Thursday, May 3, 2018


How dare Mueller and his cohort Rosenstein, tie up the hands of a duly elected sitting President, over their own sour grape vendetta! How dare the Republican Congress continue to funnel money to an investigation gone wild! How dare the Democrats and fake news media continue to gossip like insecure school girls, and detract against Trump, and the people who voted for him, every damn hour of every damn day! 

Americans are heading into primary election season amazed at how many dark clouds are clearing in their world, while the politicians are screaming for us, to not trust our own eyes.

Trump has made a big impact, both domestically and in foreign policy, in such a short time, in spite of the Mueller investigation, that uses fairyland law, to deem, collusion a criminal act, (which it is not), as Mueller's team of Democrats snoops into the President's affairs, like peeping Toms, pawing through a teenage girl's panty draw.

 How dare Mueller raid Trump's lawyer's office and defile "Attorney client privilege" like a  nosy parker. Why aren't  more lawyers  and organizations like the ACLU, not beating their chests, and demanding proof, why Mueller sinks his fangs, into one of the oldest recognized privileges?

The American people have been subjected to an ongoing charade by the swamp things in Washington, for over a year. Yet, no one in Congress has called a halt, to this unfair and despicable investigation in search of a crime.

The gang of political minions in the Beltway swamp, with the head muckrakers, Mueller and Rosenstein, have been roiling the Trump campaign waters looking for crimes, scandals and opposition ammunition, in order to deter any more outsiders from seeking elected office after Trump.

You see, both the Democrats and the Republican parties don't appreciate a non-bribe taking, non- donor driven and problem solving representative, from invading their corrupt political system. They don't want Trump to be successful because they don't want other billionaires to want to run to aid the country, because it would ruin their political game, of cat and mouse with the electorate.

Yes, it is just that simple, and disturbingly mafia-like of their mindset, of those who make their fortunes, off the political confidence game in Washington. The Senators and Reps aren't becoming millionaires because they marry up, no, insider trading and advance knowledge of things like off-ramps in their states, have allowed these thieves to stuff their portfolios with numerous financial goodies. Independent candidates without need or greed of money, would expose their good old boy swamp club, and they are incensed that voters would choose an outsider, over their familiar, two-faced, faces.

And if you think that this Mueller investigation is just a witch hunt that will fade away without finding anything in the tall grass, or just another goose chase in which one catches only feathers, think again. All the people that worked on the Trump campaign are being pressed, squeezed and pick-pocketed by a rogue federal government with zero accountability.

 Millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent to cause the people who worked on Trump's campaign, to spend thousands of dollars on legal fees, let alone have their families suffer the emotional stress, from a prosecutor that has used sledgehammer tactics, and guilty until proven innocent slander of witnesses.

How dare the swamp create a medieval inquisition in which the heresy, is of being associated with a non-politician, winning the presidency of the United States! How dare they violate Trump's privacy and all the staffers in his campaign, without any proof whatsoever, that crimes were committed! How dare they, yes they, the Swamp of Washington, handcuff one of the most transformative Presidents the American people have had since, say Washington, Lincoln, or Teddy Roosevelt, take your pick. 

The "silent coup" by the "deep state" has been outed but all its lies and subversive actions, yet most of the coup gang, still remain free of prosecutorial investigation, while a duly elected outsider to the swamp, has been encircled by both political creatures in Washington, to the determent of our nation. 

Americans want the book thrown at the real culprits, of real crimes, which includes Obama and his crew of sniveling seditious sycophants, that tried to rig the 2016 elections and install their queen of debauchery, Hillary Clinton.

Americans want the Mueller investigation to end and Congress to start working with the President for the interests of the average American and not their swamp donors.

Americans want exactly what we voted for, a President beholding to no lobbyists, no special interest, no hog tied trade and or treaty agreements, and a secure border that walls off terrorists and illegal aliens.

How dare you, (the swamp), continue to try and stifle the people's mandate! Well let's see how well you do in the upcoming 2018 elections. We dare you to keep subverting Trump policy. We dare you to keep selling us leftist lies in the face of pragmatic reality. We dare you to continue to thwart the American progress towards making our country great again. 
Yes we double dare you! (2016 and now 2018)!

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