Friday, May 18, 2018


The way of the Deep State, to explain all their sordid nefarious affairs, that bust out of the closet, is by leaking the images of  lipstick wearing pigs and calling them beauty pageant runners up.

Swamp dwellers in the DOJ and the FBI leaked to the New York Times the story of a diabolical election intrusion into the Trump campaign, called "Operation Crossfire Hurricane" that sought to entrap Trump's campaign staffers in crimes of conspiracy. 

The sole intent, of these makeup smeared swine, was to indict Trump and malign his candidacy so Hillary Clinton could walk into the Oval Office, as easily as she rigged the DNC primary against Bernie Sanders.

If for some unknown "deplorable" reason, she lost the presidential bid, then the Trump Russian collusion scandal fomented by the entrenched deep state, would surely force the unwitting political novice, Trump, to scurry from office with his head in hand. Or so they hoped and connived.

But what these thieves of our Republic did not expect were two outcomes. One that Trump would handily beat Hillary Clinton and two, that Donald Trump does not cower to those that throw scandalous accusations his way. Some say it is his weakness, to need to slap back at his deriders, while others know it to be his strength, to slay the swamp of detractors, that live in Washington's pork rind whore house, as they roll in the mud, with their lackey liberal media bedfellows.

Which leads us back to why the New York Times, was chosen by the squealing deep state swine, to explain the indefensible. The liberal rag was tasked to find shoes that fit hoofed feet of this rancid political scandal, and a coverall that slims the corpulent sow, into not looking so beastly bereft of beauty. It did not succeed, as most of us await the fire spit, to skewer all the Obama administration piglets, that participated in what is the worst corruption scandal that could ever have been imagined, by the most creative of fiction writers. Yes, the smoldering coals are almost at temperature and ready to cook, deep state bacon.
The bad news for the Democrats and their unhinged media, is that while they cried constantly about a wolf out to eat the sheep, (Trump's Russian collusion) the true threat to the electorate, was the pig farm, (silent coup by Obama administration) that smelled in the air for months, growing stronger daily.

Even though mainstream media ignored its obnoxious odor, that wafted up the people's nostrils in great offense, most still noticed the stench of Obama's coup, in spite of the fragrant masking spray agents, media used, by a constant fanning of anti-Trump rhetoric. The truth was too acrid to disguise, especially when the perpetrators, huffed and puffed, about their egomaniacal superiority to Trump and his voters.

The soup on the Democrat and deep state stove wasn't Russian borscht, and it didn't smell like beets but instead their cooking stank, like someone spraying the excrement from a hog farm over every blade of grass in America.  

James Comey's charade book tour, that could be titled, " I was an angel, in service to the American people, in my own imagination", only increased the rancid odor. Mueller's sharecropping of low lying Papadopoulos fruit only solidified our suspicions that poisonous trees were being used to lead Americans away from the real cause of the olfactory affront, Hillary's elite immunity from prosecution for her crimes, and the ironic Mueller investigation, that without evidence of crimes, looked to prosecute Trump.   

The more the Democrats Schiff in their seats and make outlandish slurs against Trump's campaign staffers, slandering them as involved in a plot of Russian conspiracy to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, the more the public holds their noses and wonders if congressional immunity, makes lawmakers think theirs doesn't stink?

But it does smell. It smells bad. It smells so bad even the farm animals are mooing and moaning in disgust. Washington is not just a rancid cesspool of moochers and trough eating swindlers, but they now have dug their hooves deep into the fetid earth beneath their sty, and have treasonously tried to overturn this nation's stable pillar of our Republic. By boring out political tunnels into the opposition camp, they have not only savaged faith in democratic elections, they have made our country ripe for an elite dictatorship. It should make all Americans call for Obama's cabal of criminal swine to be excoriated with all public eyes upon them and until their hides become pork rinds.
How is it possible that the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ all conspired to smear, to spy, embed, entrap and create an "insurance policy" election coup, to stop Trump from being President, and to ruin his presidency as soon as possible, if their vile plot, failed to seat their queen, of sour scent, Hillary Clinton?

Beware America because the barnacles on our ship of state, cling to the sides of our listing ship with fierce strength, because the good guys in government have shown weak hearts, weak minds and weak muscles to scrap these invasive traitors off the Beltway walls and send them to Leavenworth, where they belong.

Sorry, devils but we don't need to be introduced, we are not pleased to meet you, and we have guessed your names! There can be no justice in America if Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Comey McCabe, Yates, Rice, Jarrett, Ohr and all of the other countless misfit minions like Strozk and Page don't end up, getting the full weight of the law reigning down upon their heads. 

Sorry, New York Times but you have failed to dress the pig as a seductively innocent sow and turn around the truth that "Operation Crossfire Hurricane" was just another dutiful covert operation by the FBI to keep America safe. We know it was a dictator-like coup that threatened and still threatens to rot our Republic from the inside out, if it hasn't already been devoured by progressive maggots.

