Friday, November 10, 2023




It seems inexcusable that so many on the left have proven their antisemitism by trying to make the moral equivalency of Hamas slaughter of innocent families to people in Gaza.

Not only is the silence and lack of condemnation of Hamas an embarrassment for the world but the leftist ideology promoting lies on college campuses has furthered ignorant support for Hamas by American youths. It reveals an anti-Semitic subtext to the Democrat left that has always lived in whispers in the back rooms by the elitist for years.

Why then has the American Jewish voter supported Democrats and think that the threat of antisemitism comes from the right? Did they believe in the smears by the left that conservatives are the party of hate? There is no question that the left owns the media and does a better job at manipulating the truth and using propaganda to inflame minorities into thinking that conservatives are the party of the KKK. Yet, a quick glance at reality would dispel the myth that the majority of moral minded Christians don’t hate and don’t identify with any hate groups. The hate groups in America are small and without even tepid support by conservatives while the left’s hatred against Christian values grows. Our own government has been supporting the Democrats that have been in a culture war against religion for half a century.

Facts matter but sometimes the visibility of hate parading down the streets of the capital might be the optics Jewish voters need to awaken their eyes to which the real threat to their security aligns. It is not the right, conservatives or Christians that hold hateful rallies. Regardless what Biden and his party slogans and lies about MAGA being a hate-filled Nationalist group, it isn’t true, and never has been true.

Conservatives accept and understand facts and the facts about Hamas and their latest godless evils as well as the rise of antisemitism in America are simply visible and clear.

First, Hamas is in control of Gaza and has been in control since 2006, not Israel. (Slogans about ending the occupation are mindless, since Israel is in a war against Hamas not for control of Gaza.)

Second, Hamas savaged whole families in Israel with a horrific attack of pure evil that defies any human justification for its depravity and sickening slaughter of innocent lives without provocation.

Thirdly, Hamas occupies the people living in Gaza and Hamas hordes resources to use in their terrorist war against Israel’s existence, leaving the Palestinians who live in Gaza poor and oppressed, not Israel.

Fourth, all of the surrounding Arab countries are refusing to take in the Palestinians of Gaza because they know it is impossible to determine the allegiance of those refugees and they do not want Hamas and its terror ideology to be imported into their country.

Fifth, Hamas took hostages, and when you take hostages you are using people as pawns to extract benefit. Hamas wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth so what is the motivation for Israel to negotiate? What sane person will negotiate with rabid inhuman animals filled with hate and contempt for human life?

Sixth, Hamas is financially and ideologically backed by Iran, a terror state that has been calling for the annihilation of Israel for decades. If Iran had nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Jewish state it would have used them already.

Seventh, American media has come out of the closet (New York Times)  as either anti-Semitic or extremely anti-Israel, by reporting Hamas propaganda before vetting the story (a complete lie) that Israel bombed a hospital killing hundreds of Palestinians.  There was no reason to put the story on front page headlines until the facts could be verified, but they printed it nonetheless.

Eight, if the Hamas attack on Israel were to have happened in the United States and our babies were slaughtered and American families tortured, killed and taken hostage, wouldn’t we want to wipe the terrorists off the map? Would we back down and negotiate? Would we want other countries to tell us how to engage the enemy? We all know the answer to that question, don’t we?

Ninth, Trump supporters want government to keep law and order, be fair and just to all and be as unobtrusive as possible around the lives of Americans. We do not want the federal government dictating social policy but rather to stand by the oath to the Constitution that is based on the credo that all men and women are created equal. Democrats want to define people by their minority status and have them angry at wealth, race, status and sex. Conservatives see people as independent souls, with the right to individual liberty.

Tenth, as our open borders pours in more cultures that hate Jews and then identifies with the Democrat Party the antisemitism continues to grow in America while the Democrats say and do nothing to condemn the hatred.

These are the facts, and when facts and truth are denied then lies and distortions prop up false perceptions that lead to ignorant and rabid perceptions that lather up emotional hate. Logic and truth calms the climate of hate while political manipulation and lies used by the Democrats to inflame hate has not been made accountable by voters.

Hamas is a threat not only to Israelis but to Palestinians civilians in Gaza. Palestinians would fare better to stop supporting terror and hate groups and the Jewish community in America would see less hate by breaking from a Democrat party that wants to diminish our pluralistic belief and make us captive to the notion that we are victims needing big government mothering.    

Friday, September 8, 2023



Using our legal system to interfere with elections by state’s charging Trump with weak and constitutional protected actions has been done to scare any Republican from exercising their right to challenge elections suspected of fraud, and it is just contemptible.

Democrats used their phony insurrection claims to lock up conservative protesters to scare the conservative public from protesting and challenging their power when they defrauded the will of the people in 2020. Few Americans believe that Joe Biden won the presidency fairly and there are many whistleblowers that have come forward from the battleground states with proof of the fraud that granted Biden the electors.

