Saturday, December 18, 2010


The Tea Party movement is getting credit for stopping the Omnibus bill. Okay I will take that win. However, I for one did not like the compromise with the tax cut and unemployment extension. We failed to be one unified voice on that front. FreedomWorks and Americans for Tax reform were for it while most Tea Party groups were against it.

Dick Army and Matt Kibbe’s group FreedomWorks is a top down Tea Party group/PAC that does too much directing and not enough listening to average American concerns. My rub against this group is that they act more like a PAC and less like a grassroots group of average Americans freely voicing their opinions.

I wish not to bash these PAC’s but supporting the compromise hatched between the old Republican guard and the election losing president was a mistake from the gate.

The president and the Democrats lost the election! They lost resoundingly. They lost on the domestic front, with the condemnation of their fiscal policy being most prominent! Moreover, the president has shut the Republicans out of the room of negotiations, and the Democrats never allowed their ideas to even be put on the table of debate, for two long years!

Then the president, weak and yet still arrogant asks the Republicans for a meeting about a tax deadline about to expire that would infuriate voters even more if allowed to lapse. Sounds like ropy-dope, right? Sounds like the perfect time for Republicans to invoke a Nancy Reagan stance, “just say NO.” Moreover, what compromise? Let the Democrats vote to extend the Bush taxes while altering the bill to raise the rate on the rich. Americans know it will be another job-killer.

The new 112th Congress can step in and reverse the increase, and if they run up against a presidential veto so be it. Do you really think that the Democratic Senators staring at their 2012 elections futures would not jump away from Obama and join Republicans in overriding that veto?
No the Republicans old guard played political chess again between the need and voice of the American constituency and the political desires of their party power. How?

Well if the Republicans listened and were looking out for American interest they would have demanded from the president 3 things. One make the Bush tax rates permanent, two stop or find funding for unemployment that would not come out of business taxes and three abolish estate taxes and lower the corporate tax rate. What would the president get in this deal? His prize would be that he would enjoy the political capital from fiscal policy that would start creating real job growth in America and not smoke and mirror stimulus jobs.

Well let’s peek inside the minds of the Republicans first to see the political spinning wheels. The Republican Party still fears the Democrats will use vitriolic rhetoric to define them in the run up to 2012 elections. They are fearful that independent voters will believe the Democrats and the President if they are called “Scrooge” by not extending unemployment benefits during Christmas. They hate being tainted as the party of “No.”

The Republicans only pushed for a two year extension of the Bush tax rate so they could keep the political tax issues on the front burner for the presidential campaign. The Republicans are thinking the economy will start to improve and they can say to the American people “we kept your rates low” but the President wants to raise rates on the rich and kill American jobs. This political hot potato is what infuriates Americans about Washington politics.

Okay what is the President thinking? Well, pardon me if my Karl Marx is rusty, but here I go. I believe he is aware that he has lost the battle but not the war. He knows he will lose his re-election bid in 2012 if the economy doesn’t turn around, but he will also lose his base supporters if he caves in to Republicans. Therefore, by doing a deal with the Republicans to extend the tax rates, he tries to show that he is listening to the proletariat, (American workers) and their needs, but through no fault of his own is held “hostage” by the bourgeois. (The Rich) He gets to continue to demonize the Republicans to his Kool-Aid drinking base while also taking credit if the economy turns a corner. That is a win win for the President.

What is the Tea Party thinking? Well, along with Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman we are thinking forget the political games. The Bush tax rates should be extended indefinitely and voted on by an up and down vote without anything attached to the Bill. Then pack your Democratic bags and put your gavel in the draw 111th Congress and go home permanently.

All of this brings up the reason why the Tea Party Movement needs to grow their voice and get on the same political page. We are the Movement of common sense and reason in government. No more bailouts, stimulus, tarp, cash for clunkers and subsidized “couch potatoes” or unemployment benefits that now will be three years of paying idle workers with the cost born on American taxpayers and business.

Yes, we are not shy or ashamed to be the voice of reason as we invoke the tough love discipline needed in Washington by the word “NO”.

We are just the average traditional Americans fighting on the ground trying to bring a “bottom up” message to the “top” of Capitol Hill.

Join me and other traditional Americans to discuss our American issues and battles ahead at;

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Many Americans are awaking to realize the truth of liberal lies on issues such as global warming and Keynesian economics. However there are still too many Americans young and old that have yet to be deprogrammed.

