Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Once again Congress is being stonewalled by the IRS rather than release the Lois Lerner e-mails that were subpoenaed more than a year ago. The IRS excuse this time is that a computer crash wiped out all of Lerner's email correspondence both sent and received.

The IRS also said that the tooth fairy is real, the boogie man lives and the moon is made out of green cheese. Smidgeons are apparently also real. They must be smurf-like microscopic computer virus trolls that eat and destroy only government documents that would incriminate the White House. 
Congress can be angry, charge people with contempt but until they get serious and seriously get to the dirty muddy bottom of the IRS scandal, Americans will blame them along with the administration. The public has been patience (long enough) waiting for scandals to be fully, independently investigated but instead we have been treated to obfuscation, obviating and now obliterating of the evidence.

"Justice delayed is justice denied" and this administration has been allowed by Congress to ignore subpoenas, flaunt the law and bury evidence. It is unconscionable that Congress has allowed the IRS to delay, stall and make incredibly lame excuses for not complying with the law. It is not lost on the American people that this agency, the tax enforcement agency, itself, does not allow any American to use an excuse, even a credible excuse to avoid exposure, let alone a dog ate my receipts excuse.
Why are our representatives in Washington allowing officials and agencies to flaunt the law? It makes mockery of the term congressional oversight that is acting more like blind-sight. The most gullible American knows that when a wrongdoer is given enough time they will destroy evidence and cover their tracks. Why is Congress acting like it just fell off the turnip truck?

We have a majority in the House of Representatives and could easily appoint a special prosecutor to uncover the truth and the people involved. Outrage and finger wagging political braggadocio is not what the public expects, instead we want a deliberate and methodical criminal search for the facts.

If officials don't meet deadlines then put them in jail and make their subordinate provide the materials. Americans are fed up with bureaucratic investigations that brings a wet noodle gavel to serious criminal acts that have undermined the foundation of law and justice.

Enough of the hand wringing, it is time to bind some wrists and swarm the offices where the virtual paper trail evidence is stored and uncover the truth for the American people. 

If ever there were reasons, or a reason (Eric Holder under contempt as A.G.) for Majority leader John Boehner of the House to call for a vote on appointing an independent special prosecutor with the power to use computer forensic science to fully investigate the evidence of crime, cover-up and obstruction of justice, it would be now.

Americans are incensed with the inaction of our representatives who swore an oath to office to defend our Constitution and the integrity of our government. How can Americans be asked to comply with federal laws when federal officials scoff and ignore laws?

Congress is suffering from the many infections caused by this incredibly corrupt administration such as "smidgeonioutis", "phoniscandaloopus" and "onlyelectionsmattertous" that seems to cause similar symptoms for those infected. 

These symptoms include but are not limited to, comatose thinking, compulsive need to sit on hands, inability to focus, uncontrollable swelling of feet put in mouth, gastro-intestinal lack of fortitude, hypocritical reflexes that cause repetitive feckless flailing actions, allergic rashes to the word impeachment, addiction to lobbyists campaign narcotics, progressive deaf ear imbalance causing a constant leaning to the left, inability to sympathize with anyone working hard but not rich, blind to everything except the media spotlights and continued weakness of the back muscles causing spinal curvature that mirrors the fetal position. 
The only curative to these highly contagious beltway diseases is  the grassroots' tonic. It is a homespun remedy brewing across the nation in district stills and everyday more voters are joining the call to lead the Cantor-ing  horse manure makers, to drink from their wellspring.

Yes, they know they can lead their geldings to the well but they can't make them drink. Yet, patriotic Brats know, when the pig headed mule refuses to drink then you must trade in your nag for a steed.
After all, we the people, are the only medical specialists that can cure political constitutional-corruptive-itis.

Monday, June 9, 2014


The leader of the Democrat Party, President Obama has not only defied his oath of office, violated the National Defense Act but he has without the consent of the people, endangered all Americans both civilian and military by returning five mass murdering assets to the terror network. 

