Friday, March 10, 2017


Is anyone shocked by the release of the CIA secret spy kit, by Wikileaks that ominously named their disclosure Vault7? Is anyone surprised our government could not keep their secrets secret? Is anyone still naive enough, to trust a government that has been exposed as a sneaky snake, injecting its viperous venom against the 4th amendment right of citizens? The short answer, and the sad answer, is no. The belief in a government conspiracy, to hack, bug, spy, wiretap, eavesdrop, and remotely control everything from cars to residential electric smart meters, is a conspiracy theory that had legs, long before it had footprints, and now it has both. Its shadow walks brazenly into our bedrooms.
Weeping Angel is a fitting name, for a spy virus that devilishly eavesdrops via our turned off smart televisions, for that is a godless fallen angel, that flies in a  warrantless hell, making us all weep at the depth of the state's devilishness. 

The American public is beyond outrage, beyond trusting our Representatives in Washington, beyond ever returning to a naive notion, that our government is an innocuous federal body that seeks to protect its citizenry. The intelligence agencies in our government have been exposed, for what we always suspected them to be, a combination of corrupt and inept bureaucrats, we can't trust. 

The unholy mix of deception and bumbling has left the spy door wide open for even more sinister forces to enter our homes and lives. Wikileaks provided information on our government's spyware but also disturbingly informed us that many non-government entities, sub-contractors etcetera, have this spyware toolkit. 

Basically, the secret intelligence is not only no longer secret or intelligent, it has lied to American citizens, and invited security breaches into our internet devices. Through its deception and ineptitude, it has allowed this covert toolkit to fall into the hands would be sinister agents and hackers, by not keeping its own firewall hack free. Now, we all suffer intrusions into our private lives through their careless negligence. Like a doctor that treats you for an illness you don't have, then kills you with medication, the CIA has opened up Pandora's box on all our devices.

Their covert and underhanded mass spying shows arrogance and an infringement upon the right of free citizens to be protected from fact gathering before any unlawful act is committed. If upon some other time you are under investigation, can the government use the warrantless data already collected (in Utah's Metadata facility) to arm prosecutors with dirty data on you? Can they blackmail any American they wish? Can the government destroy your career, reputation and financially ruin you, even if they can't convict you. They can, they have, and they do. It is one of the big reasons Trump supporters want a smaller limited federal government.

Welcome to the new world of Orwellian order. Our smart technology has been treating us as fools at the feast, where we are the guests of honor as our privacy and rights are treated as a joke. Regardless of whether you buy or use this connected technology, you are caught up in its wide "peeping tom" snare of spying, like it or not. 

You can't live today, internet connection free, it isn't about avoiding buying a smart TV or the latest cell phone to keep ahead of the CIA, for it is almost impossible to buy any product in the modern world, be it  a car, dishwasher, or a microwave or that doesn't have remote internet connections. So unless you want to buy an old fashioned washboard, build a fire pit to cook your meals, eat squirrels and live "off grid" in a cave, our government can monitor you, spy on you, keep a covert dossier on you,  without a warrant, or rhyme or reason under the guise of national security. Does this make you feel safe or violated?

There is no longer any spy-safe privacy in America today, on every street corner stop light, shop and public park have cameras today watching our movements. So don't fight that traffic ticket because the camera doesn't lie. Or does it? Doctoring video is not difficult even for a novice, so would you trust this government not to doctor the footage if they were viewed you as their enemy? We do know this, not one official was convicted, fired or even slightly reprimanded for using the IRS as a political weapon against conservatives. Shouldn't that make it clear, that our government's politicians and bureaucrats don't follow the laws they write for us? Indeed, the incredibly voluminous and capricious laws that exist today, allows the federal actors to gang up on any one of us. That's called tyrannical power.

Beyond their covert spying is the lesser known government use of "administrative subpoenas". An administrative subpoenas is just as it sounds, a subpoena (warrant) issued not by the courts, but rather by a federal agency, (such as ATF for example) that claims a right to force an electric power company, a medical records company, a phone company and or all manner of businesses to hand over access to customer information and records, per their own un-reviewed suspicions of wrongdoing. No court or independent body is required in an administrative subpoena. Does that sound constitutional to you?

Meanwhile the NSA has billions of bits of data collected on law abiding citizens, and they haven't been forced to destroy this unwittingly, ill-gotten information they are storing in Utah. No, our dufus politicians in Congress do nothing to protect our 4th Amendment rights, either before, during and even after the warrantless invasions of our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Our privacy is being violated whole scale and instead, of thwarting the contamination of our constitutional rights by elitist agencies that play god with our fate and fortunes, lawmakers grow fat with pompous proclamations that citizens are being protected. 

It has been going on for years and neither Congress nor our court system seems to think this is an unlawful affront to our 4th amendment rights. The ends justifies the means, attitude by our government's anti-terror catch-all excuse, is boundary less, lawless and over ripe with corruption.

Media has the gall to defend Obama against wiretapping allegations during Trump's campaign, even when it was media that reported that un-named intelligence officials claimed General Flynn's phone calls were recorded, and that the transcripts proved he lied about the content of his conversations with the Russian ambassador regarding sanctions. That leaker to them was committing a felony.

Right, Obama is going to leave a paper trail for Congress to find, that uncovers the bugs planted in the Trump tower? Seriously? There is no paper, FISA warrant, or any trace evidence to come back and haunt Obama's covert corruption, only a whistleblower, unafraid of deadly reprisal, might unearth the buried bones of truth. Yet, even without evidence, does anyone believe it didn't happen?  
There are reasons we need spying, and Americans understand that, however, there is still that pesky thing called the Constitution and the 4th Amendment, that regardless of today's technological advances remains sacred to the people. The onus is not on the consumer to live in a cave in order to protect their freedom, privacy and rights, the burden is on our government to respect due process, and get their warrantless noses out of our personal devices.  

Congress should require the Utah facility to either justify keeping data on law-abiding citizens or demand we all have a copy of their extensive information on us, to insure it cannot be used in any court against us. FISA courts need to be brought out to the light of day. The Patriot Act needs to be amended to insure warrants are secured. Stupid representation must be replaced with office holders that both understand and uphold the Constitution. And the CIA needs to do less sneaking and leaking on American citizens, especially for political reasons. 

Americans are not afraid of the Russians, we are pounding our shoes on the table, because we are more worried about criminal moles inside our own government, that if left in place, and are allowed to operate with reckless treason, well it would be a grave mistake. Indeed, we would be burying, the home of the brave and land of the free.

Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you! (Khrushchev)

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