possessed manner? We all wish we knew. What can we do to stop this lottery of death to our daily lives and the lives of our loved ones? If we knew how to keep safe from all deadly fates we would.
The only lesson here is that life is precious and we wish Representative Gabrielle Giffords a full and speedy recovery. With deep regret, all our traditional American hearts go out to the victims and their families that were not lucky to survive this savage attack.
Prayers for;
9 year old Christina Greene, 76 year old, Dorthy Murray, 76 year old, Dorwin Stoddard 76 year old, Phyllis Scheck, 30 year old, Gabe Zimmerman, 63 year old, Judge John Roll.
When John Lennon was shot by another crazed gunman, influenced by Catcher in the Rye should we blame and call for the banning of the book? Was it the result of words in a book? When young teens kill themselves and write suicide notes reflecting lyrics from a heavy metal songs do we blame and ban certain music. Is it the influence of music lyrics that creates depraved actions?
The idea of violence in movies, books, television, video, and computer games might be appropriate to speak about in regards to keeping the very young away from a daily dose of desensitizing from violence but it never reveals the cause for disturbing deeds of destruction.
We would have to ban the Bible and Mozart because under that logic or should I say illogical rational anything that influences an insane person to commit murderous acts could be blamed.
So when we hear that some say the political rhetoric in this country is to be blamed for the sick twisted devilish acts of a deranged individual they are wrong. To those that want to blame guns and call for stricter laws to stop these insane acts are equally wrong.
Just taking away Hinckley’s copy of Catcher in the Rye would not have stopped him. Banning all guns never stops criminals from buying or finding them illicitly. Banning music, books and all other forms of violent, racy or tasteless media doesn’t solve the phenomena of mass murderers.
Toning down the political rhetoric will not stop the crazed maniac and it is not the cause of those acts of self-serving rage. I think that toning down the political rhetoric will serve our nation well. Unfortunately it will do nothing to stop these kinds of indefensible acts from taking place.
I take homage with those that want to change definitions and call this sick killer a “terrorist” or “domestic terrorist”.
To me a “terrorist” is someone that is rational in their hatred with cold blooded hearts spurred on by a group that is dedicated to killing innocence for their own political gain. Mass murderers that go postal in company offices, restaurants or any public places are deranged individuals seeking revenge and infamy; are certainly terrifying but are not “terrorists”.
If he turns out to be part of some militia group, skin-head group or other upside-down hate group that espouses killing innocent life for religious, political or personal revenge then it still has nothing to do with rhetoric versus actions. If there is found to be an organized group who gave money orders and backing to this idiot as a soldier to their detestable mission of death then we can say this was a “domestic terrorist act”. Until then this deadly act appears to be one or possibly two deranged animals preying on innocent humans.
We as traditional Americans understand that “stick and stones break bones” and regardless of the tone of the political rhetoric today “names will never” be the cause of why you are gunned down in the street by a madman trying to “hurt you”.
The President has called conservative Americans the “enemy” and he has called the Republican Party “hostage takers” and he has stated he believes our Constitution is “flawed”. As much as I find his rhetoric divisive, inflammatory, and uncivil for his position and disagree mightily with all of his political beliefs, I do not think the President or anybody from the left or right in this country’s current political debate is responsible for the sadistic killing of 6 innocent people because of their vitriolic rhetoric.
Traditional Americans and Judeo-Christian values do not condone violence for any reason, let alone political voice. We don’t “cling to our guns and religion” seeking to harm anyone or anything but rather to protect ourselves and loved ones.
When lone crazed killers pop out of a crowd, storm into an office building, run into a school, or quietly enter a fast food restaurant and start shooting innocent people it is horrific for those in the crosshairs and horrifying to all of us!
Why do some people act in this demon possessed manner? We all wish we knew. What can we do to stop this lottery of death to our daily lives and the lives of our loved ones? If we knew how to keep safe from all deadly fates we would.
The only lesson here is that life is precious and we wish Representative Gabrielle Giffords a full and speedy recovery. With deep regret, all our traditional American hearts go out to the victims and their families that were not lucky to survive this savage attack.
Prayers for;
9 year old Christina Greene, 76 year old, Dorthy Murray, 76 year old, Dorwin Stoddard 76 year old, Phyllis Scheck, 30 year old, Gabe Zimmerman, 63 year old, Judge John Roll.
Arizona shooting,
Tea Party Movement
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Well it was a great couple of days for traditional Americans to hear some rhetoric in Congress that was historic and inspiring. We have been forced to be cynical long enough and therefore it was a welcome and refreshing change. We the American people (deck hands) have declared mutiny over federal spending and succeeded to win the purse strings.
Don’t worry you may put away your umbrellas because I will not rain on the parade. I think we need to be positive before we bash the new crop of Washington politicians. I am willing to give them a chance before I quibble. I am willing to stay hopeful before I find problems. Let’s just say we have enough disappointment and discouragement maybe we can trust the new crew.
As a traditional American I am not speaking naively however as though there is halo on the heads of the 112th Congress until they act devilish. Call it instead a hiatus from rancor, or a parole form the disdain or a momentary pause in the tomato tossing at the pillory.
