When we look at our Department of Justice we see a group of prosecutors protecting government corruption. When we look at our Federal Bureau of Investigation we see clear bias to only recommend indictment of conservatives. When we look at our Central Intelligence Agency, we see it an agency turning inward to destroy our Republic.
When we look to the courts, we see liberal jurists ignoring the Constitution. When we look to our so-called Representatives, they lie and assure us that everything is fine and that there is no widespread perversion of our state. When we look to our fourth estate, they call all those that point to government malfeasance as dangerous right wing radicals.
If one is looking for our government to resolve the debauchery of our nation, given its multiple checks and balances, we should be rightfully alarmed that it has been eroding for decades. Where are the men in women who took an oath to defend our Constitution against “enemies’ foreign and domestic”, doing about the many disintegrations of our Bill of Rights?Now, with the widespread fraud of 2020 elections it appears we have a completed coup, where a progressive liberal socialist’s dictatorship and a quisling group of Republicans mean to rule the American people. This is not voter fraud, this is election fraud done by those that have one goal, that being, to remove Donald J. Trump from office regardless of what the people choose.
It would appear as if, no one is defending the Constitution. No one seems to be following their oaths seriously, and our once rule of law that kept everyone in check is no merely a toolbox for the left in order to hammer conservatives and charge them with crimes against the progressive state.The oligarchy is all behind the progressive thieves that stole the 2020 election and it seems now more than ever, we need a few courageous patriots to stand up in our government and expose the corruption. So far those so-called honest patriots are hiding under their desks at the D.O.J. and the F.B.I. subjugated themselves and the rest of the country out of fear of reprisal or in league with the snakes betraying our nation.
If not now then when? If not over this election fraud, then when will we ever have the voice to challenge the elitist swamp that has contorted our Republic into an oligarchy with corrupt representation? The claim that there is no evidence of fraud in our elections is a clear denial of empirical facts. Why are facts that are not being allowed to be investigated even though the affidavits are compounding daily? This election wasn’t stolen by one scheme to invent a Biden surge in the swing states in this nation, it instead was a deftly choreographed plan using all manner of cheats to both defraud the election and lose the paper trail that would prove its deceit.Democrats have raise the ire of many in this nation with their dictatorial Covid lock-downs, their burning and looting of America’s main streets and their Manchurian candidate (Joe Biden) that supposedly received more votes than the vaunted Barack Obama. Don’t they care that their fraud is so obvious? Don’t they care that their lies are so ridiculous? Don’t they fear that their conspiracy coup will be caught and prosecuted? No. Why, because it won’t. One needs to have courage and integrity to expose the corrupted, and today it seems we have few if any, patriots in government.
It equally helps the lecherous many, in our government to have a fourth estate (media) in its pocket, protecting it, and hiding information of the depravity in all branches of government.We must rid this nation of not only progressive liberals, but of all lobby money taking quislings that refuse to represent our Constitutional Republic. Until, Americans figure out how to stop voting for crooks and liars, our freedoms will vanish before our eyes.