Creating an historic national and disgraceful display of requiring an ex-president (Trump) to be fingerprinted and given a mug shot after indicting him and his campaign staff for RICO violation for challenging the 2020 election in Georgia by prosecutor Fani Willis, should have made every patriotic American embarrassed and sickened by our devolvement into a banana republic.

Democrats know that it doesn’t matter that these phony charges will be thrown out of court eventually; instead they are looking to humiliate Trump and his supporters and scare them from showing support for Trump in the run up to the 2024 election. That is clearly election interference at the very least and reprehensible abuse of power and our Constitution at its worst.

Any American that is relishing seeing Trump be put in prison is both a fool and blinded by an ignorant hatred that apparently is clueless as to what that dictatorial action would portend for the future of the country and their fate as well.

If America dissolves into a lawless democracy where the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is no longer the supreme law of the land, then we all (liberals, conservatives and independents) are primed to be oppressed by future dictators and abused by elites living in the shadows and controlling our lives.

It is hard to imagine a more polluted government that what we the American people are facing today. Voting for any politician unwilling to stand up to the corruption permeating our federal system and giving public office seats to those Marxists and egoist elites percolating up from our local elections must be stopped.

The 2024 election isn’t just about defeating Biden or the Democrats nationally it is about killing the cancer of Marxism anywhere it exists from town councils to school boards across this nation and repudiating all the anti-American ideas that will destroy the freedoms of all.

We need to teach our children to stand up for the Constitution and protect our way of life for the country’s sake and the sake of humanity around the world.

Friday, August 4, 2023



We are all incensed and disgusted at how The Biden family scandal has been covered up and kept under wraps prior to the 2020 election by a government constitutional required to live within the framework of blind justice.

We have always wagged our fingers at many banana republic countries accusing them of circumventing laws and making their own lawlessness remain unpunished and excused. Now Americans see that our own branches of government that were designed to ensure against corruption have been colluding and supporting clear and obvious subversion of our laws and Bill of Rights through a complex maze of political partisan elitism.

The Republican Party that is supposed to be the opposition to the dangerous socialist’s movement by the Democrat party has ceded its responsibility because of one belief and its hubris hatred. That hatred apparently is so deeply held that among most of the GOP leaders, they are willing to sell our country’s soul to the devil.

What is that deeply held hatred? Well should we say who is that hatred directed towards? Yes, the answer is Donald Trump.  

 Regardless of how Republicans feel about Donald Trump you would think they cared about Americans and America. You would think they would rise up and demand that the rule of law not be subverted and contorted to hide the crimes of one president while demonizing an innocent president and subjecting him to indictments that are clearly made up of fabricated fabric.

The American people are watching this government idly stand by while the capital building reeks of the odorous stench of complete corruption from top to bottom.

It isn’t just that our government has done little to investigate the true wrongdoers allowed to roam freely and sell books on television but they have allowed parents, the elderly and children to be subjected to a world infested with a bullying counter culture consumed with the mission to destroy the Judeo-Christian family morale that underpins the entire stability of our nation.

The question most Americans ask is why? Why aren’t more good Americans in Congress, in the executive cabinet and on the Supreme Court speaking out against the rampant weaponization of our government agencies? Does Joe Biden have that much power? Is Joe Biden a dictator that causes them to fear a death squad?

We know that the answer to that question is no, so then what is it? What is the reason that the GOP is not fighting back against the misuse of government to interfere in our elections: hold January 5th political prisoners, arrest parents speaking out at school meetings, allow lying to courts to spy on campaigns, suppress free speech on social networks, allow news outlets to boldly lie and misinform the public but keep their broadcasting license under the banner of reporting news, pull down beloved statues on the public square, destroy neighborhoods with rioting, allow parades of naked men in front of innocent children, allow doxing and protests in front of the private homes of Supreme Court Justices, allow our border to be overrun with illegal aliens, lock down and shutter businesses because of a virus that even without medication is survivable, mandate the taking of a vaccine that wasn’t tested and has been proven ineffective and worse for one’s health, and allow an office selling bribery ring headed by the President of the United States to continue to destroy this nation’s economic health and security by holding the keys to nuclear war?   

Is not having Trump win another election worth that? Oh but maybe it isn’t just that they don’t like Trump, but are truly afraid that Trump and his future cabinet will finally expose all the corrupt and deceitful behavior done by all the members of Congress from pernicious graft to perverted pedophilia.

Is this the reason WE The People are not seeing people in our government stand up in droves condemning and decrying the despicable underhanded double dealing mumbo jumbo that has America holding its nose from the stench of our current contemptible government?

God save all the souls in Washington because the devil has your power hungry egos by the short hairs and if this nation starts to slip into hell, those of us standing by the stink-hole sink-hole will not reach out our hand to save you.

God will help patriotic Americans rebuild our nation brick by brick, pillar by pillar until our Constitutional Republic rises again from an idea, a principle, and a belief: that all men are created equal.


