Friday, November 4, 2011


We all remember the Watergate scandal and how from the first Washington Post story by Woodward and Bernstein that broke on the front page the country was riveted and immersed in little focus of much else. Watergate’s time in America was akin to a virgin’s morning confession to a naïve group of unmarried Americans that had believed in the fairy tale aspect of the Princess’s wedding but yet still innocent of the adult game.

The 60’s wasn’t a time very different politically then today but the American public was very different. The public was still proud to be god fearing nation and expected morality to live out in everyday endeavors including and perhaps especially in public service.

Watergate shocked the people when the favors game of political bribes, hush and slush monies spilled out of the otherwise locked closet that voters never requested a key to unlock. The 60’s was a grown-up moment for Americans to view politics without the euphoniums and delicate metaphors. Americans finally saw politics in Washington as it really was, a prostitution’s promotion of self interest that had made most lose faith in anything coming out of the beltway brothel.

That combination of voter distrust of Washington corruption and cynicism of the political seasoned candidates wrought America Jimmy Carter in the 1976 campaign as the electorate thought that the pure hearted peanut farmer was one of them. The voters quickly realized that Carter was a mistake.

However, to learn from a mistake one must know specifically where one erred. The election of Barak Obama in 2008 proves what America has yet to learn about the importance of character and how the ideological left has nothing in common with the common American.

In every way and on every issue the Democrats has been the Party of big government solutions, greater government intrusion, and increased government spending, agitating and dividing Americans into economic and social class enemies while being feckless in their diplomatic foreign policy and National Security leadership.

Carter weakened America home and abroad, Clinton solidified our enemies’ belief in our weakness by Mogadishu cowering and cruise missile pot shots. Now Obama has replaced the cruise missile approach with predator drone assassinations and an overall foreign policy strategy that ignores strong ally relationships and rewards those countries rife with anti-American sentiment.

Domestically one might argue that Clinton unlike Carter and Obama had the country on a successful economic road. Yet in business there is an understanding of the difference between short term profitability and long term solvency. The Big government anti-capitalist Democratic Clinton policy of banking reform was a Wall Street boom until the bubble it created burst open at the tail end of the Bush administration.

We have seen the havoc reaped by Democratic policies both in their control of Congress and the White House since the agitate generation of the 1960’s arose to reject the moral restraint and restrictions of their parent’s America.

Since those Watergate days the battle for party popularity created a manipulative dance by both parties to win favor from a socially fractured nation. Freedom began to mean being freed from consequences of immoral behavior. Free from early morning church attendance on Sunday. Free from societal shame regardless of how depraved it descended because no one was victimized because everyone is a victim.

So the Democrats moved further left once the children of that new social morality or “flower power” generation grew up and infiltrated the party. Yet they pretend to be the so-called Clinton centrists Democrats in their quest to disguise and appear less radical to the voting public.

While the Republican Party waltzed away from Reagan by both the father and son of Bush Republicans that moved the party further into the center from the right side of conservatism. Wrongly thinking that by splitting the social baby they would appear more palatable to the indoctrinated amoral face-pierced tattooed offspring of the pot smoking tie-dye jeans 60’s generation that still cling to their anti-establishment protests as a warrior keeps a medal of valor.

However, deep down under the window dressing put up by the two parties there exist a very long standing set of timeless core distinctions that can be traced back to the Hamilton and Jefferson antagonisms.

Democrats have intoned Jefferson but have embraced the Hamiltonian ideology of big centralized government. Republicans have lived Jefferson but have allowed the Democratic Party to paint them as big corporation elitists.

In the area of Washington scandals and corruption Democrats have been allowed to skate away from most of their many sordid affairs by eating their own and claiming them as aberrations. While they continue to walk their Party away from traditional Judeo-Christian morals in the shameless 60’s values of anti-anything-American-established.

While Republicans still faithful to the puritan notion of honor and integrity handle their scandals with a self-flagellating acceptance that their character is flawed and deserves to be placed on the pillory by their Democratic rivals.

Today the obvious evidence of radical take down of America by the ideological left-wing Democrats both in Congress and in the White House is no longer theory that their aim is to ruin capitalism and weaken our reputation abroad because of their disdain for American tradition.

If Americans are a center-right nation politically then why are we expecting an ideological left leaning Party and its presidential candidates to do anything but fail us and the country?

It is time to bury the myth that there exists a yet young unknown Kennedy re-incarnation in the Democratic Party. The Democrats have moved their party so far left that even if a new Kennedy was born he would much more likely run as a Republican. One could easily envision Kennedy beseeching the Occupy Wall Street whiners by saying “ask not what your country can do for you” to a stirring public’s agreement furthered by “ask what you can do for your country” to which most Americans would loudly shout go home and clean up your act.

It is equally time for Americans to bury the Watergate Nixon reputation of the Republican Party that has been the drum- beat for over forty years by Democrats to scare voters away from traditional values.

Today, we have two political parties and two political ideologies that have been described as left versus right, socialists versus capitalists, big versus small government, social justice versus individual rights, religious versus atheistic, and most importantly faithful to the Constitution versus anti-Republic.

Americans need to grow up from the 1960’s social and political protest and recognize what that time in our history really meant. It was then and still is a tantrum by selfish youth wanting what all youth wants; freedom from rules and personal accountability that was infiltrated and directed by a small group of radicals seeking to bring down America’s representative Republic from the inside by communism.

Interesting that Americans today readily accept the notion of radical Islamic sleeper cells in the United States that might cause another mass civilian terror plot but laugh and scoff both then and now that McCarthyism was a right-wing paranoia trip.

However, as the radicals now sit in the established seat of power and continue to fan the flames of anti-American class warfare shouldn’t we hard working Americans see finally the face of the Democratic Party behind their many masks?

Who does the Occupy Wall Street crowd support: Republicans or Democrats? What are the Occupy Wall Street youth advocating: capitalism or communism? What morality is most associated with their beliefs: Judeo-Christian or secular humanism? What are they threatening to do if they don’t get their demand of the rich Wall Street tycoons and bankers being taxed into socialism: peace march or violent destruction? Who do they want to see as America’s president in 2012: a traditional constitutionally loyal President or a Marxists thief of your Bill of Rights?

“Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!”

(Nikita Khrushchev)

“I once said, "We will bury you," and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.”

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