The older lifelong Democrats that revere John F. Kennedy still believe that the Party represents the plight of the people over big bad government and business. The younger supporters of the Democrats have been propagandized to believe that social justice means social freedom.

The cult leaders lie so much they soon begin to believe their own lies.
They scare lifelong Democrats and young voters with the notion that the Republican Party and conservatives aim to institute puritan standards and recreate sweat shops.

The cult requires their minions to mouth the mantra of unions being the arbiter to ensure workers a fair paying wage against the greedy slave driving bosses of capitalism.

The cult point their fingers at the Republicans accusing them of wanting to make laws outlawing sexual behaviors by forcing moral standards in the private American bedroom.

The cult sing the praise of diversity and democracy as the throngs of supporters sway to the rhythm of the ideas of world peace, government’s goodness and social justice.

They have bought into the notions that our Constitution is flawed. That capitalism creates poverty. That America’s history should be viewed with shame and guilt. That social justice is more egalitarian than equal justice.
The Democratic Party is replete with radical neo-socialists cult leaders aiming to fix America by destroying her most successful principles; private economics and individual rights. The Tea Party Movement is fighting back using the Republican Party to stop this growing radical intellectual corruption.

There is no true intellectual thinker that can abide by the notion that social justice is preferable to equal justice when it comes to freedom. There is no true intellectual thinker that believes America’s historical record contains more mistakes than glorious successes. There is no true intellectual thinker that believes capitalism and private ownership creates poverty. There is no true intellectual thinker that believes Constitutionally guaranteed individual rights never before granted human beings bespeaks a flawed document.

Our American education system is filled with liberal propagandists that preach this neo-socialism. It appeals to the kind heart of American youth that want to improve the world by ridding it of poverty and inhumanity.

War is bad; peace is good; racism bad; diversity good; capitalism is bad; government wealth sharing good; private ownership bad; state ownership good and last but not least individual rights bad and social rights good.

The reason that this neo-socialism has been successful is that the liberal cult has dominated the field of academia. They have been filling the literary shelves with their revisionist historical subjective books that youth are then assigned to read. They have used the power of the classroom grade to punish any student unwilling to regurgitate their elixir of half truths and theory posing as facts.

Those who believe in neo-socialism claim to want to take the best of Democracy and mix it with Socialism to create a new ideal of governance. In the progressive neo-socialism there would be no poverty, no wars, no private ownership and no restrictions on government’s ability to exercise power for the good of society.

They preach that planet earth will be saved, animals will no longer be consumed, healthcare will be a government assured right, laws on morality will be atheistic and free from religious influence and all foreign conflicts will be managed by diplomacy alone. This is the Koolaid they pass around for all to drink.

What they do not tell their persuaded believers is that in order for that neo-socialism to work; you as an individual will have your ego crushed. Your children will no longer have an individual identity. You will be begging the government rather than working for your wants. Laws will be capricious to the whim of the government that will take away benefits or be bankrupt to deliver upon them. Most importantly there will be no guarantee to assure a government will be benevolent versus Stalin-like once in control of you, society.
To all those indoctrinated by the liberal cult I implore to read historical world facts. I ask you to examine with your own critical eyes the truth of humanity and its struggle to forge dignity, equality and freedom for itself.
This is the examination our forefathers engaged in when they formed our Republic. This was why they rejected pure democracy, socialism, emperor and king rule which gave society power over the individual. They understood that liberty could only be preserved for everyone against enslavement if it rested solely in the hands of each individual American.

We as Americans are not subjects of a king, slaves of an emperor, sheep to socialists or victims of mob rule democracy. We are a Republic with individual inalienable rights codified in both our Constitution and Bill of Rights that no power beyond ourselves can usurp. We need to protect America from those radicals that offer to chain you and yours for the good of the Country. In fact, your right to your liberal idealism is best granted in the parchment handed you by those wise old liberating forefathers.

"Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories." Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We All Know Who Lost, But Who Won?

There is little dispute that the left lost, yet a swirl of conjecture of who won and why rages on. The economy was no doubt a factor but in sea of federal despotism there are many issues on the table.

Most of the pundits along with the current administration blame joblessness that created a profound but predictable pendulum swing to the right. Meanwhile, the Republicans are still wrangling with the newly elected members versus the old guard in the party for priorities.

It was not just “the economy, stupid.” Nor was it a normal “wave” election born out of disgruntlement by an electorate suffering typical impatience with Washington.