Monday, June 19, 2023


So here we are during a big election year and the Democrats and their media lapdogs are spinning another election yarn to take down the conservative front running candidate, although this time, instead of investigation they are using our weaponized DOJ and legal system to do it.

This is clearly a political prosecution, election interference and an abusive use of power especially when the whole world knows that previous violators of similar and worse crimes have yet to face any scrutiny. Those violators were barely pawed by then FBI Director Comey and passed from closer scrutiny by Bill Barr and Merrick Garland. Of course I am referring to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden both guilty of classified record retention and or destroying documents.

But to our current corrupt DOJ, it doesn’t matter that Biden when he was not President took classified documents for years and hid them in his home attic, summer home garage and Delaware office but instead they wipe away all his wrongdoing by saying he cooperated with authorities. Oh I see, so if you steal property, and hold onto to that stolen property for years, as long as you don’t resist when authority finds it and takes it from you, then you’re in the clear, right?

Wrong they tell me because it isn’t technically a crime to have classified documents, as it is violation of the Record Act not a criminal code. (Except if your last name is Trump) No they explain Trump isn’t being charged with having documents he is being charged with obstruction.

Well, most Americans that are savvy understand that if the Feds want to prosecute you, then they will always find a way to stick in the knives. What exactly is obstruction? It could be a statement you made that investigators claim mislead them, even if it was their misinterpretation of your response rather than your desire to be devious. Or it could be non-compliance until your legal council has had a chance to sort out the issues and advise you how to precede that allows prosecutors to label you as uncooperative and hostile. In a word everyone knows obstruction is one of those catchall terminologies that give broad leeway for the Feds to make weak cases stronger or ensure that some penalty sticks to their politically greased wall.

Yet, this is different. Perhaps we have hated defense lawyers in the past that have successfully won battles with prosecutors when it comes to murderers, rapists and pedophiles getting off on constitutional grounds either because of weak evidence or a violation of defendant’s rights.We all want blood but have to remind ourselves that those defense attorneys are the last line of defense from prosecutorial misconduct, malicious prosecutions and innocent people being railroaded by corrupt powerful elites.

 Now however, our system of justice has turned upside down, because Trump hating prosecutors are blow torching the Constitution and lady justice has taken off the blindfold and attacking equality under the law. They are trying to intimate lawyers who want to represent Trump.

The only party guilty of obstruction is the Biden Democrat party and their power lusting legal warfare that is torching the Bill of Rights. Biden’s Democrats just signaled the people that they are willing to burn our Republic down in order to ensure Trump doesn’t win the presidency. This, my fellow Americans, is called a coup by a delusional, diminished, wanna-be dictator named Joe Biden.  

The Democrat Deep State spied on Trump’s campaign in 2016 to get him to drop out. They investigated his administration for years seeking to have him resign over Hillary’s Russia collusion hoax. They impeached him twice trying to destroy his presidency and then they rigged the 2020 election and installed Biden the fraud as president. After getting away with the election fraud they accused Trump of an insurrection and jail peaceful protesters for trespassing on the Capital grounds when we all knew it was an entrapment by undercover agents and police opening the door and letting people inside the building.

After getting away with the phony insurrection show and the stifling of 2020 election investigations they proceeded to try and keep the House and Senate by using fraud to steal state elections in 2022. Arizona stands out as the most egregious example of voters being defrauded and their votes being silenced in 2022.

So now that none of their sharp long knives has been able to cut Trump or his growing MAGA supporters down to the fringe group they dream it to become, their desperation leads them to charge the ex-president with document violations and use “obstruction” to make it criminal as they maneuver to put him in jail or make him ineligible to run for office.

Should we be shocked or surprised? Yes and no. Yes, because this obvious hypocritical and constitutional nightmare is an attack on our Republic and has destroyed our reputation around the world as a fair and just legal system that is not politically motivated. Yes, because it proves that these criminal elites are willing to destroy our Republic in order to spare them the consequences and the truth about their corruption and deceit that Trump will eventually unveil if he returns to office.

But no, we understand that desperate people are selfish and void of caring what the ramification of their actions are, as long as they are protected and are allowed to continue their devilish and diabolical deeds unhindered by accountability and consequences. And no, we are not surprised that both sides of the aisle are in league together bound by the same fears given their guilty years of underhanded deceit and deception of the people they claim to represent. 

We are in serious jeopardy of losing our Republic to self possessed posers that pretend to love the country but in every act they take the continually tear it apart. A reckoning will eventually ensue because no matter what power Washington thinks it has, the American spirit of God loving freedom, loyalty to the Constitution not to the people who pretend to interoperate it for us, and respect and honor for those who have died for those ideals, is still alive and well in the country.

One thing is to be said about being young, when you know better you do better. The lost generation of Americans that have invested their freedom into more government control will learn the lesson the hard way, but make no mistake about it; they will learn the lesson summarized by Reagan “I’m from the government and I am here to help” are indeed the nine most terrifying words in the English language.