Wednesday, November 5, 2014


The elections are over and the Democrats lost even more political ground than was predicted especially in the Governor's mansions across the country. Yes, nationally the GOP won the Senate and picked up an additional 12 seats in the House of Representatives, which is impressive, however what makes this election a significant tide turning event, was that blue states turned red.
The voters have spoken clearly to both the Democrats and Obama and they have punctuated their polled view that the country was headed in the wrong direction, with the ballots cast in this election. This election was not about political money, party power, better candidates, or sloganeering, it was about leadership and direction. Specifically a lack of leadership by Obama and a distaste by voters for the Democrat agenda for the nation.

War on women was a joke because Americans are realizing that the real wars are with radical Islam and hostile foreign nations viewing America as a weak bystander rather than the super power she needs to project. War on women is a joke compared to the real financial strife that middle class families are experiencing under Obama and the Democrats heavily taxed and regulated economy. War on women is an insult to mothers all across America seeing their college educated kids, who played by all the rules, being underemployed and unable to fly confidently from the nest with the prospect of success.

Did the GOP win or did the Democrats lose? I think it is more than fair to state with empathic certainty that the liberal policies lost and the GOP was the benefactor of their progressive radical ideology being rejected by Americans. This was not an election for something, rather an election against everything both being done and not being done in Washington by elitists ideologues.

Americans may be fooled at times by mainstream media propaganda and slick political advertisement, promising them positive change, but once Washington politicians throw Americans under the bus as Democrats have done on immigration, Ebola and job creation, then their eyes openly glare, stare and scare away the vampires.

The GOP benefitted big this past Tuesday but it is time for Republicans to unite around a popular agenda for the country, and not just sit around waiting for 2016. They must focus on three main goals and force Obama and the Democrats in Congress to join them or be seen as obstructing the voice of the people.

First, the economy. The debt burden, the wasteful spending of government and the lack of good paying jobs is not going to change unless Republicans pass legislation that repeals high taxes and regulations, and allows the economy to expand. If Obama vetoes those bills and Democrats support those vetoes then Americans will clearly see that Democrats are against job creation.

Second, a travel ban on Ebola and bills that secure our border and expedite more deportations of illegal aliens. Again if Obama vetoes and Democrats support Obama's vetoes, then they will be the Party waging a war on citizens.

Third, defund as much as Obamacare as possible, pass individual, stand alone legislation on healthcare such as buying insurance across state lines, policy holders protected from being denied coverage and present a private sector driven plan, not another government program to reduce healthcare costs.  

Until Obama leaves office, the 114 Congress should understand that by losing legislative battles with the President's veto pen, they will be gaining the opportunity to win the White House in 2016 and finally roll back the damage done to the country. 

The Republican Governors must stop taking federal bribe money and equally start pushing back against Obama's Democrats in Washington and lead the way toward economic growth by cutting waste, standing up to public unions and prove free markets work.

Yes it was an election wave, Tsunami and power washing shellacking, Mr. President. While you might ignore WE THE PEOPLE and go play more golf, your Democrats in Congress are holding on to driftwood as they float in an angry electorate sea, and we will wait and see, if Democrats float right or go down with Obama's lame duck sinking ship.    

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