Tuesday, August 2, 2022


The Social Justice Warriors are preaching or should I say dictating to all of us about the rights of the transgender people but in doing so they directly contradict the whole concept of collectivism as opposed to individualism.

 It is one thing to live say as a nudist in the confines of your home and not subject others to your naked freedom, indeed that is your individual right. You are not hurting anyone and society doesn’t know or care what you do because you are not prancing in the public square, requiring people to admire or be disgusted by your all exposed undress. However if you step into the public square bare bottom and shop and carry on as you would with clothes on, you will be arrested and charged with indecency.

Some might ask why, because they believe that the human body is beautiful and society should just get over their prudish old moral values and get rid of public indecency laws. They would argue that it is a form of religious persecution for society to dictate that one has to wear clothes in order to participate in the freedom to negotiate the public square in a way that comports with the individual’s freedom to exercise their beliefs. Clothes to them are confining and a mere custom of compliance by an old school moralist society that overrides the rights of the individual’s sacrosanct belief in natural fashion.

 Even though there are clubs and gathering spots it isn’t good enough the world need to change their view of nudity. So they lobby their left wing politicians and protest corporations that require attire and demand that their rights be made mainstream while they castigated anyone who calls nudity indecent a “nude-phobic”.

In order to suck up to these rabble rousing nudists and their claim of having huge numbers of supporters, the politicians pander (it is what they do well) and the corporation’s cave in mistakenly believing it will make the protest disappear.

Next we have teachers teaching nude in our children’s classrooms along with store clerks, waiters, postal drivers, package delivery personnel, dentists, doctors and your neighbors walking their dogs while the people who dress and hide their private parts, now hide in their homes trying to avoid their eyes and their children’s eyes from the sight of the indecent nudity all around them. 

 Couldn’t happen?

Well explain today’s world of transgender people reading stories about transgender transitioning to our children in school? Explain transgender people getting our government to pay for sex reassignment operations while in prison? Explain why a major family entertainment center (Disney) is now catering to transgender issues?

Explain why the rights of the small minority of those with gender dysphoria are allowed to trample on the rights of the majority of people that are happy with their feminine and masculine identity and see it as a natural birthright? Explain why men dressed as women are allowed to go into the woman’s public restrooms? Explain why men can compete in women’s sports?

Explain why saying the wrong pronoun in school to refer to a transgender student, now comes with the risk of being suspended and if continued eventually expelled? Explain why young children are given hormone suppressive drugs when they have not even reached puberty by so-called well-meaning parents catering to their child’s misguided thoughts (or perhaps indoctrinated thoughts) that they want to become the opposite sex and we don’t call that child abuse?

Explain why the individual predilection of a few now dictates the preference of the public masses? 

Democrats can’t have it both ways. They can’t say we are a Democracy, if we are ruled by a small, really small minority. They can’t say we need socialism which is social contract of agreement when only a small minority of Americans wants socialism. They can’t call individual rights collective rights because more than half the country is not “woke” and does not agree with their ideology. 

Liberals love to decry the “separation of Church and State” in the establishment clause of the first amendment as they have bash Christianity for decades. Yet isn’t their “woke-ism a form of religion? Are they not preaching their cult-like ideological beliefs like climate change and Critical Race Theory with the aid of the government?

Isn’t that the few or the minority dictating to the many?

When the majority of Americans become subject to the whims of a few, isn’t that an Autocracy? Are we not living under that autocracy currently when our media and woke corporations and politicians force feed us woke ideology trying to force us to raise our children to believe there are more than two sexes? 

No, we once understood in America that your personal rights to act like a fool begins and ends in your own backyard. Once one walks into the public square society has rights as well as you, and yes they have the right to not see your naked boding swinging left to right as you stride. To protect children from seeing men dressed as women and woman dressed as men reading them stories of why that is, when their knowledge of sex is innocently malleable.

Americans in the majority are having their civil right violated.

There is a small woke crowd that wakes up every morning seeking new micro-aggressions to protest about and get people fired from their jobs or disgraced. The SCOTUS has returned some core Constitutional principles back into the legal system with Carson V Makin requiring state of Maine to reimburse those students sent to religious school that they tried to exclude. Kennedy v Bremerton school District in which the court ruled a football coach was allowed to pray after games and that it did not violate the establishment clause.

Shurtleff v Boston is another case of returning to sanity back into free speech, where Boston denied a Christian group from flying a flag with a cross was ruled a violation of the group free speech rights.

Individuals have rights and society has rights and the left has forgotten the idea that when individual rights trample the rights of society than society’s rights kick in. Equally when society denies your rights by invading your private beliefs, acts or customs then your individual rights are protected.

So you have an INDIVIDUAL right to be transgender, but no right to preach your lifestyle to impressionable school children.

 You have a right to believe in climate change but no SOCIAL autocracy right to impose that oil war on the people and destroy the economy of a nation and say it is for our well being in the long run.

 Because many could argue the need to bring back prayer in school and Christian symbols in the public square to restore morality, sanity and decency back to America for the same good of society. The “woke” ideology is a cult, a religion, and a completely organized cultural insurrection designed to destroy our country’s Judeo-Christian values, economic free enterprise and Constitutional foundation.

 In fact it is state sponsored and therefore if we believe the left’s interpretation of the “establishment clause” it should be deemed an unconstitutional act by any state or government agency to promote, support or fund any part of the “woke” cult religion, or equal the playing field by bringing prayer back into schools. We all know this will not happen, but until this growing cancer cult of “woke-ism” is defeated, America will continue to lose its unique identity an turn into a collective mess of insanity until we all end up hiding out in the shadows afraid to speak logically and with common sense.

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