Friday, October 27, 2017


So after all the Russian roulette finger pointing, it looks like we are back to the original radioactive scandal, that Obama and Clinton teamed up to collude with the Russians in two toxic ways. The Uranium One scandal and the GPS Fusion phony dossier.

Both of these scandals are toxic, indeed, downright treasonous, and yet last we checked, no grand jury or special prosecutor has been appointed by AG Jeff Sessions. 

The Uranium One scandal is an extremely serious breach of national interests and bribery corruption that leaves citizens angry and confused as to how officials in the Treasury, FBI and DOJ, either, slept or colluded, as Russia ate America's lunch and bribe bought, a uranium mine.

Bill and Hillary Clinton were enriched by the sale of Uranium One to the Russians, in the estimated amount of 33 million in donations to their Foundation and 500 thousand they personally pocketed. Looks like their yellowcake sale, paid big greenbacks to the Clinton gang, while Robert Mueller was FBI director and Holder was head of the DOJ. Does anyone doubt that the Washington "swamp" is real, and emitting radioactive fumes that caused the "Bushes" to burn,  political skin to "Flake" and swamp dwellers to seek to "Corker" the whole establishment outhouse, we call the beltway? 

There is currently a whistleblower who has information on the Russian bribery regarding Uranium One, who was threatened with jail time by Obama's DOJ Loretta Lynch and was afraid to testify before Congress because of a government NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement)? Seriously, Comey and Lynch made threats to imprison this whistleblower who wanted to go public to Congress about the Russian uranium bribery scandal. Criminal behavior by officials will never be thwarted if corrupt swamp people can force citizen minions to sign a sheet of "shut-your-mouth" paper, and threaten reprisal if they expose crimes against the state. Isn't that the level of justice one would expect from a Banana Republic? 

Snakes slither away because the reptiles involved, forced parties to sign a shut-up sheet? Fortunately, AG Jeff Session's just released the man from his NDA but going forward Congress needs to review its whistle blower and NDA laws. National security silence should never involved criminal prosecution when the whistleblower seeks to expose bribery and  law breaking on the part of corrupt government officials. One would think that any NDA should be considered null and void, the moment a citizen or official  stands up to corruption and seeks to supply the nation's top law enforcement agency with proof of treasonous and or illegal activity. 

But then again, this is why the Obama administration was so infuriating to citizens paying attention, no one questioned the ethics and the authority of the Obama White House, ever. Not the Republicans, the Press, the Judiciary or the many career civil servants, as his administration was allowed to operate stealthily without scrutiny. The many shady deals done under his helmanship should embarrass and shame all those that worked under his regime.

Worse, these FBI agents, DOJ prosecutors and career public officials continue in their jobs, unaccountable for why they did not speak up against the gross political weaponizing of their so-called service to their nation's  Constitution. A mob boss can't hire a hit man if all his capos refuse to cooperate, and even if all the capos are loyal to the boss and willing to commit immoral acts, that does not insulate the soldiers from accountability for the misdeeds. That means that even the lowest ranking FBI agent or CIA official or IRS agent that knew about the Hillary e-mail cover-up, the Obama corruption, the fake Trump dossier, or the IRS scandal is complicit and an accomplice to crimes against the state.

This is why our government is no longer trusted by the majority of the American people today, and equally why that distrust and disillusionment will grow stronger unless and until criminal penalties are meted out to those responsible, and the passive onlookers are fired without their pensions. 

Cops that watch cops violate the law, assault citizens and plant evidence against the innocent all while keeping silent, are just as guilty and shameless as the bad cop. In fact, an argument could be made that they are worse, since their silence enables the bad behavior and insures that more citizens will become victims of this blue-badge offender. And not until the bad cop is prosecuted and all those fellow officers that knew about the dirty cop and kept silent, are fired and punished will the healing of public trust begin.
America calls Washington the swamp for a reason, and America calls for justice for a reason, and America knows that without substantive punishment for the guilty then government will continue to be viewed as a hostile threat to the American citizen.

 Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid Fusion GPS to gather dirt on candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. A salacious unproven dossier mostly written with the help of foreign Russian agents was sent to the FBI and the CIA and also fell into the hands (wink wink) of British intelligence. This campaign slam book was then used by officials in our intelligence agencies to justify FISA warrants, unmasking of Trump campaign staffers, along with allowing Hillary Clinton during the campaign to state that 17 intelligence agencies believe that Russia was helping Trump become their Manchurian candidate for president. 

Remember Hillary's and Trump's third presidential debate;

Clinton -..."the Russians have engaged in cyberattacks against the United States of America, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the Putin line, sign up for his wish list, break up NATO, do whatever he wants to do, and that you continue to get help from him, because he has a very clear favorite in this race. So I think that this is such an unprecedented situation. We've never had a foreign government trying to interfere in our election. We have 17, ­­ 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyberattacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin and they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing."

 Oh and she incidentally forgot to tell the American people that she paid for the fake defamation documents, that the information was rubbish, that the Russians wrote most of it, and that she spoon fed the dossier to all the intelligent agencies as though it fell into her lap. That James Comey and the FBI offered to pay for the dossier, and that our top investigating agency might have used this fake dossier to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. We already know the dossier was used by Obama's intelligence agencies to smear the Trump campaign before during and after the 2016 election and is the primary reason Robert Mueller is still rooting around the President's pant legs. 
Meanwhile CNN is still trying to compare Trump's American apple pie (MAGA) to Hillary's Banana scream pie, (WHAT HAPPENED) as the only real, fake news, citizens should be served after digesting the oligachy's harvest buffet of Russian "zakuski" (appetizers) since the 2016 election.  

 No folks the swamp stinks. The swamp lives. The swamp is toxic, but now it has become radioactive or should we say retroactive, as the truth can no longer be submerged. Hopefully, as some real investigations canoe forward into the  deep state of Washington's murky water, rats will be caught, snakes will be bagged and the political swamp thing will be revealed before its fissile danger can destroy our nation. Save those rotten apples and over ripe bananas because the D.C. pillory is about to become full of swamp dwellers.