Sunday, May 21, 2023


When one looks at the world today and listens to local media you would think you live in a constant state of disorientation of what is up and what is down as you live and breathe.

How else does one differentiate between a dream state and reality than to rely on basic and rudimentary common sense to mark a clear line of thinking as opposed to scattered thoughts that have no basic believable foundation of truth?

Common sense grounds all of us to the identification of fact versus fiction, right versus wrong, possible versus impossible, actual versus illusion and most importantly practical versus unattainable desire.

You might want to fly, but you know you cannot. You might want to never grow old but you know you cannot stop aging. You might want to stay dreaming and never rise to reality but again the reality of life and its inviolate natural laws invoke its will over your wants and desires.

So wishing doesn’t make things true just as admonishing others to ignore common sense doesn’t justify your fantasies. And we all know this. And we all share common logic. And we all snicker when we observe someone trying to defy natural law.

Democrats and our power crazy rulers have always stretched the truth. Politicians have always exaggerated both problems and solutions. Media has always exploited the unusual and exceptional stories to get rubber necked ratings. We are being led beyond the demarking zone between fact and fiction and instead being smeared and bullied to accept not just mythical made up truth but complete fabricated reality that destroys common sense.

A coup was perpetrated on the American people’s government by Obama’s people in the CIA, FBI, DOJ along with the help of Democrats in Congress to destroy our election of Trump, his administration and subsequent elections where he and his policies would be on the ballot.

Americans have been waiting for years for the corruption to be uncovered and the guilty to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the Russian collusion hoax, instead we are shown a report that lays out the lawlessness but blames no specific persons. Worse the Durham report exposes the Russian hoax like a story about the boogeyman that never dies, is never caught, and never faces any repercussions for terrorizing its victims.

When no one is punished it means there isn’t law for the wicked elite. When elections are rigged it means there isn’t a followed Constitution. When our Constitution is only invoked as a weapon by our government it means our Republic is already taken over by a cabal of power lusting Fascists pretending we still have a government OF the People, FOR the people and BY the people. Washington isn’t just corrupt, it is an autocracy planted in the Obama administration that has grown in power with many GOP cohorts that has infected most of those who we the people sent to Washington.

We no longer can trust any federal government institution to be fair and follow the law. We can no longer believe in our Representatives to keep faith with the people. We can no longer trust our elections at the federal and state levels as being legitimate reflections of the people’s true voting preferences.

Mockery has been made of ballot integrity, blind justice, impeachment, the rule of law, checks and balances, and constitutional limits to federal control. Those responsible for this treasonous activity of the coup taking place in our government are exempt from accountability whereas trespassing by the people in the Capital building is being treated as insurrectional treason and penalized with a complete disregard of their constitutional guaranteed Amendment rights.

When traitors with authority in government punish honest innocent citizens for the crimes they themselves commit, we have a tyrannical dictatorship in America.

 It is just common sense to see the reality unfolding in front of our eyes regardless of what the story tellers want us to imagine. What we once believed matters little and mean less than what we currently have become and are experiencing in this fraudulent governing. The growing minority in our government that remain honest and with integrity have no power, no voice and no clue how to wrestle power back from thieves of our Republic.

This is our reality; born of common sense as we witness the complete unaccountably of lawless lawmakers and egotistical enforcers running today’s government.

Do elections matter when the counting is rigged against the people? Well it appears pretty clear that most of us are living on hope and faith rather than confidence that our ballots are being properly counted and our voices are being truly represented. I guess we just have to wait and see what happens next.

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