We all need to give them a chance, aware that we also did not give them total control. The Democrats still run the Senate while the White House last I checked still contains a very left from center President.
That means Healthcare will not be repealed but defunded. It means spending will not increase but government cuts will more than likely be resisted by the Democrats. The Democrats will be out of power to foist their programs upon us but they will play politics for the next two years on every proposal offered by the Republican House.
What will the President do? Well that should be an interesting matter altogether to watch, wait and see.
We know that the Republicans are promising to pull back the curtains on the Obama Administration and let the American people see the true conditions of the back room dealings regarding the many troubling scandals that were only hinted in the press. Letters to the President have already been sent by Representative Darrell Issa of California asking about the bailout of AIG, Acorn, and the Sestek scandal to name just a few.
I don’t think the President is looking forward to the scrutiny his administration will be under with the Republicans now holding the House keys. He seemed to already bristle at his perception that the Press was treating him unfairly, when we all know that they have done as much as they could to dress with pretty flowers his homely poll numbers.
It is ironic that in fact the Republicans might do more to give the American people the transparency that Obama promised on the campaign trail two years ago. I guess Obama was the using the word much like Nancy Pelosi does. She is seen as transparent by the American people when she claimed in her out going speech that her Congress had deficit reduction as a “mantra” of “Pay as you Go”. Really? I think Americans can all see right through Nancy’s transparent words as being the same stuff that rodeo hands use shovels to remove from the Bull’s pens.
Yes but back to positive thinking and the enjoyment we should all have as Americans to hear our Constitution read openly in the People’s House again! Worry not that some elected officials will be hearing it for the first time. Worry not that the interpretations will be tortured to mean something 180 degrees from original intent. At least it is being spoken in the Capital and echoing in the stale air of Washington again and that is quite an accomplishment.
Yes the Tea Party Movement and all traditional Americans should be proud that they stopped being cynical and disconnected from politics and stood up for restoring integrity in government.
We know this has been a long time coming and yet only one small step in taking back our government from all who have abuse their privilege to serve us, but instead served themselves. We should be proud of what we have accomplished but understand that the Captain (President Obama) and his bridge officers (Democratic Senate) still control half the ship.
We the People have made a wayward government tiller turn right but unlike the turning the axle of a land vehicle, the bulky “ship of state” has a slow response time. It will take time for all of us to see if her rudder is working and truly steers a more righteous course.
Don’t worry you may put away your umbrellas because I will not rain on the parade. I think we need to be positive before we bash the new crop of Washington politicians. I am willing to give them a chance before I quibble. I am willing to stay hopeful before I find problems. Let’s just say we have enough disappointment and discouragement maybe we can trust the new crew.
As a traditional American I am not speaking naively however as though there is halo on the heads of the 112th Congress until they act devilish. Call it instead a hiatus from rancor, or a parole form the disdain or a momentary pause in the tomato tossing at the pillory.
We all need to give them a chance, aware that we also did not give them total control. The Democrats still run the Senate while the White House last I checked still contains a very left from center President.
That means Healthcare will not be repealed but defunded. It means spending will not increase but government cuts will more than likely be resisted by the Democrats. The Democrats will be out of power to foist their programs upon us but they will play politics for the next two years on every proposal offered by the Republican House.
What will the President do? Well that should be an interesting matter altogether to watch, wait and see.
We know that the Republicans are promising to pull back the curtains on the Obama Administration and let the American people see the true conditions of the back room dealings regarding the many troubling scandals that were only hinted in the press. Letters to the President have already been sent by Representative Darrell Issa of California asking about the bailout of AIG, Acorn, and the Sestek scandal to name just a few.
I don’t think the President is looking forward to the scrutiny his administration will be under with the Republicans now holding the House keys. He seemed to already bristle at his perception that the Press was treating him unfairly, when we all know that they have done as much as they could to dress with pretty flowers his homely poll numbers.
It is ironic that in fact the Republicans might do more to give the American people the transparency that Obama promised on the campaign trail two years ago. I guess Obama was the using the word much like Nancy Pelosi does. She is seen as transparent by the American people when she claimed in her out going speech that her Congress had deficit reduction as a “mantra” of “Pay as you Go”. Really? I think Americans can all see right through Nancy’s transparent words as being the same stuff that rodeo hands use shovels to remove from the Bull’s pens.
Yes but back to positive thinking and the enjoyment we should all have as Americans to hear our Constitution read openly in the People’s House again! Worry not that some elected officials will be hearing it for the first time. Worry not that the interpretations will be tortured to mean something 180 degrees from original intent. At least it is being spoken in the Capital and echoing in the stale air of Washington again and that is quite an accomplishment.
Yes the Tea Party Movement and all traditional Americans should be proud that they stopped being cynical and disconnected from politics and stood up for restoring integrity in government.
We know this has been a long time coming and yet only one small step in taking back our government from all who have abuse their privilege to serve us, but instead served themselves. We should be proud of what we have accomplished but understand that the Captain (President Obama) and his bridge officers (Democratic Senate) still control half the ship.
We the People have made a wayward government tiller turn right but unlike the turning the axle of a land vehicle, the bulky “ship of state” has a slow response time. It will take time for all of us to see if her rudder is working and truly steers a more righteous course.
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