For decades the Democrat Party has promoted their socialized
big government policies on the American people, and deftly managed to get
feckless members of the GOP to join them. When those policies failed to deliver
or came up scandalized they always had the ability to blame the GOP.
The Democrat’s excuses were numerous but predictably
pre-cast protests. One familiar excuse was that the GOP resisted raising the
revenue for the program and therefore its failure was caused by underfunding.
It might be considered a lame excuse for any paying attention, but it has
worked for Democrats with the sound-bite information voter.
Another deflection deception by the Democrats for their
failed policies was that the legislation did not go far enough. They blamed the
GOP for watering down their Bill to the point that it stalled and sputtered its
The Democrat’s remedy to all of their failed policies has
always been twofold, double down on the funding and undue the Republican amendments
to their bills that wrecked the workability of their otherwise successful
Yet, what do they say now that the American people know that
Obamacare is wholly a Democrat Bill? There is not one GOP fingerprint on that
bill. It is their healthcare reform bill, their scheme of funding, their rules
and regulatory dictates without a peep of input from the GOP.
Well, we see that Obama and the Democrats are desperate to
seek a scapegoat. Their usual straw man is absent from the room. So guess who
Obama and the Democrats are trying to pin their donkey tail on the excrement
leaking from their uni-corny healthcare bill?
Yes, the insurance companies, the same companies that jumped
into bed with the Democrats out of lust and fear. Americans should not feel sympathy
for those Insurance companies, but we should know that they are getting
screwed. Why did they agree to lie in bed with Democrats to begin with, you
might ask?
Well, here is the short simple basic answer; greed and
control. You see, the insurance industry knew that the Congress was going to
pass legislation governing their industry sooner or later. They knew that some
of the proposals being kicked around by both Democrats and Republicans would
hurt their profits.
Therefore, it is like a child being told by parents that
their room will be cleaned, either the child will clean it, or the parent will
come in and clean it. The child knows if the parent cleans it then they will
throw out their prized possessions not appreciating the treasures and treating them
as trash.
The Democrats allowed the insurance companies to write
Obamacare under their editorial approval. This allowed the big insurance companies
two benefits. One the insurance companies would have more control over their
own fate. Two, these big insurance players would be able to handcuff their
smaller competitors legislating them to fail under Obamacare and then gobble
them up and to grow and get bigger. The fact is the Democrats have screwed
those insurance companies. Well, suffice to say pity, is the last thing
Americans should feel for any companies in bed with Washington.
Americans knew that Obamacare was not written by Senators
and or House members especially when Nancy Pelosi intoned the infamous oxymoron
“We have to pass it, to know what’s in it.” Yet cynically, the Democrats and the White
House made fools of both the insurance companies and the American people.
They knew that they needed a bridge to cross the country’s
private insurance market ocean before they could institute a single payer
government run healthcare system like Europe. Deviously they intend, and still
do by the way, to tank the big insurance companies profits (by regulating them
to fail) then get Congress to come to their bail out rescue.
Once the government takes over WellPoint, Cigna, Aetna,
Humana and United Healthcare as it did General Motors then passing a single
payer plan is easy. Americans will be duped into believing in free healthcare
even though as we all know nothing is free. The cost of every commodity in the
American marketplace will skyrocket with increased taxes in order to pay for
the single payer or national healthcare. Worse the quality of healthcare will
take a nose dive.
The Democrats assumed that they had snookered enough
American and that the website would be functional, such so the sheeple would
flock to sign up for Obamacare’s exchanges and it would be popular even though
some would be unhappy by cancelled policies. In fact Obama and some Democrats
still believe they can sell this turkey forward. Sorry but this tofu turkey and
all its fixins can’t be blame on the GOP.
Did Obama lie? Did Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat Party lie?
Wake up Americans, they not only lied they are still lying to you about this
fraudulent bill that dances with the devil of details. This is a one sided coin
in a con game that is still being tossed in the air to decide America’s future.
The bill has never been constitutional regardless of Justice
John Roberts legislating from the bench that a penalty is now known in our
English language as a synonym for a tax. Next time you get a speeding ticket,
or watch a football game you might as well call your ticket a tax and the
referee’s flag for a face mask grab, a 15 yard tax.
Obamacare needs to be repealed. Obamacare needs to be seen for
what it is, a fraud. The Democrats need to be told again by the electorate that
we don’t want a single payer big government solution to healthcare as we
expressed in 2010. This time we need to work extra hard to cull the cancer of
liberal ideology that threatens our nation’s foundational free market and small
government history.
Obamacare isn’t a train wreck it was a planned crash of the
private market that just imploded years before it was intended to blow up. Don’t
be fooled by the Democrats that are falsely feigning both ignorance and sympathy
for the millions suffering shrapnel, they are still playing their con game.