Perhaps Frank Luntz who has spent endless days involved in focus groups across the country and engaged voter opinions more directly than a distant phone poll, could lend assistance.

The Tea Party Movement is a name taken from our history books that marks an historic mindset of Americans who equally lived in hardship while being dictated by autocracy.

Was it just the imposed tax on tea by the king that resulted in an act of defiance to tyranny? Or were there a series of despotic acts that culminated in revolt.

The Stamp Act of 1765 was more the spark that ignited the flame of the colonist’s indignation over dictatorial rule. It was the genesis of the well known American phrase “taxation without representation” in colonial America. It was repealed by the British Parliament but replaced by the Declaratory Act of 1766.

The Declaratory Act was a bigger slap in the face to colonists as it declared that the British Parliament had the absolute power and right to rule over the colonies regardless of representation in that legislative body.

The Townshend Revenue Act of 1767 taxed imported goods among them tea. There were boycotts and protests throughout the colonies and three years later in 1770 all was repealed in the Townshend Act except for the tax on tea. The reaction, during this three year period by the colonists was to smuggle tea and imposed a non-importation ban among merchants as a protest to importing and drinking British tea.

Boston however, had been one of the few ports still importing tea during this time. Now with the new Tea Act in May of 1773, it allowed the East India Company to undersell the tea smugglers.

When the ships Dartmouth, Eleanor and the Beaver arrived at Boston’s harbor they were not allowed to leave port without the colonists paying the import fees. This standoff with English law leads to the defiant dumping of tea or the Boston Tea Party revolt of December 16, 1773.

Was it about tea? Was it about taxes? Is today’s Tea Party Movement about taxes? Is it about the economy?

The Bailouts, the Stimulus the Healthcare Bill and the circumvention of the Constitution by Reconciliation are as onerous to Americans today as the Stamp Act, Declaratory Act and the Townshend Acts were yesterday.

Then and now the answer is a resounding NO. It was not about tea and taxes back then but about freedom from the king. It is not about taxes and the economy now but about freedom from federal authoritarian rule.

“Taxation without representation” could be coined to fit the modern ire “representatives not representing!” Americans across the country are clamoring for a change in Washington.

There are those talking heads proclaiming that the electorate failed to rid the Senate of the incumbent Democrats and therefore their bite is not as powerful as their bark. I guess they would have also diminished the protest effect of the tea being dumped in the harbor as an ineffectual symbolic gesture? History would prove otherwise.

Did you forget that this was an off year election? Did you forget that the Movement is still gathering in membership? Did you forget that many years of cynicism has soured voter participation? Did you forget that big money and special interest bribery has corrupted our electoral system? Perhaps you have an equally distorted view that every colonist was supportive of the revolution and there were no English loyalists?

We in the Tea Party Movement are still growing as we reach out to voters still watching on the sidelines wondering if we are this “wacko” group so wrongfully disparaged by all our elitist opponents. Yet, when they get close and look for themselves, and listen to what the Tea Party Movement stands for we are not scary, loony or crazy. Moreover, they understand our message is not radical, irrational or unreasonable.

To the political commentators, the Democrats, and to the President this election was a “shellacking” of the policies of your administration but equally a first electoral shot over the ship of state. We are not finished speaking our minds. We will not be content with words of concession alone. We will not be appeased by window dressing (re-instate Bush tax cuts, rid Healthcare of 1099 provision).

We will be even more engaged while we continue to recruit millions of American voters to join us as traditional Americans seeking to save their country’s roots, values and core principles.

Who won this first political battle against freedom crushing dictatorship?

(the people) won!

The average American won this election battle and we understand it will be a long political war to restore constitutional integrity to our Republic!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The President is in Denial!

In watching the post election press conference by the president I was curious to glean his reaction. I wondered if the heretofore arrogant partisan tone that has marked his first two years would be dialed down after an election rebuke of his policies.

I was not looking to embrace the president if he acknowledged his failures rather I wanted to know if he was finally listening to the American people. I wanted to see if the president could even for a few short moments fake humility.

My answer was quickly realized by his repeating that the poor economy was the sole reason for voter disgruntlement. When asked about the Healthcare Bill and the backroom political shenanigans that marked the passage of that legislative behemoth he parsed and passed by the truth.
It was a messy process he agreed but the Healthcare Bill was important and necessary to pass. He then went on to make another lame sales pitch to defend his government healthcare take over legislation.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I know that there’s some Republican candidates who won last night who feel very strongly about it. I’m sure that this will be an issue that comes up in discussions with the Republican leadership. As I said before, though, I think we’d be misreading the election if we thought that the American people want to see us for the next two years relitigate arguments that we had over the last two years.

