Monday, November 1, 2021



School boards are designed to look out for the education curriculum of students and champion their performance while being respondent to the diverse community in their district or town. Keeping parents informed and receiving feedback from parents is an essential aspect of their role on the board.

When School boards members act autonomously or only in the interest of NEA (National Teachers Union) and treats parents as unwanted interlopers, then something has become truly dysfunctional.

However, when the Attorney General of the United States publically sends out a letter, intimidating parents that their behavior will be watched by the FBI, for possible acts of Domestic terror, well now the gloves are off, and the war against parents has begun.

The corrupt nature of our present government has been tainted by the stink of politics. Over and over again Americans can not only see the corrupt elitist hypocrisy of officials, but the complete transformation of a Republic built on laws, into a fraud filled FED eviscerating our Constitution and destroying the equity for all citizens, that has made us so unique.

The blatant disregard for law alone to be the prerequisite for federal agencies to operate within their constitutional boundaries has been obliterated. It started with Obama’s phone and pen and has continued more radically with the Biden administration, or rather those in the deep state, that are truly commandeering the White House. From illegal vaccine mandates to non-enforcement of illegal immigration our nation is being dismantled by political corruption by the Democrats, while the hapless Republicans do nothing, because of political expediency. The GOP watches idly by while Rome burns because they believe it will win them the House and Senate elections, but given that most believe, that the Democrats have used Covid to rig our elections there is little trust in the tally of the vote. So as Nero’s GOP fiddles, Americans watch their wallets and freedoms burn.

It is more than outrageous that the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland, blatantly used his power to try and intimidate parents, from speaking out and resisting the indoctrination of their children by radical progressive race baiters seeking to inflame racial divide. Not so long ago Merrick Garland was Obama’s nominee to sit on the highest court in the land, and yet here this man sits today as the highest law enforcer in the country, disregarding constitutional limitations on federal power. His complete lap dog actions for the progressive socialists in the Democrat party are breathtakingly partisan and overtly fascist.

Frankly, there is no other way to describe the DOJ actions other than being akin to a Stazi unit. The memo by Garland was a result of a letter sent to his office by the Teachers union that made unsubstantiated claims of parents being out of control and threatening their lives with violence. Instead of the DOJ investigating the letter and requiring specific evidence that these charges were true and nationwide, Garland’s secret police quickly responded with a memo to make parents aware that they were being watched.

Local police have jurisdiction to ensure that people abide by the law and express their anger in legally appropriate ways, without the need for the FEDS to be involved. Indeed there is no role for the federal government unless a federal crime is committed. Last we checked, yelling at a tone deaf school board violates no federal laws, nor is it an act of Domestic Terrorism.

So the memo written by AG Garland exemplifies three eye opening changes under American Marxists rule. One, the political policies of the Biden Administration are being, protected at all costs by weapon-izing our government to intimidate those in opposition. Two, all those that disagree with the government policies can expect to be scrutinized by the federal government from the FBI to the IRS for any paperclip out of place, and face repressive injustice in America. Three, this oppression against Trump supporters and conservative Americans is choreographed and doctored to justify government punishment starting with the phony insurrection claims by the Jan 6th protesters.

 The Jan 6th protesters indeed were wrong to trespass the halls of Congress, but to call their wayward protest an insurrection is a Gaslighting lie used to label all patriotic Americans as Domestic terrorists. More importantly, the FBI itself embedded into the crowd and enticed the protesters to break into the capital, while during the summer of 2020 the FBI knelt to a more destructive ANTIFA and BLM riots.

Obama started this Marxist’s transformation of our Republic by using his phone and pen power, knowing it was not constitutionally legal. He purged our Pentagon of apolitical generals and replaced them with political hacks. He used divisive tactic whenever he could to inflame the tensions between Democrats and Republicans, left and right by making statements such as; “you didn’t build that…” “They cling to their guns and religion…” and “Republicans want dirtier air and dirtier water and less people with health insurance.” to cite just a few.

Now with a President that clearly doesn’t have a clue where he is at any given moment, the Biden puppeteers have doubled down on destroying our nation by not enforcing our borders, mandating vaccines, shutting down domestic energy, disrupting the supply chain,  allowing looters and criminals to not fear imprisonment and sending crime skyrocketing, sending our economy into freefall with inflation, increasing labor shortages and small business closures by jab or job policy, incurring more debt and more government spying into our bank accounts.

It is a war on parents, a war on citizens, and a war on our Constitutional Republic by a deep state infiltration in all our government agencies working in concert to transform America.

Elections may stop the American Marxists from passing more onerous legislation yet it won’t resolve the problem our nation faces as these truly seditious socialists remain in the shadows of all our government agencies.

Congress needs to act. Specifically the GOP needs to act, by passing government employment reforms to scrutinize bureaucrats and federal employees that undermine laws and policies and create new rules to quickly rid government of deadbeats and saboteurs by making it possible to fire people without pension compensation easier and quicker.

Lastly but also equally important, Congress must stop delegating the job of writing legislation to bureaucrats and lobbyists. Bills should be written by legislators and their staff only and Congress needs to stop the practice of passing general incomplete legislation to which the detailed regulations are assigned to be written by unelected bureaucrats. It is more than corrupt for Congress to be unaware of all the laws and regulations they voted for, without reading the bills or knowing what the fine print finished product will look like to the average American forced to abide by it.

Only then will America be able to win the war against American Democrat Marxists seeking to destroy our Republic. Otherwise, America is headed toward either another Civil War or the dust bin of history.

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