Most Americans define the word “vaccine” as a dose of
immunity that spares one infection of a virus or pathogen for a lifetime or a
season. Equally most American know that once recovered from a life threatening virus
one develops a natural immunity which equally
provides a lifelong or temporary immunity, that is sometimes more
preferable than immunity gained by vaccination. Getting chicken pox is
preferable to getting vaccinated because it is believed to confer lifelong
immunity whereas receiving a vaccine to chicken pox might only confer a limited
immunity. However, vaccinations against deadly or debilitating illnesses are
always preferable to getting the illness and hoping to survive.
We vaccinate our
children from polio, whooping cough, Rubella, measles, Tetanus, diphtheria and
other illnesses for two reasons. One obvious reason is to protect our children
from serious illness and the other reason is to halt the opportunity for the
pathogens to find hosts to infect, thus making the pathogen no longer a
community threat. We don’t vaccinate against smallpox anymore, except for the
military, because beyond being used as a bio-weapon the virus is not longer
active in the world.
Vaccines give our immune systems a taste of the pathogen
thereby allowing our immune system to attack the enemy and easily and quickly
annihilate the invader. This creates antibodies that are like specialized
troops (T cells and Helper T cells) fully equipped and capable of heading off
another attack by the same invader in the future.
The Mederna, Phiffer and Johnson and Johnson shots are NOT,
repeat NOT, traditional vaccines, and to continue to call them vaccines
misleads the public into thinking they are the same as polio or measles
vaccinations, which they are not. Knowing that the public is not medically
literate and continuing to claim that these shots are vaccines in the
traditional way the public views vaccinations, is deceitful and misleading.
Without trying to get into the new technology of these mRNA
experimental shots and predict either their dangers or efficacy for those
choosing to take them, there are five things the public needs to be told.
One, this is an experimental therapy shot designed to limit
the affects of Covid by those getting infected after vaccination. It is neither
a traditional vaccine, nor does it grant immunity from Covid variants. Meaning
one can still get Covid and transmit Covid to loved ones. More importantly
because symptoms are made mild by the shot many vaccinated people will be
unaware they are sick and therefore more likely to spread the virus to others.
Two, It is unknown what the long term side effects may be
for these EMERGENCY USE vaccines but clearly, the high rate of known side
effects and complications is alarming. If this were a normal FDA approval
process these vaccines would either be pulled from the market or not receive
approval to be marketed to the public.
Three, currently there are traditional vaccines going thru
clinical trials that have shown greater protection against variants, low side
effects, (similar to other influenza shots) and have yet to be granted FDA
Four, we now know much more about the virus than we did a
year ago and there are more drugs that can reduce hospitalization and the
deadly cytokine storm (hyperactive immune response) by an aggressive outpatient
organization by hospitals, and clinics. Doctors could dramatically reduce the
duration and complications that arise from Covid infections, by treating people
early with Covid symptoms. Vaccines are not the only tool in the medical belt,
immune boosting supplements and viral medications could also help ease the
deadly affects of Covid and provide longer natural immune antibody health to
the population.
Five, why is the government indemnifying these companies if
there is such safety in these vaccines? Why the rate of horrible side effects
is so high, and yet the government continues to claim these vaccines to be
safe? Why is the government not doing more promoting safer and better vaccines
as we head into flu season? These are not conspiracy questions, they are
instead rational worries from a public that has been damaged by many vaccines
and unsafe drugs, that must be sued to get, off the market due to injuring the public.
Instilling public confidence requires full transparent disclosure and honest
debate, not covering up data, shaming those who disagree, and changing policies
without a rational basis for the change.
The demonizing of those who choose not to take the
therapeutic shots and prefer to wait for a true vaccine, (like Novavax) that
actually gives our immune system a taste of the spike protein used by Covid
rather than tricks the body into making the protein, is unethical. Equally it
is false to even say unvaccinated versus vaccinated when the three so-called
vaccines do not prevent one from getting Covid but instead decreases symptoms.
Remember what I stated earlier about the two reasons we
vaccinate, one to become immune and two to stop the spread of virus, well it
has been well established that three so-called “vaccines” currently in use do
not do either of those things. Covid is still circulating and vaccinated people
are still being infected. It may be true that deaths are down (always a good
thing) but claiming that unvaccinated Americans are the cause of the virus
continuing to infect and circulate is rubbish and unfair.
People choosing not to be jabbed by an experimental
emergency use therapeutic drug, not yet approved by the FDA is reasonable, not
anti-vax crazy. Unvaccinated people wishing not to be jabbed by big Pharma’s
government indemnified companies who don’t have a great company track record of
providing safe products, is not hysterical conspiracy theory nuttiness, it’s
sanity at its best. Unvaccinated Americans choosing to wait until a traditional
and more potent vaccine comes onto the market, that has less side effects and
provides proven immune therapy that coaxes our immune systems rather than tries
to trick it, are understandable wary of a new and less effective vaccine that
doesn’t provide immunity as much as it lessons symptoms. Unvaccinated people
understand the risks they are taking and are careful regarding their public
exposure until a better FDA approved vaccine comes to market for Covid-19.