Sorry, deep state swamp swimming elitists but you should be "schooled with a strap right across (your) backs." Those entrenched bureaucrats that hide in the shadows need to go back to the "toothless bearded hag" that raised them and hope they don't get jumped, jacked and flashed as the traitor cowards, that they smugly don't realize, they have been.
The rift raft of this country have more integrity than those in office, "but it's alright now, in fact, it's a gas" these Obama flash pan liberals will jump when they feel the jack hammer of truth, that is about to fumigate the stench of what was the Obama administration. 

Thursday, May 3, 2018


How dare Mueller and his cohort Rosenstein, tie up the hands of a duly elected sitting President, over their own sour grape vendetta! How dare the Republican Congress continue to funnel money to an investigation gone wild! How dare the Democrats and fake news media continue to gossip like insecure school girls, and detract against Trump, and the people who voted for him, every damn hour of every damn day! 

Americans are heading into primary election season amazed at how many dark clouds are clearing in their world, while the politicians are screaming for us, to not trust our own eyes.

Trump has made a big impact, both domestically and in foreign policy, in such a short time, in spite of the Mueller investigation, that uses fairyland law, to deem, collusion a criminal act, (which it is not), as Mueller's team of Democrats snoops into the President's affairs, like peeping Toms, pawing through a teenage girl's panty draw.

 How dare Mueller raid Trump's lawyer's office and defile "Attorney client privilege" like a  nosy parker. Why aren't  more lawyers  and organizations like the ACLU, not beating their chests, and demanding proof, why Mueller sinks his fangs, into one of the oldest recognized privileges?

The American people have been subjected to an ongoing charade by the swamp things in Washington, for over a year. Yet, no one in Congress has called a halt, to this unfair and despicable investigation in search of a crime.

The gang of political minions in the Beltway swamp, with the head muckrakers, Mueller and Rosenstein, have been roiling the Trump campaign waters looking for crimes, scandals and opposition ammunition, in order to deter any more outsiders from seeking elected office after Trump.

You see, both the Democrats and the Republican parties don't appreciate a non-bribe taking, non- donor driven and problem solving representative, from invading their corrupt political system. They don't want Trump to be successful because they don't want other billionaires to want to run to aid the country, because it would ruin their political game, of cat and mouse with the electorate.

Yes, it is just that simple, and disturbingly mafia-like of their mindset, of those who make their fortunes, off the political confidence game in Washington. The Senators and Reps aren't becoming millionaires because they marry up, no, insider trading and advance knowledge of things like off-ramps in their states, have allowed these thieves to stuff their portfolios with numerous financial goodies. Independent candidates without need or greed of money, would expose their good old boy swamp club, and they are incensed that voters would choose an outsider, over their familiar, two-faced, faces.

And if you think that this Mueller investigation is just a witch hunt that will fade away without finding anything in the tall grass, or just another goose chase in which one catches only feathers, think again. All the people that worked on the Trump campaign are being pressed, squeezed and pick-pocketed by a rogue federal government with zero accountability.

 Millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent to cause the people who worked on Trump's campaign, to spend thousands of dollars on legal fees, let alone have their families suffer the emotional stress, from a prosecutor that has used sledgehammer tactics, and guilty until proven innocent slander of witnesses.

How dare the swamp create a medieval inquisition in which the heresy, is of being associated with a non-politician, winning the presidency of the United States! How dare they violate Trump's privacy and all the staffers in his campaign, without any proof whatsoever, that crimes were committed! How dare they, yes they, the Swamp of Washington, handcuff one of the most transformative Presidents the American people have had since, say Washington, Lincoln, or Teddy Roosevelt, take your pick. 

The "silent coup" by the "deep state" has been outed but all its lies and subversive actions, yet most of the coup gang, still remain free of prosecutorial investigation, while a duly elected outsider to the swamp, has been encircled by both political creatures in Washington, to the determent of our nation. 

Americans want the book thrown at the real culprits, of real crimes, which includes Obama and his crew of sniveling seditious sycophants, that tried to rig the 2016 elections and install their queen of debauchery, Hillary Clinton.

Americans want the Mueller investigation to end and Congress to start working with the President for the interests of the average American and not their swamp donors.

Americans want exactly what we voted for, a President beholding to no lobbyists, no special interest, no hog tied trade and or treaty agreements, and a secure border that walls off terrorists and illegal aliens.

How dare you, (the swamp), continue to try and stifle the people's mandate! Well let's see how well you do in the upcoming 2018 elections. We dare you to keep subverting Trump policy. We dare you to keep selling us leftist lies in the face of pragmatic reality. We dare you to continue to thwart the American progress towards making our country great again. 
Yes we double dare you! (2016 and now 2018)!