All Americans know that words mean nothing unless backed up by actions. This President knows well that the overwhelming majority of Americans did not want the Healthcare Bill to pass yet he ignored us. Then when the voters gave him a “shellacking” did we see or hear a mea culpa from our ideological President? No in fact he is still trying to sell us his Healthcare medicine.
What more proof does any American need to clearly see this rouse, façade and political circus act that won this man a presidency back in 2008? He paraded around during his campaign with a moderate political face and told everyone what they wanted to hear. He promised to end earmarks, lobbyists, partisanship and create a transparent government.

Some Americans were fooled that this otherwise ultra liberal Senator meant what he said when he was preaching his resume sermon to them. After he was hired they found out that his references were false and his qualifications made him not only inept but counterproductive to the traditional American economic engine.
He had an out as to why he could not keep his promises, and a cadre of liberal minions to tout his out. It was all the failed fiscal policies of the Bush Administration and he inherited a mess from the ri

The only promise that this president has kept between his campaign speeches and his current leadership or lack thereof is transparency. That is of course, his transparency.
This president, who has fooled us once, wants to perform another trick. He wants us to be a compliant audience while sawing his presidency in half suggesting that his better half will now care about the “gun and religion clinging” masses.
He wants us to believe that he will be a friend of business and industry by reducing regulations while his Labor Department requires ipso facto card check policies and the EPA ramps up carbon emission controls. Are you clapping yet?
He wants to invest in education and innovation? Mr. President p

Pardon us Mr. President but we Americans have heard your prophetic pronouncements before and they have left us confused as to whether you or the teleprompter leads this floundering nation.
We don’t blame you, for we gave you the reigns of a horse you cannot ride. We gave your our trust that you never promised to hold sacred. We gave you the power of the Bully Pulpit and you have bullied all of us who oppose your socialist, social justice anathematic to American principles.
We know who the real political victim is by both you and all the ultra left that follow you. It is the truth. The truth is the victim in America today. The truth is what Americans yearn to hear from their leadership. The truth has been co-opted by teachers unions, the special interest groups, the media, the Democrats and you Mr. President.

Enjoy your parlor tricks, continue the smoke and mirrors, keep blaming others and keep pretending Americans think rabbits hatch from hats.
To paraphrase Lincoln “you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
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