Friday, August 31, 2012


Clint Eastwood’s empty chair parody of the current President was metaphorically salient in a number of ways. The first way is obvious in that it was intended to represent a loss of re-election and a one term president.

The second way was that even as Obama sits on the presidential chair he has been absent in his role of leader failing to perform his sworn duties by both ineptness and abdication of responsibility.

The third way was to present the legacy left behind by the ex-president in the wake of his defeat for the history books to remember him as an empty leader. A President that both failed to resolve the country’s problems and gained his seat through empty promises unfulfilled.

Lastly, but no less metaphorically significant is the President’s empty re-election campaign message. Not running on his record because it is too abysmal to tout, Obama instead has run a nasty, despicable attack the other guy campaign. Vote for me because Romney is worse is a devoid, vacuous and empty rationale far removed from “Hope and Change.”

This is why Eastwood included in the imaginary parody of the president’s likely response if he were sitting away from the teleprompter podium and what he would be thinking and saying. “No, Mr. President I can’t say that and I don’t think it is possible for me to do that” is very consistent with the president’s callousness toward our nation’s problems.

When millions of Americans are out of work and the President says the “private sector is doing fine” isn’t that telling Americans to go “Blank themselves”?

When the President ignores Congress and re-writes immigration laws to allow illegal aliens to violate our laws and compete with legal immigrants for jobs and benefits isn’t he telling Americans to go “Blank themselves”?

When the American public want answers to “Fast and Furious” and how and why our government could authorize the sale of weapons to ruthless murdering Mexican drug thugs and he protects his Attorney General Holder by Executive Privilege isn’t he telling Americans to go “Blank themselves”?

When the President tells the Catholic Church that they must fund abortion and contraceptives against the 1st Amendment right of religion to be free of government dictates isn’t he telling all God-loving and constitution-loving Americans to go “Blank themselves”?

When the President states that entrepreneurs should not feel smarter or take credit for the building of their businesses isn’t he telling Americans to go “Blank themselves”?

When the President trips to Martha’s Vineyard, incessantly plays golf and spends most of his Presidency campaigning rather than leading in times of crises isn’t he telling all Americans to go “Blank themselves”?

When the President apologizes to countries overseas for our role over the
years in Foreign Policy as though American has been a saboteur instead of savior to the world isn’t he telling America to go “Blank itself”?

Clint Eastwood’s expose of what most Americans know is the unspoken truth about any callous and absent individual whether it is a deserting father, a parent un-visited in a nursing home, a friend that stood you up or a employee that never showed up for work, we all think the same thing in our minds “Gee I guess they just told me to blank myself.”

President Obama has either with complete inability or with cold calculation
ignored the country. Obama partisan Presidency has ignored leading ALL Americans that the highest office in the free world demands.

Obama has ignored our Constitution by executive fiat. He has ignored Congress. He has ignored our military both fighting overseas and resting in peace in honor. He has ignored the unsustainable debt and deficit even by ignoring his own commission.

He has been quick to “Beer Summit” a stupidly foolish but turns out warranted arrest of his professor colleague and waxes romantically about an imaginary son (Travon Martin) yet is silent while many die daily in gang violent cities. (Chicago)

He has spilled America’s covert secrets to his favorite loyal media rag the
New York Times undermining all Americans security for the sole purpose to make his image stronger for re-election without concern for the damage it does to anyone else.

Yes, Clint Eastwood’s parody was a direct Dirty Harry hit on the truth’s bulls-eye that would be funny if it were not so tragic at the same time.

Given that this president has chided, dictated, ignored, abdicated and fomented divisiveness among Americans maybe an empty chair for the last four years would seem preferable than the empty soul that sits on that chair.

Maybe Clint is wrong in that this president can go “Blank himself” because he has shown a great and consistent skill to “Blank” our country and wants to move “Forward” to “Blank us” some more. Go ahead Mr. President continue to campaign to divide us but I do feel lucky to have Romney and Ryan to make America’s new and hopeful day!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


The Gibson Guitar company has finally been able to shake the government off its back by a settlement agreement in which no criminal charges will be filed while Gibson pays $300 thousand to the feds and then makes another $50 thousand dollar community service gift to the Fish and Wildlife Service.

The owner of Gibson Guitar was faced with the prospect of spending millions of dollars fighting in court or spending a little over a quarter of a million dollars in a settlement rightfully chose to move forward.

The company would have remained in limbo for years in a court fight whereas now Gibson can resume operations to make quality guitars again.

Back in the glory days of mob control of certain sections of inner cities shop owners would come to open their stores to find it had been ransacked. Before they could assess the damage and pick up the phone to call police a few goons would approach the shop keep extolling their sympathy and proposing deterrence for the future.

For a weekly fee this goon squad would insure that this shop owners business would be protected from theft and vandalism. The savvy shop owner knew as he stared into the lifeless eyes of the mob connected soldiers that they in fact were responsible for the damage to his shop. Word had spread fast that if the shop owner were to make the mistake of refusing this protection he could expect a worse threat to his business. The choice to accept the mob protection was an “offer you can’t refuse” or a “Damned if you don’t, damned if you do” false choice called extortion.

If anyone thinks that the Gibson Guitar case is either unique or singular in the many federal agencies and regulations that have put both business and individuals in the crosshairs of government heavy handed authority think again. Below you will find a well written article that delves not only into the government’s heavy handed regulatory authority that is strangling the American Dream but the lesser known use of proposed regulation used by our politicians to fill their campaign war chests.

“ Politicians call legislation that is intended to extort campaign contributions from a business or industry “milker bills” or “cash cows.” As explained by one California legislator, a politician “in need of campaign contributions, has a bill introduced which excites some constituency to urge [the legislator] to work hard for its defeat (easily achieved), pouring funds into his campaign coffers.”7

Another name politicians have given to such legislation is “juicer bill,” since they are designed to “squeeze” cash out of corporate coffers in return for not harming the corporation with proposed legislation and regulation. So-called “fetcher bills” are also said to be capable of “fetching“ gobs of campaign cash.”

It is another level of corruption used by politicians that is less known and not reported that reminds one of a childhood threat. One sibling sees another doing something that their parents have forbidden and the sibling threatens to go “tell on” the child. The worried sibling pleads and offers a bribe to the tattletale for their silence and the secret is kept. (Only the sibling threatening to rat knows that it was a bluff they would not have followed through with even without compensation for their silence.)

These dastardly tricks by our politician to commercial business are long standing and completely acceptable to Americans who are ignorant or have been indoctrinated to jealously loath business. Increasingly we see politicians use this unethical game of threat and coercion yet there remains too few of us that extol the same empathetic reaction to businesses and corporations as we do the extortion of individual property owners harassed by EPA.

All business owners are individuals and yes there are always bad apples among individuals but to paint a sweeping negative image that all businesses are greedy demonic creatures that should be whipped, chained and blamed for all ills in our society is the indoctrination by the left we have allowed far too long.

It is one thing to be offended that corporate lobbyists sit amongst our politicians trying to persuade their vote on legislation but it should anger us much more to realize that these politician create the influence game in a calculated way by propose legislation to “Juice”, “Milk”, and “Fetch” that lobbying attention and campaign contributions purposefully.

To say that the Tea Party movement must change our government’s over regulation and legislative tyranny is true but if we neglect to teach the next generation a pro-capital and limited government mindset that tyranny will return.

Gibson Guitar did what it had to do to in order to remain a viable company in an ever increasing hostile free enterprise America. We need to feel sympathy for the individuals and the businesses being raped against the wood paneling of Washington’s backroom because both banjos are being played for victims that need deliverance from government corruption.