If anything, those
that have been jabbed and now feel free to engage in risky social behavior,
poor social distancing and lack of hygiene caution, because they falsely think
they are immune are more likely keeping the spread of Covid going.
The CDC has generated so much misinformation and tongue
twisting that rightfully many have become fearful of these vaccines. The
government is so worried about panic, that it has caused panic by not being
honest and transparent from the moment the pandemic started, and still to this
No less important, it is un-American for our government,
private employers, transportation companies and anyone in America to demand,
require and demonize anyone over their right to refuse medical advice especially
when those un-jabbed pose no risk to the
so-called vaccinated-faux- immune. Indeed the opposite is true; people thinking
they are safe with immunity (not) are more likely to spread it to those
Our so-called medical experts and government data bases are
providing convoluted data to the public. The real reason for the push to be
jabbed is to not overload our health systems with people in hospitals and on
ventilators. To say that those that have had Covid should also take the shot is
just not making any medical sense especially when studies have shown that these
people have acquired natural antibodies.
Equally the hype of lockdowns, surrounding the Delta variant
are also fear mongering by our government when hospitalizations and deaths are
near zero as we have learned more effective ways to treat those who get Covid.
Why are we demanding children get exposed to an experimental immune therapy
when there is no scientific data showing that children are at high risk of
contracting Covid? It would appear to be against the Hippocratic Oath “Above
else, do no harm.”
Our FDA cannot guarantee the safety of any drug, vaccine or
medical product allowed to be marketed, even with the most rigorous standard of
testing and trials. There are numerous FDA approved drugs that had to be pulled
after injuring hundreds of thousands of people. It is folly to think our
government can say with a straight face, that this rushed to market immune
therapy to fight Covid is completely safe and that there will be no negative
side effects years down the road. We hope not but we honestly don’t know,
should be their response, and certainly the public needs to understand this as
This is what we do know about Covid. It is deadly to those
who have compromised immune systems, and serious underlying medical conditions.
If you are otherwise healthy you will survive Covid. However, like TB the
scarring affects on the lungs could be debilitating to you, as well as long
lasting damage to the heart and the brain.
“Most people who have coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19) recover completely within a few weeks. But some people — even
those who had mild versions of the disease — continue to experience symptoms
after their initial recovery.These people sometimes describe themselves as
"long haulers" and the conditions have been called post-COVID-19
syndrome or "long COVID-19." These health issues are sometimes called
post-COVID-19 conditions. They're generally considered to be effects of
COVID-19 that persist for more than four weeks after you've been diagnosed with
the COVID-19 virus.”
Not all people experience this post Covid symptoms or “long
Haulers” but like TB, Covid has the potential to alter your life permanently. So
what does that tell us?
A true vaccine that imparts immunity, like the Polio vaccine,
should be the aim of our medical science community to truly manage this
pandemic. Even if the vaccine needs to be given annually like Flu shot, as
opposed to once a lifetime, the object should not be just to limit symptoms,
but rather to stop this virus from creating victims.
It is unknown whether
those receiving the Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson and Johnson shot will have
complications down the road from the body making spike proteins but it seems to
me that an experimental drug that has given some people acute, nasty and
sometimes deadly symptoms post injection is not going to comfort those
rightfully distrustful of big Pharma and government lies and corruption.
Ask Biden if all
those illegal aliens have had their Measles, Diphtheria, Rubella, Polio, and
other shots, citizens inoculate their children from in America? Why should we
not worry? Perhaps the answer is because most all Americans are vaccinated and
immune to a number of illness that once were commonly infecting our population.
Many countries did not and do not vaccinate their citizens from many
communicable diseases that they are now bringing into the United States. Will
infectious diseases that vaccines have diminished break out again in the United
States, because our government refuses to secure our border? The odds are the answer
is yes.
Well tell the American people President Biden why your
administration isn’t protecting citizens by all the illegal border crossers
bringing in TB, Measles, Mumps, Diphtheria, Staph, and potentially
contaminating our water with schistosomiasis, and arming our mosquito
population with Dengue and Chikungunya fevers that can cause outbreaks?
Our CDC is acting like the WHO, with our media is censoring doctors
who disagree with Covid policies. It slammed those who rightfully believed Covid was a bio-experiment
leaked from the Wuhan lab in China and were called conspiracy nuts. Currently, our borders
are being overrun without masks and or testing for the illegals of many countries pouring into our nation, but the government has the gall
to shame the un-vaccinated citizenry?
It isn’t reasonable to accuse the Covid un-jabbed as
breeders of illness when our country is being used as a Petri dish by power
hungry liberals endangering us all for their greedy desire for future voters.