Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Liberals want big government, oodles of laws and regulations to control how we shop, travel and eat. Liberal progressive have an Orwellian desire to control on our media and social networks, in order to indoctrinate the masses on liberal ideology in order to control thought, culture and eventually raze capitalism so we all become slaves of the state.

Their cult-like belief in a socialist utopia is born out of 3 groups of agitators pushing America toward its Roman downfall. One, are the what I will call the Progressive-cultists followers. These are the true believing simpletons willing to parade for the cause that have been indoctrinated from grade school. Their shallow thinking leads them to expect their lives will be happy and complete, if America adopts socialism, rids itself of Christianity and practices the religion of environmentalism. These people are naive, ambitionless and seek to blame society for their failure to find success in more conventional ways. Some wake up and grow up and out of their moronic viewpoint, while others stubbornly refuse to accept logic into their lives.

The second group are the power-cultists, these are politicians, corporations and all those that seek to benefit from controlling society. They and only they will be powerful in a socialistic world, where they will make the decisions for the masses and be able to keep the goodies for themselves. 

The last group we can call the expedient-cultists. They don't care about the culture, or the utopia but rather their interest is in being able to selfishly game a new system. Be on the ground floor of a new money market, a new Wall Street if you will, so as to enrich their portfolios, or to have the government bail out their businesses. Their interests are purely self-serving and greedy. They know that when old systems are over-regulated, banned or phased out they can invest in the new pretty toy on the block.

George Soros would belong to the expedient-cultists, while Pelosi and Schumer are aligned with the power-cultists and liberal university students would be in the Progressive-cultists group.
All three progressive pot stirrers have the same goal, marginalize our Constitution, change people's buying habits and control citizen's life from birth to death.

Socialism centralizes government, while a Free Market system makes government an outside arbitrator that sets equal rules on the playing field. What America is today is neither socialism nor a Free Market, instead we have termed it a mixed market. Basically, it is a half breed, a mongrel between socialism and capitalism, in which the government has been handed extraordinary power over people's lives.  

Liberals and Progressives want to push our mixed markets into socialism, and some corporations support that idea as long as government doesn't micro-manage their business, all because they enjoy the loan guarantees and bailouts that the federal government offers, otherwise known as corporate welfare.

Small business however are hurt by socialism and mixed markets because they are too small to bail out and government props up their big business competitor, never allowing a fair fight in the marketplace.  When the government steps in to bail out big failing business they save jobs but don't allow small business to grow. If there is never a void left by a large failing business, then small business expansion, entrepreneurial start-ups and competitive innovations suffer. In a Free Market system a bust from one business, is a boom for another. Thus voids are always temporary and normal in the economy that is suppose to fluctuate with ebb and flow.

Our government has  mixed our market by using a form of socialism using counter protective tinkering with regulation, bailouts, and government promoted market capitalization for things like green energy and alternative fuel subsidies. In putting its thumb on the economic scale it has maintained the economy in theory, but has damaged wages, innovation, consumer options, prices and most importantly job creation in America. 

Liberals claim that all the immigrants that come to the United States just want to start their entrepreneurial dreams, however control freak liberals have ruined that dream. These are the same people that support multiple safety and environmental regulations, class action law suits, operation licenses and zoning requirements, just to wash customers hair. The immigrants that came to America at the turn of the 20th century, had skills and worked for cash out of their homes until their cliental became lucrative enough to open a salon on main street. Given today's rules imposed by liberals, the stairway to being a successful immigrant is almost shuttered completely.

It was capitalism or the free market, that allowed our great grandparents the opportunity to rise above the poverty they left from the old country, to the Middle Class life they enjoyed in America. Today's mixed market requires the immigrant to break the law in order to achieve their American dream, and if we were to adopt full socialism, the dream would die out completely.

Socialism thwarts entrepreneurial markets in many ways:

 One, by propping up big business when it fails and not allowing competition to advantage failure.

Two, by over regulations by federal and state laws that make the start up costs for small business financially difficult, let alone, littered with liability under our sue happy society. 

Three, by government fiat, not the consumer, deciding suitable products such by CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards, what new cars will be made, making the government not the open market the driver of what products are deemed safe and preferred. 

Four,  by allowing government corruption of our legislative process in which lobbyists of industry end up writing the legislation that governs them, as in the Affordable Care Act, written by big Insurance companies to benefit their interests over smaller carriers.

Five, by keeping large corporations solvent and negating the organic nature of boom and bust, creating work security at the expense of worker advancement. When there is large scale unemployment people assume the news is all horrible, but the reality is, that many of those temporarily unemployed, find more rewarding and lucrative careers, jobs  and small business ventures that they might not have pursued, if not being laid off. 

Six, invariably an oligarchy forms, in which it becomes apparent that our Congress no longer has the stomach or the political strength to fine, regulate or control the titans of big business. The Lobbyists hold government's campaign purse strings and threaten to pull donations if their demands are not met, and all of us become enslaved as a corporate soldier, with little power. 

Seven, government can do certain things to induce production if and when there is a supply shortage, caused by drought or blight in a free market, by enticing millions of small businesses to pick up the slack. However, in socialism the oligarchy will quickly savage the small business markets first, in their quest to own the consumer street. That means government no longer has any leverage against a monolithic oligarchy and therefore can't help people in a wide scale supply shortage. "All your eggs in one basket" is another negative characteristic of socialism.

There are many more discouraging demons to the idea of socialism, greed, favoritism and dispensable victims are made worse by a system that claims to seek parity. Equal is great with shared wealth and equally miserable in shared misery.

But liberals want power, control and equality, like a father punishing his children equally even though their offense, age and awareness varies greatly, they all received the same back of the hand.

Liberals should understand that free market conservatives want equal opportunity, not equal outcomes as in socialism. The father in a conservative home would make the rules equal for all his children and yet the (outcome) punishment, would be based on the offense, age and awareness, some would be punished, some would be admonished and some would be immediately forgiven.   

The control freaks of the left need to wake up and realize that socialism is an enslaving nightmare, while Free enterprise (capitalism) is why all those illegal aliens are trying to cross the border. They are running from dysfunctional economic systems, like socialism.