Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The tragedy that occurred in the Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Connecticut is depraved and senseless and conjures in all our minds the truth that life is precious and precarious.

All Americans are saddened and sickened by this slaughter of youth by a young man who obviously was consumed by an evil dark force. Others look to blame more than the evil doer opting instead to spread the blame to include everything from guns to our society’s values. 

Trying to deconstruct and understand his deranged motivation in the aftermath of this disturbing carnage seems both urgently necessary and pointless at the same time. Some feel that by understanding what instigated this predator we can somehow prevent him and those similar to him from acting on their sadistic twisted plans, but can we?

We hear psychiatrist and other mental health professionals make the claim that with proper intercession this killer could have been treated or confined in a facility so as to prevent their violent aggression. The question that remains however is how? 

How have we ever been able to both adequately diagnose the psychopath or the sociopath that walks among us acting completely normal while they hide their deep frightful secret that they have a complete void of empathic sentiment? The answer of course is no.

Have we the right to have officials lock up, an imprison free thinking human beings suffering  a mental disorder or not that express violent thoughts but claim they would never act upon them? The answer is both no and never should we consider that tyrannical an option. 

Have we ever been able to cure with either drugs or therapy the callous heart of the psychopath? The answer is no. 

Doctors and medicine may be able to help and assists the patient that seeks cures but many chronic cases of both psychical and mental illnesses are only managed through drug and therapy. When a patient decides to stop taking their medications or lies and deceives professionals that they are taking their medications then all bets are off.

Psychiatrists also assume that after a number of tests and interviews they have the medical knowledge to ascertain the level of a patient’s violent tendencies and make a clear and correct diagnosis as to whether an individual poses a threat to society. Are they ever wrong? Yes.

We need only look at our parole system to understand that the criminal mind is smart enough to tell professionals exactly what they want to hear, knowing that if they honestly exposed their true thoughts they would never be granted their freedom.

Therefore, knowing how impossible it is to read the mind of any human as to their desire and capacity to visit this kind of sadistic hell of deadly violence on our society what do we do?

Sadly, we once again have small minds turning the blame to inanimate objects as the cure to these cursed events, or calls for gun bans. This notion that guns kill people seems to distance the crazy shooter from accountability. For those mass murders that don’t end up committing suicide why don’t their lawyers argue that the guns made them do it? 

Guns, knives, poisons, explosives are all lethal objects in one hand and protection, constructive tools, disease control and hazard clearing devices on the other hand, when used for good over evil. To those sick souls seeking mayhem and violence the list of destructive means and weapons for their sadistic intents is very long indeed. Banning guns will not stop evil from predating on the public just as more laws never deters the hell bent anti-social criminal it seeks to curb.

The real question all should be asking is how do we protect schools and public places from these compassion-less killing machines disguising themselves as human beings? 

The unarmed principal of the Sandy Hook school tried to grab the gunman’s weapon in a clear act of bravery. Imagine if she was instead armed. Perhaps in a blaze of bullets both the gunman and the principal might suffer the same lethal fate but then 20 children would have been spared death.

Perhaps science might be useful as well in designing a robotic security guard capable of taking on the shooting maniac so that no-one’s life is lost except the rabid human killer that deserves to be fast tracked to hell.

Blaming the mother for this deranged human being’s action isn’t fair. Blaming society for this deranged animal acting sociopath isn’t fair. Blaming guns for this deranged sicko is equally not fair. 

We are not telepathic, we cannot read the minds of these ticking time bombs of mayhem and therefore more of them will be born. More of them will appear normal until their acts of inhumanity. More of them will seem quiet and unassuming until they expose their secret empty hearted satanic plan that endangers us all. 

Therefore, the only answer is not to ban guns or lock up all those who have a mental illness but instead to have the public educated for quick reaction to crises. Since teaching fire safety and doing drills with children and adults the loss of life caused by fires has been significantly reduced in our society. Quick reaction during a time of danger requires a plan of action and egress planned in advance of a panic situation. Therefore, we need madman plans that result in a quick response to these devils of destruction.

Equipping our schools and public building with more emergency exits, along with having plans between ourselves and loved ones in advance of a threat works. Parents warn their children against fire and sexual predators so adding the gun shooting lunatic to their list of worst case scenarios should be included. Teaching the public how to best respond to this mass murder mayhem has been woefully lacking for too long.

Mall security should not be a lame comedy movie but a legitimately trained response force. Schools should have an armed security force as well that operate behind the scenes not scaring little kids by patrolling the hallways locked and loaded. Or making our schools seem like prisons to our children. We can do a far better job than just calling 911 and waiting for help to arrive while many people are slaughtered by suicidal psychopaths.

If the Sandy Hook school had emergency doors in every classroom that could be both blown open by a principal or teacher by pulling a switch, think of the lives that might have been saved. If closed circuit video showed the gunman to a school’s security guard who could drop the killer in a hallway before he killed or at least drop him to greatly reduce the number of his victims then we would be talking intelligently not stupidly about safety.

Banning guns and locking up all the people you think might be potentially violent is a fool’s rant. In the era of terrorism be it by religious zealots or sociopathic madmen we as a society need to think of ways to quickly react to neutralize the threat and save lives.