Friday, June 17, 2022




Joe the fraud Biden is at it again. Not only is he refusing to admit mistakes in all the policies he has promoted since taking office, he continually barks at all Americans that suffer under his Marxist leadership. He yells and derides the media for not reporting the successes of his administration, even though everywhere one turns they see Biden’s Marxist policy disasters playing out before their eyes.

His guru circle of Marxist’s youth that wants to see an end to carbon based energy is catered to while all Americans suffer with gas soaring prices that led to inflation and stands us on the precipice of recession.

His administration’s advice is to buy an electric car and stop complaining. Even though if one could afford an electric car it would not solve the unmerciful gouging of American wallets caused by inflation, shrink-flation (less product at same cost), empty shelves and high electric costs.  

Crime is at an all time high and city streets are littered with drug users and homeless mentally ill people destroying the quality of life for those living amid their defecating atrociousness. But hey buy an electric car and it all goes away.

The continued influx of illegal aliens running though our borders brings an even greater increase in crime, drug abuse, death from Fentanyl laced drugs, disease and financial strain in all American municipalities. But once again, buy an electric car and it all goes away.

The labor shortage crises has caused many small businesses to fail and those that are hanging on have seen their sales drop by high energy costs, Covid fear, poor service from lack of staff and less consumer spending due to inflation. Again they should buy a fleet of electric cars and it all goes away.

The Baby formula shortage that was created by our own FDA shutting down a major producer of formula shows the depth of incompetency within the Biden White House filled with college indoctrinated left wing zealots that don’t have a clue about economics or supply and demand realities.

 Abbott Labs was shut down rather than re-calling the formula that was in question, moreover, no steps were taken to ensure that other manufacturers could take up the slack during the shutdown, like for instance, allowing overseas makers to supply in the interim. The complete debacle of throwing the baby out with bath water is another Biden administration crisis that never should have happened. Once again, buy an electric car and it all goes away.

Yet angry Joe Biden has the audacity to blame everyone from Putin, the oil companies, Trump and Covid instead of himself. He and his gaggle of leftist utopian Climate prophets want their dreams to overtake reality and instead have left Americans an abysmal state of our nation as these Marxist’s elitist steadfastly deny the consequences of their ignorant delusions. Need I say it again, buy an electric car and it all goes away.

Hey Brandon, stop yelling at the public for problems you and your obtuse leftist puppeteers have created. We are not buying the lies and deflections. Not buying the cold callous denials of accountability we all know exists with your administration. We are not buying the distractions of Trump hating committees putting on a prime-time show, when even popcorn is too expensive for most to indulge in, as their basic necessity grocery bill soars higher each week.

No, Joe, stop yelling at the American people as though we voted for you. Few would have voted for a crook, a Marxist regime, a socialist dictatorship, a complete buffoon with a bus filled with Marxists clowns pretending to know how to run a country. Indeed, the biggest crime scene is in Washington D.C. where corruption and complete apathetic responses prove that Biden and his party are willing to destroy a nation to maintain control and power.

2022 should show the Democrats what fools they have been, if not then it will prove, what fools we are.  

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