Mr. President what part of the word “no” to the Healthcare Bill that was expressed by Americans in Town halls and polls throughout the country did you not understand? What clear unequivocal message that Americans have been sending you about this legislation along with all your other administration’s policies are you confused about?

The Press conference continued to ask the president to look down into bottom of the cup of brewed tea leaves and make his political assessment. Interesting that unlike a seer that must conjure the spirit world to predict both the past and the future for the fortune seeker, the President had the election results. Those election results flashed in neon brightly lit billboard sized writing that said rebuke to his socialist’s agenda without the ambiguity of tarot cards.

Did the President accept the message he was clearly being sent by the American public in a resounding political shift from the left to the right?

And that’s why, during the course of the last two years, as tough as it’s been, as many sometimes scary moments as we’ve gone through, I’ve never doubted that we’re going to emerge stronger than we were before. And I think that remains true, and I’m just going to be looking forward to playing my part in helping that journey along.

Mr. President you have made this a tough road for Americans especially the middle class. You and your policies scare the American people, and we are intent to end your journey of destroying our great Republic. You are playing a part, a puppet role to all those who wish to create a socialist America and extinguish her exceptional beacon of freedom in the world.

There is only one statement I can agree with you on as an American, Mr. President “I’ve never doubted we’re going to emerge stronger than we were before.”

Yes the American people will emerge stronger than we were before you entered the White House. Yes the American people will emerge stronger now that we control the House and have our hands back on the purse strings of our government. Yes, we will be looking forward to sending you and all the liberal socialists an even stronger message that will make mute your interpretation of elections results.

You and the rest of those progressives will lose your political office in 2012 and the Tea Party Movement will do their part to help that journey along.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Speaker of the Bankrupt House!

Nancy Pelosi spoke about how they the Democrats in Congress did an America a big favor in passing the financial Bill to stop Wall Street greed from taking American jobs. (Lie) She also proclaimed that Republicans were responsible for the meltdown. (Lie)
Nancy does not tell the American steel workers or the American people the truth about the financial meltdown in Wall Street or the truth about what is in the financial bill.
First, she blames Republicans and Bush for the financial meltdown is that true?

No it was not Bush’s fault! Nancy you lie like the rug in my living room.

Second, does the Financial Bill that passed save jobs or protect Americans from bailing out Corporations in the future?
No it codifies bailouts and gives more power to the Executive Branch and the Federal Reserve to control and socialize capitalism. Nancy you lie like a rock in a gravel pit.

Now are Americans going to start seeing the positive effects of the numerous regulations being imposed on banks?

Guess what Nancy you are attacking the wallets of people like my parents directly, who are senior citizens on a fixed income, that are not computer savvy and still pay all their bills with a checking account. Now they will pay more and have less income?

Why? Because of you and your Party’s constant meddling with the Banks and free markets. My parents and most Americans are not hurt by what Wall Street does but what our government does in over regulating (Financial Bill) underperforming (SEC Porn watchers) watchdog agencies.

You and the Democratic Party are not free market supporters! (LIE) You and the Democratic Party are not for helping the average American! (LIE) You and the Democratic Party do not create jobs. (LIE) You and the Democratic Party are not trying to expand the middle class. (LIE) You and the Democratic Party are not about fairness and you fail to mention that you and your husband are rich. (LIE) The Republican Party is the party of foreign money, PAC money, shady money and big business lobby money while the Democratic Party does not take those kinds of funds. (LIE)

America wake up and see that this woman and her Party is destroying this country! The Democrats are now out from behind the back curtains where they for decades only whispered their secret socialism.
Nancy unions have killed American jobs and the government’s Healthcare Bill, Financial Bill and Energy will continue to kill American jobs.

Nancy says outright when people have those jobs “we want them to bargain collectively. We want to pass the employer free choice act as well.”

Nancy and the Democrats are for killing American capitalism, unionizing the whole of America’s workforce, owning and dictating to banks, corporations and small businesses, increasing the cost of energy by stopping oil drilling, mandating to each citizen to buy health insurance or be fined and yet they are the friend and champion of the middle class?

Wake up America to the truth that has never been more plain and obvious to see. Democrats are responsible for what is wrong with America and you are responsible for both believing in their lies and giving them political control.