Congress needs to justify or impugn this President's dictatorial actions. Congress must answer to the American public, why the President is above the law, above the Congress, above the Constitution and above the security of more than 320 million Americans? 
Article III.
Section. 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Article. II.
Section. 4.
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

How much more aid and comfort can be given to America's enemy then by releasing their captured 5 top terror commanders ? When will their release cause more American life lost; because it is not a question of; if, these 5 mass murdering thugs will plan and carry out more unspeakable evil and death, just when. Who then is going to be held responsible if Americans die in the future due to these released mass murderers?

Our government is now facing an integrity crises. Congress has an obligation to represent the people's Constitution, defend this nation and it citizens, and ensure that the rule of law is applied to all, including the Executive Branch. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2014 required the President to notify the People's Representatives prior to taking any action on detainees. Securing a soldier held hostage is not an excuse to violate the law, regardless of the so-called exigent circumstances facing what we now know is a soldier who deserted. 

A signing statement does not contain the power to override the Constitution, rewrite law or grant imperial power to the Executive Branch. Most certainly it does not allow the President to unilaterally put our country and its citizens at risk. 

In fact the release of these dangerous men back to the battlefield goes against Obama's own words in his signing statement on December 26,2013 on the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014.  "Of course even in the absence of any statutory restrictions, my Administration would transfer a detainee only if the threat the detainee may pose can be sufficiently mitigated and only when consistent with our humane treatment policy."
How have these dangerous, destructive Islamic killers been mitigated? They have been released to the country of Qatar to be restricted from travel for one year. Really, is that a genuine mitigation of their threat to American's lives?

All the congressional Democrats supporting the betraying actions of this administration must answer 3 questions to the American people. 

One, show the American people the armistice agreement in which the Islamic terror groups have agreed to abandon all acts of savagery and violence against Americans? Calling this horrific negotiation with terrorists a P.O.W exchange, is an incredibly nonsensical analogy, as the war rages on.

Two, if the war is not over, then how is the return of senior office holders in the terror network not a violation of title 18 U.S. Codes against supporting terrorists? Where is the Commander in Chief exempted in title 18 § 2339A that starts with the declarative "Whoever provides material support or resources..." under the heading providing material support to terrorists?  There is no greater assistance that can be given to terror groups, then returning  their evil war criminals back to the battlefield to kill more Americans.

Third, is your Democrat Party supporting  an unaccountable executive dictatorship that answers to no authority; is your Party supporting a war on the Constitution?  

If not then your Party should be standing with the Republican Party and calling for impeachment  and a criminal investigation of the President of the United States for treason and high crimes.

Congress must grasp that the precedent set would be a fatal blow to our Constitutional Republic if this President is not impeached. Democrats must understand that by allowing this unilaterally rogue Executive Branch to wield omnipotent power and flaunt the law openly, it invites citizen oppression.

Today, the Democrats may have control of the White House and the Senate but in the future they will inevitably be sitting in the minority position, are they prepared to be silent if a conservative president acts with imperial deafness, ignores Congress, ignores the rule of law, and targets liberals?

The political parties are intransigent on public policy yet if ever there were to be bipartisanship it would be now. It would about preserving the rule of law, the Constitution and the preservation of the integrity of our Republic.

Democrats must take a stand against an unlawful and a dangerously unscrupulous President that has appointed to himself powers that would undermine the very fabric of our government.

If any Democrat supports this President's unlawful release of Islamic mass murderers and is unwilling to investigate his conduct for malfeasance in office under his sworn oath to defend the Constitution then they have deserted their oath of office as well.

They will be deserting  the Constitution, the rights of the American public, the role of Congress, the military, the rule of law, and the very foundation of our Republic for generations to come. Democrats cannot justify this action by their President and not be rightfully charged by every American as deserters from basic common sense decency!