Tuesday, June 19, 2018


The long awaited Inspector General's report is now before our eyes and it is both, a narrative of what we already knew and expected, while also being a whitewashed document.

Of course it has tad bits of information, such as how the media bribed federally officials with sporting tickets and free dinners to obtain leaks. And yes it provides new text messages that shed light on just how much these elitist's snobs, spew vile invectives about the electorate. However, it concludes that justice was not waived for Hillary Clinton, which is a whitewashing of the truth and an unmitigated and disgraceful pander to federal authority.

We will never be able to drain the swamp, if a slap on the wrist is the only result from this traitorous coup attempt by Obama's gang of partisan posses. Learning that our government covered up crimes, selectively leaked information, by a media handing them candy, and tried to seat one candidate and ruin the campaign opportunity for the opposition party, is Cuba and Castro-like, not American and lawful.

Worse, shortly after the release of this document that proves that the FBI violated the law and every ethical protocol it stands for, the new director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, has the cheek to claim, that there was not bias at the FBI, and with better training the agency will be just fine. 

Oh but then again, it does get worse, because Attorney General Jeff Sessions praises the new FBI director's comments, as though the DOJ and the FBI only tried to steal a cookie from the proverbial jar, and like impish faced schoolboys, felt an apology is all that is required, to move on.

No Mr. Attorney General, and no Mr. Director, these aren't cookie crumbs, these are allegations of traitor-ship and subversive behavior, that have Americans blood boiling in their main arteries. How dare any in the Deep State try and downplay the evidence, we see before our eyes, now that the sewer cap has been removed, and we only get a glimpse of the fetid stank that lies below our shining city on the Hill.

Why should Americans have confidence in an FBI so easily swooned by bribery, to sell out our nation's foundation of law and order. Why should we trust a Department of Justice, that has brought forth zero justice, for the victims of Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS and instead allowed the deep state corruption to creep, to fester and lead to an election coup, by the schemer in chief, Obama and his plaque recreant rats. 

No AG Jeff Sessions, Americans do not trust the DOJ. We do not trust the FBI. We do not, and will not believe, that this farce of justice is a small matter, that can be swept under the rug by a changing of the top guards. The prosecutors in the DOJ did not speak out. The agents in the FBI did not speak out. The corruption has legs deep into both departments, as deep, as that dark cavernous sewer hole, that portends to snake itself throughout the underground tunnels, under the people's Capital.

Americans are tired of wishes, promises and halfhearted apologies. We want indictments, we want prosecutions of all, (including Obama) involved in the criminal sedition of destroying our nation and the public trust. Nothing less than that, will ever convince the people, that the Deep State has been put on notice and the sewers have been filled with cement.

So we wait again for another report, while the perpetrators wine and dance proclaiming their innocence and hoping their unrepentant lies will leave them free from accountability.

Justice is slow, indeed painstakingly sloth-like in its speed, which makes the expression "swift justice" an oxymoron, however, we the people will wait for as long as it takes, for our country to find its senses and dispense with traitors.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


The revelations that the Trump campaign was wiretapped and scandalized based on a warrant from a  dossier, paid for and requested by the opposition party, Hillary Clinton, would be at any other time in media, a colossal corruption story! 

We would have 24 hour coverage of the latest tidbits of information scooped out by ambitious journalists. We would hear the drumbeat of questions asked of Barrack Obama: "What did the president know, when did he know it, and what did he do with the information that was obtained?" Instead, the story is hidden on the back pages.

Who killed journalism? Who killed unbiased reporting? Who killed the press's allegiance to their one and only boss, the truth? The globalist corporations have taken over America's newsrooms and are no longer the watchdogs for the American people, but instead our media outlets have become long commercials for the interests of billionaire oligarchs seeking to sell America's assets, as easily as Hillary and Obama sold our uranium to the Russians.  

How does the country take back the news rooms from the conglomerates with multinational interests, that want to erase the lines of sovereignty, in order to profiteer? 

For make no mistake, Big Brother is already here and altering how Americans buy, sell, trade and think about society, without any push back by those in Congress, that Americans expect to represent both the citizens and our Constitution. 

Facebook, Twitter, cell phone companies and media monopolies have thumbed their nose at the Bill of Rights and have violated the public's privacy because they make money selling information. Our government does nothing, why? Well, that's because our government is spying on the citizen as well, but using it to supposedly to catch "bad guy" only.

Now we have a political party (DNC) so corrupted by power lust, that they earnestly sought to rig a presidential election by lying to the courts to obtain warrants, listening to private conversations, planting spies in the opposition's campaign, and cajoling the egos of staffers for the purpose of entrapment, all for the sole purpose to produce a narrative of wrongdoing, that would convince the electorate not to vote for (Trump) a Putin puppet. 

It is so vile, so unlawful, so despicable and so un-American, our nation has not yet begun to process the devilishness of this intricate web of lies and spies we have dubbed the "silent coup".

Yet, silence is the operative word, because our syndicate media is as much a part of this unfolding scandal, as are the many officials in the Obama administration. 

We have heard that there are honorable FBI agents that are appalled at what Comey and McCabe were doing to their agency. We have heard that there are career prosecutors at the DOJ that are upset at what Holder and Lynch did to destroy trust in the justice department. We have heard that honorable men and women served our country under these unscrupulously traitorous bureaucratic hacks, but how does that comfort us?

They never spoke up. They never blew the whistle. They went about their jobs silently angry perhaps, but nonetheless dutifully quiet while Obama's corruption flourished.

Trump won the election, but what if he didn't? Would any of this coup be exposed? Would Americans know anything about the sham called the 2016 election, replete with fake dossiers, British spies and fraudulent warrants? 

No, the answer is no, the silence would be deafening by a cartel media interested only in being a lackey for their corporate owners. The media was in love with Hillary, not the public. The media prop up the numbers in her campaign rallies that were tiny in comparison to Trump's crowds on the campaign. Corporate America wanted Hillary to win because the "devil you know, is better than the devil you don't know". Hillary was bribable and all the corporate oligarchs knew that about her. Trump was the unknown.

So, all these FBI agents and perhaps some DOJ people want to speak to Congress, now. Now, after a year and a half of Mueller's poison tree investigation into the completely fabricated narrative of a Trump and Russian collusion conspiracy. Gee, thanks government agents, for sticking your necks out, NOT.

If Hillary was in office would you still be willing to talk, or would you be doing the queens bidding and asking no questions? Being a whistleblower is rough, and you lose a lot, job, career and reputation, however you swore an oath to the country's Constitution. Your silence when Obama and his men sullied our nation's Constitution was cowardly because you promised to "defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic" and did not speak up during or even after the 2016 campaign ended. So thanks for proving that a coup, is not only possible in our government, but forebodes that there will be more clever coups in our future.

As for the Oligarchy we currently are living under by media, We the People are going to have to be our own news source, by rejecting corporate talking heads and suing social media that bans us and remaining skeptical about our government and political parties.

  Get out your ten foot pole and keep the politicians and the talking heads at a safe distance, from you and your children, because the corporate interest, are only interested, in selling you out!