Wednesday, May 6, 2020


As we have been rightfully focused on the Chinese virus or COVID-19 pandemic, there are also two other diseases America is battling, the Beltway Swamp Fever virus and the Imperium-Delirium virus or otherwise known as the Tyrant virus. 

Indeed the first virus America was infected with was the Beltway Swamp Fever virus which almost destroyed the 2016 election of President Trump.This anti-Trump virulent leftist illness mutated quickly after Hillary Clinton’s loss, into the Russian Flimflam flu, where Robert Mueller’s team of germs tried to contaminate President Trump and run him out of office. 

However, Trump and his supporters proved immune to the Beltway Swamp virus and the Russian Flimflam flu, much too average American’s relief. 

The Beltway Swamp fever virus contaminated the CIA, FBI and DOJ and those in the Democrat Party that were seething with rage as they staged a silent coup. The traitorous acts by Obama’s administration have caused Americans to distrust the government and worry about health and well being of our Constitutional Republic, going forward.

Our FBI lied to the FISA courts to obtain unjustified spying, used intimidation to imprison people unwilling to turn against the President, and undertook the most criminal actions of duplicity and deceit ever done in American history, to destroy a duly elected POTUS.

Finally, after four years of denial, obfuscation, stonewalling and tail chasing, evidence is trickling out that proves the suspicions by most Americans, that the Flimflam flu was not just a hoax, but rather a sickly schemed coup attempt.

It has recently been documented that Obama’s FBI, under Director James Comey, completely set up General Flynn, by dishonestly entrapping the General to plead guilty to lying, in order to spare his son legal jeopardy. Yes, the Beltway Swamp fever raged so aggressively, that so-called integrity filled men and women, with strong constitutions, completely purged their bodies of their oaths. Indeed, the diarrhea of sedition, the vomit of illegality, and the rank stench of body fluids that covers the clothes of these sick government officials, still infuriates the electorate living downwind. 

They no longer were acting in fulfillment of their role as law enforcement officers and intelligence gatherers in order to secure America’s historic principle of liberty and justice for all, but instead this virus had them so twisted in tortured logic, they marched off into criminal actions under fealty to Obama rather than the law. They intimidated Americans, bullied innocent actors, and lied to courts, and thereby coughed up every last bit of patriotism from their polluted souls. 

These deep state survivors of the Beltway Swamp virus still believe that having survived the illness they are immune, from suffering the symptoms that come from recovery. Those symptoms should include, confinement in small places, the feeling of steel bars in front of their eyes, and the disgrace of their names forever being placed in history as infamous traitors.

However, it is said that Democrats somehow have an uncanny ability to escape deleterious effects of their diseased un-American sickness. Well we must wait and see if that’s true.

Finally America has endured the third scourge to attack us in the last four years, the Imperium Delirium or Tyrant Virus. In their so-called quest to save Americans from falling ill to COVID-19, these infected politicians have lost all rational use of their frontal lobes.

Across the country Democrat governors and mayors have simply ignored the Bill Of Rights by capriciously pronouncing decrees as to what businesses and services are deemed necessary to continue operation and what businesses and services are forced to shut down. Hardware stores are necessary, paint stores are not. Marijuana outlets are necessary, gun stores are not. Abortion clinics are necessary, churches are not. It reads like a progressive fairy tale wish list, but unfortunately it is all too real. 

It is one thing to act cautiously as a governor to reduce deaths from a virus that is new, deadly and highly contagious; however it is another thing indeed, to politicize a health crisis by suggesting abortion clinics are essential while church services are not.

This whimsical logic lives only in the minds of dictatorial progressive politicians that lusted for the power to put their most notable foes, “the deplorable”, yes those, “gun totting, bible clutching, bitter clingers” in check by denying those “irredeemable” people fairness. COVID-19 has given them this unique opportunity to exercise their power drunk ideological dreams, to eviscerate conservative people’s rights.

A wise and patriotic man I knew, (may he rest in peace) used a common refrain to define Americans and their citizenship in our Constitutional Republic, it was short, straightforward and to the point truism. He said “We will not be ruled.” 

He meant that America was formed by breaking away from kings and rulers that claimed dominion over people instead of our Creator. He rightly asserted that the American people had dominion over the government they created and government had no power to deny, suspend or abridge the people’s Bill of Rights. 

Today we are seeing a “State of Emergency” used as a political weapon against American’s God given liberties, and it is more than a little troubling. We need to be proactive Americans again. We need to assert our rights. We need to make all those that harmed us during the Chinese pandemic pay the price. If ever there was another time when words from the Declaration of Independence, strikes an undeniable modern call to action, it is now. 

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

We the People must be the cure to all three viruses running amok in our land of the free and home of the brave. We must live with risk, not subjugate ourselves for security. We must demand justice until the traitors sit behind bars. And we must conscientiously object to illegal edicts by the many Tyrants of the progressive left cult, which have destroyed Americans fundamental Bill of Rights that girds this nation’s from falling apart.  A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” (Declaration of Independence)

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