Well for all those that dismissed the anger and outrage by those calling socialists Democrats anti-American and dangerous to our Constitutional Republic, after the raid on an ex-president’s home, what do you say now?
What do you say when amid the multiple serious criminal scandals committed by Democrats have gone unpunished and completely swept under the rug by FBI and DOJ (Obama spying, Hillary pay for play, Biden and Hunter pay for play, FISA court used to smear political opponents) Attorney General Garland raids an ex-President’s home looking for a crime.The media is telling us that Trump took classified information to his house called Mar-A-Lago and even suggested he stole nuclear codes for some nefarious purposes. It is laughable, if not for the fact that it proves beyond any doubt that our DOJ and FBI work as private attack dogs for the Democrat Party. A party that just passed an onerous piece of legislation that hires 87,000 new IRS Armed agents to seek and destroy capitalism among the Middle Class.
First thing people should know is that Trump did not personally pack up his presidential papers, the GSA did that.
Second, all president’s take White House papers, notes and personal items from the Oval Office to place in their library projects to display for historical record.
Third, the complaint by the archivist that some of the material taken from the White House belonged to them was being worked out in negotiation with the agents at DOJ and FBI with Trump’s lawyers and there was no argument by Trump that he would gladly hand over any material that was in question.
Fourth, if people are dumb enough to believe that nuclear codes are not changed from one administration to another, or that Trump of all people would be selling, leaking or giving away those secrets to an enemy state is beyond asinine. The current President is the one compromised by China, (Biden) not Trump and it was Trump’s administration that took a hard line against all our enemies in the world, especially China.
Fifth, the search warrant was not about a specific set of
documents but rather a broad sweep of Trump’s whole presidential paperwork “Any
government and/or presidential records created between Jan20th, 2017 and Jan 20th
2021.” This is a quote from the actual warrant.
Well folks that’s Trump’s entire presidential record. Democrats are combing through Trump’s desk looking for anything they can use to smear him if he runs again, just like the Russian dossier spying.
Not only was this a “RAID” (yes Democrats it is called a RAID) unnecessary and heavy handed; the warrant itself is so broad it defies credibility. If the DOJ and FBI believe a crime was committed then they must have proof of when it was committed. To say that sometime in the four year that Trump was president he did something criminal and now we are going to search paperwork to find the wrongdoing is on its face an investigation looking for a crime. That is not how our legal system works.
You suspect a crime, have some proof of that crime and then you search for more evidence. The DOJ is refusing to make the affidavit that precipitated the warrant public. Oh that’s not new either, isn’t that what they did when refusing to reveal the affidavit that gave them a FISA warrant that was chock full of lies and misrepresentations to the court?
So the Democrats know that they are losing in the polls and will soon not be in a position of omnipotent power and therefore are trying to intimidate Americans and Trump into being afraid of the “Deep State” they leave behind in the swamp we call Washington. Their Jan6th insurrection joke committee flopped. Their Russian collusion flopped. Their impeachments flopped. Now their raid against a former president is still trying to undermine the American people’s candidate that will try and expose and clean up a very corrupt and dysfunctional beltway.At this point their hubris has extended beyond a shred of decency and has already backfired even before it fully plays out, because Americans know that the DOJ and FBI’s actions are political, unconstitutional and shamelessly inequitable.
When Attorney General Merrick Garland has the cheek to
suggest that no one is above the law, he apparently neglected to read the
exceptions from the long list of Democrats that are above the law. Obama,
Clinton, Biden, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Rice, and McCabe and the list goes on
and on of Democrats that abused their authority, lied to Congress and the
American people, and were involved in the real insurrection of our Constitution
and due process as well as enriched themselves at pay to play schemes that we
have yet to know what seditious damage was done to the country.
No, the American people are no longer weary of being accused of conspiracy theorizing when it comes to whether our government is corrupt, weaponized against the people and so depraved it seeks to destroy our economic and social fabric down to its foundational roots.
It is official; the Democrat Party is a Marxists, globalist in-surrecting party that is trying from the top down to transform America, with its Obama’s UN-American Party.
Either the Marxist’s left wins or We the People win.
Well, God, common sense and love of freedom and Constitution is on our side and I say that is more than ample ammunition against corrupt evil power lust. Let the Deep State try and knock the freedom off our shoulders. We dare you!