Tuesday, August 31, 2021



Americans have a right to know, who is running the country because clearly it is not Joe Biden.

Americans have the right to know if the 2020 election was rigged, because clearly mass mail-in ballots were never done before in this country before owing to massive fraud opportunities.

 Americans have the right to know why the Pentagon would sign off to a military plan that would arm, enrich and abandon American to terrorists as well as bankroll another potential 911 in our future.

Americans have a right to know how the Biden administration can allow thousands of illegal aliens into our country who are not Covid vaccinated and yet force our military soldiers and coerce our citizenry to be vaccinated using unelected bureaucratic minders.

Americans are being gaslighted and kept in the dark as to who has been and is responsible for the many suspicious actions both undertaken and not taken by those in our three branches of government. To this date no one has been fully held accountable for the Russian collusion fictional narrative that used by a special 4th Amendment breaching court, (FISA Court) to spy, lie and try and impeach a duly elected President.

To this day, no one has been held criminally responsible for the Benghazi incident that left soldiers and a diplomat to die in Libya, To this day, no one has been held responsible for releasing classified information to our enemies. To this day, no one has been held responsible for Fast and Furious that killed two federal officers by a gun running scheme for political purposes. To this day, no one has been held responsible for handing over bundles of cash to Iranian terror state. (Hillary and Obama)

To this day, no one has been held responsible for shooting an unarmed protester at the Capital building. To this day no one has been held responsible for the countless, lives and fortunes lost by the COVID governors and the CDC for vaccine policies, lockdowns and mask mandates that have destroyed small businesses, damaged our children’s education and left Americans disillusioned with medical advice.

 And to this day, no one is being held responsible for the complete sell-out of America, along with the loss of military lives by our government’s seditious and inane withdrawal from Afghanistan.

It is hard for Americans to believe we still have a constitutional Republic anymore when so many of our government officials flaunt the law without penalty, while at the same time demanding We the people comply with unlawful edicts.

The January 6th protest march was not an insurrection, it instead was a show of displeasure with an extremely problematic election. However today, Americans might wonder how without an insurrection,  can the people’s voices be heard amongst the deaf and defiant left, that wishes with upturned noses, that all patriot loving Americans just vanish in the cornfields.

From corruption in city councils to the federal government, the wayward authorities think that they rule Americans, yet what they don’t know, is that discounting the will of the American people by tyranny has been tried before, and failed miserable for some and gloriously rejuvenating of freedom’s spirit for others.

 Power always thinks... that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws. (John Adams)

We need to stand up for the next generation, we need to stand up for America’s future, we need o stand up to honor all those who stood and fell before us, so we could all sit in freedom!

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