Stop blaming the politicians, the rich, the corporations, the free markets, the corruption of Washington and sitting on your electoral hands.
We the people have the power, we the people can save America, we the people, can save the middle class, we the people, can save our jobs, can save our freedoms from the politicians that have both ignored us and have forgotten for whom they work.

America’s Congressional House is a highly leveraged, morally and fiscally bankrupt property that should be condemned. If you want America to continue to crumble, vote for Democrats. If you want America to die as a Constitutional Republic, vote for Democrats. If you want capitalism and private property to be destroyed, continue to vote for Democrats and believe Nancy Pelosi's lies.

However if you love America and want to restore her house, repair her foundation and make her both solvent and exemplified in the neighborhood of the world then you must vote out the Democrats first come this November.

You must vote out both the (socialists) Democrats and the (Tax and spend) Democrats for this represents the foundation cracks in America's house. There will be time in the future to go after Republican that act like Democrats. (Rino repairs) Resolve yourself that the repairs will take time and many more elections but you as a citizen will commit to put America’s house back into working order as our forefathers intended.
America needs YOU to fix her house!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Campaign Promise to Contract to Pledge

Well all I can say is that I hope this new pledge holds the Republicans to act differently than they have in the recent past. To me this latest Pledge by the Republican Party is a good starting point but fails to address many issues. I know, I know, I know they have to start somewhere Claudia so give them a chance before being pessimistic.

I agree but where is the pledge for tax reform? Where is the pledge to rid government of agencies like the Department of Education? Where is the repeal of the new Financial Bill listed on the document? Where is the pledge to reform the House and Senate rules so that Reconciliation can never be used again on a big government bill? I think the republicans have set the bar way to low and I smell a bit of Tea Party Movement appeasement?

Look if I sound skeptical and cynical than the only people to blame for that is the Republican Party. They abandoned their conservatism not me. They became the big party spenders not me. They moved to the center to attract independent votes not me. They have continued to put up liberal candidates in their party not me.

Okay so now they claim to hear Americans? They have given Americans a written list of pledges that honestly still makes me (personally) yearn for a pre-nuptial agreement. I stand before my soon to be betrothed into power in the congressional house and I think I just saw them wink but their eyes were not on me!

Where is the trust? Well there are a few troubles with the current pledge;

Read The Bill: We will ensure that bills are debated and discussed in the public square by publishing the text online for at least three days before coming up for a vote in the House of Representatives. No more hiding legislative language from the minority party, opponents, and the public. Legislation should be understood by all interested parties before it is voted on.

Adhere To The Constitution: For too long, Congress has ignored the proper limits imposed by the Constitution on the federal government. Further, it has too often drafted unclear and muddled laws, leaving to an unelected judiciary the power to interpret what the law means and by what authority the law stands. This lack of respect for the clear Constitutional limits and authorities has allowed Congress to create ineffective and costly programs that add to the massive deficit year after year. We will require each bill moving through Congress to include a clause citing the specific constitutional authority upon which the bill is justified

Advance Legislative Issues One at a Time: We will end the practice of packaging unpopular bills with “must-pass” legislation to circumvent the will of the American people. Instead, we will advance major legislation one issue at a time.

I am happy to have roped them to the altar but let me just address the following doubts of devotion I feel are being made by my meandering finance’s past broken vows.

They write about reading the Bill in three days but speak nothing about limited both the size and the legalize for it to be stated plainly by use of American English not requiring a degree in “goby gook” jargon that the average American finds insulting and patronizing. Equally they are silent about this being codified in legislation but to remain just a promise. (Wink wink)

Adhere to the Constitution now gee that would be a novel idea. Is that like I won’t cheat on you with your sister? Again, Washington seems to be clueless as to what is “in” the Constitution. Why do I think the only change will be that the government will buy stamps and ink pads with the the words "commerce clause" so the the legislation will look offical. It does not address the overeach of the courts in defining that constitutional clause. (Their eyes are wandering the room while I sneer under my veil)

Advance legislative issues one at a time? Again why does that idea not fill me with warm emotional succor? Perhaps because it is similar to my significant others telling me they will only cheat with one mistress at a time. Again I have to ask where is the legislation that is going to be proposed to not just keep Republicans to that pledge but all members of Congress. (My knees are weak but not for the wedding night)

This pledge has gums not teeth and the fact that many reforms are missing (Tax, Tort, Union and Corp lobbying) makes me wonder if my ring bearing knights in shining armor are bigamists. Have they already slyly created a back door to the wedding by trying to fool the Tea Party Movement? Can they later trot out the other wife (special interest) then claim that they lived by their agreement but alas the marriage is not valid?

