Monday, August 14, 2017


To all the pragmatists' philosophers and their followers, think this; if a tree falls in the woods without anyone to witness it, then above all else, it will still be another of God's magical creations, because humans can't make a tree. Add to that, media can't manufacture, facts and truth.

I think the reason so many Americans are drawn to the tender minded liberal viewpoint versus a tough minded pragmatic view, is their need to show compassion and forgiveness.  Therefore, even if a theory is incredibly naive and impracticable, doing nothing seems too harsh and uncaring, so most agree to do something. Despite knowing intelligently that, that something, (law, regulation, penalty, tax) is usually insanely defective, because it restrictively penalizes right doers and does nothing to cure the problem caused by wrong doers. Americans support legislative policies out of compassion for victims, rather than discern their effectiveness against problems that can't be cured.

Most Americans should have been taught at home and in school that society is not something that one can control, nor should one allow themselves, to be controlled by society, or any other group minded mentality. Being part of a group should not mean that one gives up any individual rights, any requirement to be responsible for one's actions, or any lessening of your obligation to think, act and react, as an independent accountable soul. 

This is especially true today when the corruption of our media is so brazenly animated against any and all opinions that are independent, conservative or not in lock step agreement, with progressive social justice warrior's politically correct, fascism. 

The term alt-right and white nationalism is an anti-Trump, anti-conservative, and most importantly anti-election voter smear, seeking to bully and shame millions of Americans, that do not want our history books altered, that do not want to embrace social micro-management, that do not want federal statism, and do not want to globalize America and lose our unique foundational freedoms.

The lies told by our media, our government and both political parties is that the country is divided by alt-left and alt-right hatred. Conveniently, helping the promotion of this alt-left versus alt-right narrative was the detestable events that unfolded in Charlottesville Virginia. The neo-Nazi are painted as representing all Trump supporters (LIE)  and the anti-protesters are painted as innocent bystanders (bigger lie).

 Excuse my language, but there is only one word for this narrative: "Bullshit"!   

We know that both, the Mayor of Charlottesville and the Governor of Virginia, had many weeks to prepare for the neo-Nazi group, that acquired permits to demonstrate. We know that they were also aware that anti-protesters (BLM and Soros backed left-wing agitators) were going to be bused to the scene to protest the protesters. Yet, the two groups were allowed to gain close proximity, and even a moron, can figure out that, gasoline and a lit match can only end in tragedy. 

The Neo-Nazi groups in America, do not represent Trump voters or the millions of conservative and libertarians in America. The Black Lives Matter groups do not represent the millions of Democrat voters in America. In fact, both these groups, if one wants to identify them are more alt-fringe than anything else.

The swamp dwellers (Congress) in Washington and the media, want Americans to believe that the nation is deeply divided on issues such as race, and religion, but the majority of Americans know that to be pure, hogwash. Our neighbors, friends and even family members are diverse and dissimilar and there no riots breaking out on our streets.

 However, when paid agitators jump into peaceful demonstrations, fur sometimes flies, and it is intended. Intended by the those that pay them, to agitate. Even town hall meeting have been infiltrated by paid SJW, (Social Justice Warriors) to scream support Obamacare and pretend that they are the constituents of that representative's district, which they are not.  

Call them the alt-fringe, or the alt-anarchists, or the alt-Astroturf or the alt-DNC activists or what they really are, a paid parade of agitators who have signs made for every gripe, and are used by the rich political elites, to justify their fictitious narrative, that Americans hate each other.

Neo-Nazi groups are small and idiotic racists, and no different than Black Lives Matter racists, except one is paid by political billionaires to grow their brand, while the other relies on loser morons to grow their hate-filled lunacy. And yes, both are small marginalized misfits in America that represent a tiny fringe faction in our country. So small in fact, it is laughable that they make any news.

The news they made in Virginia, was set up by "Never let a good crises go to waste" Alinsky tactics by the Democrat Governor McAuliffe and the media calling this an alt-right protest. Alt-right? No, it is alt-Wrong!

Murder is Wrong! Violent protesting is Wrong! Paid agitators bused to demonstrations is Wrong! Police allowing agitated groups to converge is Wrong! Not seeing that the gasoline would exploded near the lit flame, was Wrong.

The poor woman's family that mourn the lost her life in that riot, should sue the city and the state for their utter negligence in controlling a controllable situation. The nut-job murderer in that car, that killed and injured people, should never see daylight again.

However, it is equally insane, for fake news media, to call this protest turned riot, a micro-sample of America's political divide. Conservative and liberal Americans live in the same house and while we detest certain viewpoints, we don't hate one another, nor do we wish to kill one another! Period!

