Friday, May 15, 2015


If you ask big government lovers what the solution is to every incompetent, corrupt and dangerous practice exercised by the federal government, the answer is always the same: they need more money.

Never does the government-loving left ever admit a federal program or agency might be counterproductive, expedient or ineffective. They hold on to their federal bureaucracies as though they are precious keepsakes passed on from their beloved ancestry.

Also in keeping with their complete unabashed shameless hypocrisy they fail to see the irony of calling themselves "progressives" when they instead support the propping up of old failed policies while stifling progress and innovative change.

The recent Amtrak train crash is illustrative of the Democrat's recalcitrant and nonsensical argument that always is intoned to the ears of a "Gruberite" crowd. They argue that if those big bad Republicans just gave Amtrak more money, then the engineer that allowed the train to travel 106 mph on a track curve in Philadelphia rated for 50 mph, the disastrous crash would not have happened.

Obviously lowering Amtrak's federal subsidies was the reason for the crash, right? Obviously giving Amtrak all the money it requests would insure that there would never be another train crash, right? Obviously, if every federal agency and program was fully funded then government would be efficient, honest and make all our lives better, right?

Wrong is the correct answer, of course, but it brings up an interesting question. If this logic is so obviously ridiculous why, and better yet who, is being influenced and swayed by this constant barking of bunk by the left? A better question still, might be to wonder why they always need a punching bag? 

Of course no sane person would buy this  irrational response, but the left isn't trying to provide answers anymore, instead they are selling blame. Theirs' is a political "gotcha" game that points fingers at the liberal's Bogeyman; named Republicans.  

It has become such a nasty naked political trick for the left, that they have lost any faint hue of shame in parading their farce. The factual truth that their liberal policies have failed, time and time again, is the real bare bottomed embarrassment that causes them to lash out at conservatives rather than suffer self-reproach.

Recently the President made an incomprehensible accusation, that FOX news depicts poor Americans as lazy and undeserving. The President in true left-wing form, made this broad bushed statement while citing no examples, referencing no particular segments and showing zero evidence that his perception drew on any substantive fact, save his own esoteric ideologically driven mindset. Well, of course, if the President of the United States says FOX news is full of classism then it must be a fact, right?

Wrong again, but this isn't about sane dialog and intellectual discourse, this is about deflection, blame shifting and avoiding having to admit defeat. Perhaps I failed to mention that the President made these remarks at a Georgetown University panel meeting to discuss poverty. Constructive criticism or destructive scapegoating? I will leave the you to judge. 

The Democrats have sold themselves as the savior of the poor since Lyndon Baines Johnson declared war on poverty in his "Great Society" programs. Head Start, food stamps and work study all came out of the Federal Treasury to ensure that poverty would be significantly marginalize. Year after year, decade after decade Democrats continue to roll out the taxpayer cash on these programs even when data suggests poverty is increasing. 

Even the dimmest bulb understands that eventually a government that operates on the backs of hard working taxpayers to fund its bloated weight will need to shift its policies and priorities or see itself implode.

So what is the alternative that today's Democrats have for us to consider? What are their new ideas and innovative suggestions as to how to slow the rise of increasing poverty and crumbling inner city decay.
More federal spending is the only idea that the liberal Democrats have to offer the American public.

This double down on failure Party, this blame game Party, this federal program hocking Democrat Party is exposing its indifference to the very victims it claims to support. For the only people rising up above poverty and becoming rich from the current liberal government welfare programs, are political leeches like Bill and Hillary Clinton not the inner city single mom.

Instead of more, more, more, money, Americans must start shouting enough, enough, enough!  

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