Okay I will say I do. I will hope we have a long and happy life with more pledges to come. I will wait and watch in optimistic expectation that they will be faithful. I shall give them my trust once we settle in to our new congressional nest. Please don’t blame me however if I continue to eavesdrop on their phone conversations. Don't blame me, if I decide to pop into their Washington Offices under the guise of taking them to lunch while spying the number of attractive lobbyists. I must make this marriage work for the many long years ahead.

“Trust but verify.” My first conservative love taught me that, his name was Ronald Reagan. His pledge to me was never broken and he did not have to write it down on paper. (Wink,wink)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010


A short history of American Party politics would reveal that Independents are nothing new in the political history of this country. The first Independent voters to break away from the Republican Party that was supporting James G. Blaine in 1884 and threw their support to the Democrat Grover Cleveland. They were called “Mugwumps” from Massachusetts American Indian’s Algonquian language meaning “kingpin” and implied that Independents thought they were “Holier-than –thou” in their rejection of Party politics.
There has been a long period (too long) period of American apathy and cynicism regarding politics in this Country that has led to greater corruption both in State Houses and in the Capital building in Washington. Equally the rise of the independent voter referred to today as the “Swing Vote” has benefitted both the Republican and Democratic Parties in winning Congressional Power.
However, both the “Mugwumps” and the new “Swing Voters” have not been successful in either changing the two Party system or forcing less partisanship in Washington or in the State Houses. In fact, there is a good argument to be made that they have increased the pandering of politicians to take “middle of the road” positions in order to swing the Independent voters their way. The Republicans march away from the right toward the middle and the Democrats march away from the left toward the middle and after the elections they march right back to their Right and Left camps respectively.
Those that make the declarative statement that they vote for individual candidates and not Party loyalty are kidding themselves that Party Power can be altered or changed. Equally, the call for “Throw all the Bums Out” clearly has created more cynicism and less voter participation in elections making voter turnout in America abysmal and shameful. New immigrants to this Country from Countries that do not give them the right to vote are appalled at the apathy of Americans who do not vote.
There is also a problem with registering as an independent voter in this Country, for in order to participate in the primary vote you need to register and declare a Party to receive a primary ballot. One should note that it is in the PRIMARY elections that one’s individual choice of candidate becomes most vocal and effective in changing the political dialog in both State and Federal elections.
Regarding Party loyalty and a blind faith support of Party over candidate in the General elections? This too has historical precedence in the election of Ronald Reagan in both 1980 and 1984 when Democrats voted in record number for his election. In Fact, it could be argued that a vast majority of those Reagan Democrats left the Democratic Party and became Independents rather than join the Republican Party.
Where does this leave us today? Today, American’s are finally realizing that sitting on their election hands, and not voting, has not worked. Voting for a third party (Ross Perot) has not worked. Registering as an Independent and swinging the pendulum back and forth has not worked. In fact, it has lead to an even greater level of corruption and cynicism on the part of politicians to manipulate the American voter.
Enter the new era of the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT consisting of Democrats, Independents, Republicans and newly registered voters angry at the deafness of Politicians, the despotism of the Left-wing co-opted Democratic leadership, the shredding of Constitutional rights and freedoms and the corruption of moneyed special interest buying legislation loopholes in Washington while the Average American citizen is ignored and disparaged.
The American middle class has been required to shouldered the tax burdens, (Tarp, Bailouts, stimulus) regulation burdens, (Healthcare Mandates) atheist war on Christianity burden (Prayer out of School and Public Square) American values burden (Judicial Nullification of voters on Marriage law) College cost burden (too rich for tuition cost help not poor enough for tuition cost help) Job and entrepreneur opportunity burden (Union extortion and Vast over regulation) protection of property and equal justice burden (Border States overrun with illegal workers, imported gangs and drugs and exploding social services costs afforded to non-citizens) a war on individual Freedoms burden (Congress, Executive and Judiciary Branches all deciding, altering and tampering with the Bill Of Rights which was a list intended to BAN Government involvement PERIOD!) All adding up to the passing of the Torch Burden giving hope to the American Dream or nightmare as to what we leave to our prodigy?
The TEA PART MOVEMENT is an Independent movement but unlike the failed grassroots political revolts of the past we are NOT going to be Mugwumps, swing voters, or third party idealists that see our cries for change be co-opted and or marginalized by those wishing to change our EXCEPTIONAL, PROVIDENTIAL and HISTORIC METEORIC rise among nations be destroyed.
Do not be fooled or foolish to believe that the enemy has not clearly taken a side in the Two Party system and resides fully encamped in the Democratic Party of today. This is not the Party of John F. Kennedy nor even the party of Jimmy Carter this is the party of Radical Socialism that wants to change our Equal Justice to Social Justice. The Democratic Party and their current leader in the White House want to change us from a Republic and capitalistic Country to a European styled Socialist democracy.
Make no mistake America is in a clear political and ideological war in which the middle class will be destroyed first and permanently if the DEMOCRATS continue to be allowed to hold power.
This is the reason that the Tea Party Movement has chosen to throw all of its support to the Republican Party in the general election this fall on November 2nd. We are not foolish enough to think that the Republican Party wears the lily white hats! Not foolish enough to think that that party is not corrupt! Not foolish enough to think one election will solve all our problems! Not foolish enough to think they will try and use and lose us! Not foolish enough to think that they will willingly or miraculously grow an ethical Representative character overnight…but quite the contrary.
We have two party choices in front of us and while both are corrupt and deaf to Middle Class America one is the enemy of freedom and Founding principles and the other has failed to protect us on the battlefield of freedom. We must take the rag tag army of Republican Party cadets to Generals and de-commission the corrupt, re-train the rank and file, design the war strategies for them, remove the traitors and the deserters from the ranks. The Tea Party Movement must be like George Washington and lead these Republican troops back over the Potomac River to battle for saving and preserving our Republic.
We are all independent individual citizens in America but today as in all wars the battle lines are clearly drawn and unambiguous. Don’t act foolish or “holier than thou”, don’t sit on your hands or the sidelines. Stand up and choose. There are only two sides.
DEATH of the American Constitution, Capitalism and our Individual Liberty way of life=Democrats.
Restoration of Constitutional adherence free competitive markets and celebration of individual rights liberties and pursuit of happiness=Republican.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



