Friday, November 10, 2023




It seems inexcusable that so many on the left have proven their antisemitism by trying to make the moral equivalency of Hamas slaughter of innocent families to people in Gaza.

Not only is the silence and lack of condemnation of Hamas an embarrassment for the world but the leftist ideology promoting lies on college campuses has furthered ignorant support for Hamas by American youths. It reveals an anti-Semitic subtext to the Democrat left that has always lived in whispers in the back rooms by the elitist for years.

Why then has the American Jewish voter supported Democrats and think that the threat of antisemitism comes from the right? Did they believe in the smears by the left that conservatives are the party of hate? There is no question that the left owns the media and does a better job at manipulating the truth and using propaganda to inflame minorities into thinking that conservatives are the party of the KKK. Yet, a quick glance at reality would dispel the myth that the majority of moral minded Christians don’t hate and don’t identify with any hate groups. The hate groups in America are small and without even tepid support by conservatives while the left’s hatred against Christian values grows. Our own government has been supporting the Democrats that have been in a culture war against religion for half a century.

Facts matter but sometimes the visibility of hate parading down the streets of the capital might be the optics Jewish voters need to awaken their eyes to which the real threat to their security aligns. It is not the right, conservatives or Christians that hold hateful rallies. Regardless what Biden and his party slogans and lies about MAGA being a hate-filled Nationalist group, it isn’t true, and never has been true.

Conservatives accept and understand facts and the facts about Hamas and their latest godless evils as well as the rise of antisemitism in America are simply visible and clear.

First, Hamas is in control of Gaza and has been in control since 2006, not Israel. (Slogans about ending the occupation are mindless, since Israel is in a war against Hamas not for control of Gaza.)

Second, Hamas savaged whole families in Israel with a horrific attack of pure evil that defies any human justification for its depravity and sickening slaughter of innocent lives without provocation.

Thirdly, Hamas occupies the people living in Gaza and Hamas hordes resources to use in their terrorist war against Israel’s existence, leaving the Palestinians who live in Gaza poor and oppressed, not Israel.

Fourth, all of the surrounding Arab countries are refusing to take in the Palestinians of Gaza because they know it is impossible to determine the allegiance of those refugees and they do not want Hamas and its terror ideology to be imported into their country.

Fifth, Hamas took hostages, and when you take hostages you are using people as pawns to extract benefit. Hamas wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth so what is the motivation for Israel to negotiate? What sane person will negotiate with rabid inhuman animals filled with hate and contempt for human life?

Sixth, Hamas is financially and ideologically backed by Iran, a terror state that has been calling for the annihilation of Israel for decades. If Iran had nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Jewish state it would have used them already.

Seventh, American media has come out of the closet (New York Times)  as either anti-Semitic or extremely anti-Israel, by reporting Hamas propaganda before vetting the story (a complete lie) that Israel bombed a hospital killing hundreds of Palestinians.  There was no reason to put the story on front page headlines until the facts could be verified, but they printed it nonetheless.

Eight, if the Hamas attack on Israel were to have happened in the United States and our babies were slaughtered and American families tortured, killed and taken hostage, wouldn’t we want to wipe the terrorists off the map? Would we back down and negotiate? Would we want other countries to tell us how to engage the enemy? We all know the answer to that question, don’t we?

Ninth, Trump supporters want government to keep law and order, be fair and just to all and be as unobtrusive as possible around the lives of Americans. We do not want the federal government dictating social policy but rather to stand by the oath to the Constitution that is based on the credo that all men and women are created equal. Democrats want to define people by their minority status and have them angry at wealth, race, status and sex. Conservatives see people as independent souls, with the right to individual liberty.

Tenth, as our open borders pours in more cultures that hate Jews and then identifies with the Democrat Party the antisemitism continues to grow in America while the Democrats say and do nothing to condemn the hatred.

These are the facts, and when facts and truth are denied then lies and distortions prop up false perceptions that lead to ignorant and rabid perceptions that lather up emotional hate. Logic and truth calms the climate of hate while political manipulation and lies used by the Democrats to inflame hate has not been made accountable by voters.

Hamas is a threat not only to Israelis but to Palestinians civilians in Gaza. Palestinians would fare better to stop supporting terror and hate groups and the Jewish community in America would see less hate by breaking from a Democrat party that wants to diminish our pluralistic belief and make us captive to the notion that we are victims needing big government mothering.    

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