The media today is alt-wrong! The elitists deep state swamp of Washington is alt-wrong. The lack of common sense by our so-called representatives is alt-wrong. But most importantly, the eyes of the average American can clearly see, for the first time, the alt-universe of elitist puppeteers.  

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


There are lots of things about aging that can be made into a laugh, a joke or a witty remark, but the truly hardest thing about turning another year grey, are those wonderful family and friends you lose.

In Idaho, a man who lived on a mountain, a man who loved and served his country, a man who loved independence, freedom and America's pioneer spirit, joined those in history and became another echoing spirit, of American liberty. His name was Fred Houck, and although his mortal light flickered out, his shining spirit, still gleams as bright and vibrant as his determined will illuminated him, in life, as a distinctly fine and proud man. 

Fred passed on to the next world quickly and without warning but left a legacy of fond memories and chiding advice on being a free American, to those that had the privilege to know him. His most famous line, indeed, signature statement, was "We will not be ruled!"

He hated what liberalism (communism, socialism) was doing to his country, and he knew, as we all do, that the left is a small minority, that have infiltrated into authority positions, in our government and media. It makes them seem larger than they are, and Fred always had confidence, that eventually, the good traditional Americans of this country would rise up against the left's anti-American ideology. 

Fred believed in his countryman, and was always upbeat and optimistic. If you loved your country and wanted to keep its constitutional foundations, Fred would welcome your voice and friendship. We are grateful that he lived to see Trump become President, knowing that the tide was finally was shifting, from leftist sedition and corrupt politicians.

Fred knew that Americans came in all colors, races and original nationalities, and if you stood four square for your country, and was proud of her, then Fred saw you a compatriot that needed to do his or civic duty, to defend America's values. But rather than try and paraphrase Fred views and beliefs, I offer Fred's own words in which he elegantly expresses his deeply held convictions.

Author: hoodoo » Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:38 pm
"What is a Traditional American ?
When I was growing up I was a 'normal' American. Everyone I knew and every person society admired loved America and was proud of being an American. We knew that our representatives, for the most part, did as we directed, kept taxes low, respected and loved God, Motherhood, and baseball. We all knew the words and meaning behind our National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. We were Americans.

About the time I graduated from high school, and after that fat ugly guy beat the UN podium with his cheap shoe, the hippies appeared to declare the "establishment " so "over". The stolid old-fashioned traditions of Christian morals , Right and Wrong, and National pride, held by "conservatives" were disdained by the 'flower children'. I enlisted for War, they marched in the streets against us. Now I was a war-mongering, xenophobe, and a prejudiced, narrow-minded "conservative. The protesters were "Liberals"

As the hippies went from the streets to the faculties, from the faculties to the LSM, and the demorat party, I remained a "conservative". Now I was told that I was among the abnormal fringe, right-wing. Part of a much maligned bunch of flag-waving Patriots of a bygone age. So Over. The odd thing was that I hadn't changed my views or ideals since back when I was a "normal" American.

I still believed that America, as I knew her, is the greatest Nation in the history of man. I still believed in God and Judeo-Christian morality, in the absolute value of the nuclear, hetero-sexual family. Anyone who argued against America in my presence still had a fight on their hands with an opponent who never learned to quit.

I recognized years ago that too many good American citizens had disengaged from their duty as citizens. Too many were willing to ignore the tyranny of the ever expanding government in the hands of self-serving politicians. I didn't have a voice that reached beyond my friends and associates and felt powerless. The new media changed that for all of us. We have no more excuses. We must rise to our duty as citizens and fight for this Nation here at home.

I call myself a Traditional American so that others can recognize me as a citizen who believes in America's founding principles, our Traditions as Americans. I have found that this label does not recall the media applied stigmas that have become attached to all of us "conservatives". Am I also a "Conservative" ? Of course I am and anyone who enters a conversation about the state of our Nation for more than one sentence knows that immediately. The neat thing is that they are still making conversation instead of drawing preconceived conclusions.

We are called to our duty as citizens to awaken our fellow Americans, enlist them in this fight, and raise the strongest voice heard in 233 years for the Real Americans to stand to the line and never yield our place until Victory is etched in the granite of the heart of OUR Nation once again. Fight hard, never falter. WE will NOT be RULED !!"

I know that I am a better patriot for having met Fred Houck, but after all, America produces millions of examples of this simple Idaho American, all across this great land. It is why Fred loved his fellow Americans, his country and the promise it holds for his children and grandchildren, to pursue their individual happiness. The world has never known real freedom, before America was born. 

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo, Houck family! Your husband, father, grandfather was a wonderful man, who fought hard to keep you free and proud! It was an honor to know him.

Please follow this link and sign Fred's quest book.