We all know that both parties use political influence to pay for both votes and campaign contributions. The Republicans have long been accused of using the Amendment process of legislation brought to the floor of Congress to help Corporations, Small Business Associations and conservative special interest groups’ examples; (Christian Coalition, National Rifle Association).

The Democrats have been doing the same with Unions, Trade Associations and special interest groups’ example; (American Civil Liberties Union, National Organization for Women).

Both Parties have been tone deaf to the average American worker that is not in a union or in a special interest group until this Democratic Congress and Barak Obama has embarked on a new Political strategy. Put all Americans on the public payroll or dole and they will never go back to capitalism. Socialism will win by default.

It has long been know that the Republican Party fares best with the suburban and rural voters and less with the city dwellers. The Democrats have been unable to convince home owners and suburbanites that their tax and spend policies make them an attractive alternative.

However, this economic recession has the Democratic Party using the Blame Bush not us or Obama argument to institute stimulus that has been a complete failure. Not only has it failed to stimulate the economy to create jobs but some say it has hampered recovery by ballooning the National Debt.

It has caused them to reach into the Government goody bag and hand out taxpayer money to average Americans for cars, appliances, mortgages and job loss. Regardless of their political Party affiliations Americans took advantage of Government rebates and subsidies for newer cars to more efficient energy products in their homes. Why not take advantage of the “Cash for Clunkers” even if you disagreed with it being passed? It is on the buffet table and it is too sweet to pass up.

The many programs offered by this Congress should remind us of an earlier time in United States history, the NEW DEAL of FDR. There has been a debate as to whether we are in a deep recession or a depression as the economists play a game of semantics most Americans out of work have traded the soup line to the unemployment line.

“Parallel Problems and Pressures”

“And just like in the '30s, pressure is building for a new international financial regime — for the same political and financial elites who created the problems to try to solve them. This time around, the inaugural conference was held not in London but in Washington, at the behest of the UN and other modern global authorities rather than the old League of Nations. And as in 1933, the participants in the recent international economic conference expect their efforts to culminate in a Bretton Woods-like revolution in international finance.In sum, very little has changed in 70 years except the names of the actors. Given how closely events in 2008-2009 have tracked those of 1929-1933, it appears increasingly probable that the consequences of those actions — a lengthy, debilitating depression — will be the same as well.”

