Friday, September 17, 2021



A word to our deep state government: stop slandering patriotic Americans that support Trump as white supremacists and KKK racists. It is one thing to call us smelly and deplorable, but quite another to call us racists and bigots in a sweeping generalization that has no basis whatsoever. People that support Trump and others like him or her (non-politicians), want leadership that says what they mean, and means what they say. More importantly they want representatives that truly represent the Constitution and our Republic over the special interest corporate oligarchy.

The uni-party donor corruption of our two party form of representation has destroyed the voice of the people, while allowing Marxists socialism, and big government tyranny to take root in our soil. Government corruption is the only irredeemable deplorable reality of our American country presently.

The so-called “insurrection” was not an insurrection in any sense of the word. It was a protest by many and an unlawful trespass by a few, it had nothing to do with overthrowing the government it was meant to give support to those willing to have the courage to not certify a fraud filled election. Stop claiming that Jan 6th was comparable to 911, the Civil War or other real acts of violence and upheaval such as, the ANTIFA and BLM riots in the summer of 2020, it is a lie. We are sick of your slander and Gaslighting, while real treasonous and traitorous actions were undertaken by our own FBI, CIA, NSA and FISA court to take out a duly elected President by complete rubbish evidence of Russian collusion.

We need systemic change, but not as BLM and other liberal sophist Democrat operatives espouse, but rather, term limits, campaign finance reform, return to legislatures writing laws and regulations not unelected bureaucrats, and a reworking of the office of tenure act, to ensure that bureaucrats beholding to previous political administrations don’t sabotage incoming administrations.

In fact, term limits on the “Deep State” is what are country needs in order to retain our Republic, of the people, by the people, for the people. The entrenched career bureaucrats that have the hubris to think that “they” not “we” are the government, has long been allowed to grow and fester like a pox, spreading into a total takeover of our body politic.  

The deep state is not some nefarious conspiracy theory, it is rather a fact that bureaucrats are failing to carry out their obligations to the power of the people. Like it or not, the electorate chose Trump, to be Commander and Chief not General Milley, and irrespective of his opinion, no one in our government has the right to supplant their own political beliefs above the duly elected president. All those entrenched in our government have an oath to the Constitution to uphold, regardless of which political party currently holds office. Their loyal and subservience is to our Constitution and nothing else. Career government officials that refuse to enforce regulations or discriminate on their own, what policies to implement and which to ignore, do not have that authority. You are welcome to resign in protest but not redesign our Republic to please your personal world view. It is unconstitutional and a dark deception of sedition to follow a party rather than your constitutional duty.

 We are not nuts, we are fed up with double standards, unequal justice and witch hunts, only against conservatives, while allowing deviant political party corruption to fester unchecked.

 Our right to vote needs to be protected from all manner of fraud and should not be politicized. Voter ID and regular scrutiny of the voter rolls should be required in every county in the United States. Paper ballot and tabulation scanners, (not on the internet and without software ability to change ballot counts) should be the only technology used. Ballots that do not read correctly should be scrutinized by hand and unless accepted as legible and clear by all political poll watchers, should be thrown out as invalid. Early voting and absentee voting should require valid ID and signature verification and no absentee ballots should be mailed without the voter requesting a ballot. Polling places should be monitored by security cameras to insure ballots are not double fed into the count with the public able to watch the counts live streaming.

 No secrecy, no mass mailings, no double votes absentee and in person, no ballot harvesting, no stopping the vote count amidst an election. Furthermore, media cannot call a state until the count ends and suppression or misinformation of political information by media that might change the minds of voters should be dealt with as a serious federal crime. Stop Gaslighting Americans by calling voter I.D. laws “Jim Crow Laws”, it insults the intelligence of the populace and demeans minorities as being incapable of securing identification that is required for just about everything else in their lives.

Stop disparaging Covid unvaccinated people as anti-vaxers or ignorant conspiracy theorists. It is a new technology on a genetically altered man-made virus that may have adverse side effects both today and years down the line. Government isn’t in charge of American’s health, the individual is, and to shame, exclude or defame people who decide for whatever reason not to take the vaccine, is contrary to liberty for all. It is discriminatory and unconscionable for anyone to ask, banish or deny services to those not vaccinated. Personal health decisions are made by individuals and parents of underage children, not the government or through extortion by government to corporations and businesses, to do their bidding.

The Constitution isn’t a document you can pick and chose which to adhere and which to ignore, but our current president not only ignores the Constitution, he ignored the Supreme Court ruling on the constitutional question as to his power to extend rent moratorium. That is the lawless act of a tyrant. Therefore, should we be surprised that Biden doubled down on his dictatorial power belief, by issuing a Covid vaccine mandate to employers?

Again, the Constitution does not permit the Federal government to usurp the powers allocated to the states. We are indeed a federation with limited central government controls, yet it seems Washington wants to completely ignore its limited power and instead expand its control and reach beyond its domain. It started with the Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court allowing Obamacare, and now we are seeing an unconstitutional shift toward destroying federalism.

Speaking of destruction, the constitutional powers that are conferred and required by the federal government, such as managing military wars and conflicts (Afghanistan) and controlling our borders in order to keep Americans safe, is being botched or deliberately sabotaged. Our country is being overrun by a combination of incompetence and pure political sedition, leaving Americans vulnerable to both disease and a future deadly terror attack. The number one job of the federal government to which the states have little power to impact is our border and immigration enforcement. The federal government has been acting in lawless disregard for the laws and safety of the American people.

Benghazi was one horrific breach of the credo “no man left behind” and Afghanistan has topped that horror tenfold by leaving American citizens behind and arming our enemies to kill more Americans in the future. There is no explanation of what happened in Afghanistan other than sedition and expediency of American lives for political appearances.

If any of you in the Deep State think that conservative Trump supporters are “deplorable” then ask yourself, what do you call the arming of the Taliban? What do you call it, when you give aid and comfort to those that force preteen girls to marry old men, who are allowed to domestically abuse them daily? What do you call an anti-modern Islamic cult that beheads, hangs, stones and flogs people who violate their archaic laws? Well, take a look in the mirror because you and your Democrat party own the debacle and the irredeemable deplorable shame of being in bed with these evil devils.

Step out into the light and be an American patriot again, by breaking with the degradation of our unique Republic. Resist the villainy that grows and sits all around you, by either exposing it to the public or quietly fighting within to break the cycle of corruption. Most of you are not unpatriotic; you are either allowing yourself to be used, or feeling under-powered to change the wrong around you. Your pension should not be important enough, to stand by and watch your country flounder away from freedom.                                             


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