First example of the new push by Democrats to turn the middle Class into liberal votes is the extending of un-employment benefits that now has the out of work American receiving a pay check two years after the loss of their job. It is a welfare program that has a disincentive to seeking work but allows under the table employment to grow.

Obama has used the argument openly to chide Republicans who have opposed the extension of being callous to the economic needs of the Middle Class.

Second example is This Administration is keeping one of its campaign promises to us and “Joe the Plumber” the redistribution of wealth.
It is obscene to realize that less than 50% of the workforce is in the private sector in America. It is equally disturbing to see the Food Stamp and welfare rolls exploding while the only jobs expanding and paying far greater a salary on average is the Federal employee.

Did you think something is wrong when a high school graduate taking the Civil Service Exam and becoming a federal worker makes on average double the income of a college graduate in the private sector? It is true and it is an outrage!

The Democrats and the Obama administration have been busy putting the finishing touches on the long war against free markets started by their hero Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They have socialized and corrupted America’s greatest competitive edge against the rest of the world’s marketplace by an aggressive attack on Capitalism.

Will the republican throw those federal employees off the Government payrolls en mass? We know that they will not and cannot until the private sector economy is able to absorb them into the job market again. If we are in fact looking at a long term recession than the ability of the Republican wins in both November and in 2012 may mean that America is likely to stay a quasi-socialist Country for years to come.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


The Tea Party Movement does not want smaller government because of high tax burdens and the encroachment of unaliable rights but economic freedom as well.


We all know even without the STATS that America’s middle class and her American Dream has been slipping away from our grasp for a long time and it is the fault of Washington and Big Government interference.

Snyder is right to argue that global competition is to blame for the “GIANT SUCKING SOUND” which is a term made famous by Ross Perot in describing what would happen to American jobs if NAFTA was approved. However, the real vacuum cleaner that has been sucking away American’s opportunities belongs to Washington D.C. and its assault on capitalism.

I believe if the American worker has an even playing field we can and would outperform other labor markets because we work smarter not harder as our innovation over the years has proven.

He is right that in a global competitive workforce Americans cannot compete with other countries and their workers when you compare the cost of labor for a Corporation today in America after years and years of Washington’s interference in the free market system.

We in the Tea Party Movement understand what is wrong with the Country’s shrinking economy and our transition from manufacturing to a service workforce and it is NOT the sophist’s argument of corporate greed but the (sucking) sound of Washington’s big government taking away our once competitive marketplace.

The list the real reasons for the shrinking of the American middle class; Unions, Government labor laws and regulations,
America’s corporate tax structure,
litigiousness of our society requiring costly insurance and labeling on products that increase consumer costs,
Government spending that decreases low cost credit and lines of credit for business,
minimum wage laws and equal benefit laws that take away employers salary discretion in a merit system of compensation,
equating and lumping together small farming, logging and fishing in environmental regulations that kill small independent business when the real culprits to say over fishing are huge corporate owned trawlers,

requiring business to hire full time lawyers, accountants human resource personnel just to keep up with the ever changing laws coming out of Washington lawmakers and bureaucracies.
I could go on and on but the bottom line is that our GOVERNMENT has over regulated and overtaxed American businesses out of competitiveness in the global world of competition.

There is no question that Americans hold some responsibility to their fiscal folly in living beyond their means and using their credit cards in a childish ignorance of the financial consequences that come from being over-extended and in deep debt but our society has enticed them as well with no-money down encouragement. (Sub-prime lending, Fannie and Freddie Mac)

The reality is that the middleclass is becoming a dinosaur right in front of our eyes and our children will not just be saddled with debt from an out of control spending spree in Washington but a BUREAU-REGULA-TOCRACY that puts their future employment options in ever increasing over qualification and under compensated economic death of the American Dream!

Thursday, July 22, 2010



The latest smear by the left to marginalize patriotic Americans wishing to restore America’s political system to high standards by our Representatives and require them to be loyal to the Constitution and vote according to the will of their constituents, does not surprise us but should be telling and revealing to those still yet undecided.

The Tea Party Movement is being attacked for political gain with groundless, baseless accusations by left wing groups for the purpose of intimidating new membership and rallying their base to turn out to the polls in November.
It is a pure political tactic, strategy and cynical manipulation of voter perception to save House and Senate seats for Democrats to remain in power. This in fact highlights the deterioration of the American political system to malign and attack the opposition while patronizing and diminishing the intelligence of the average voter.

The public should reject the notion that a few signs in a crowd of thousands is valid evidence to paint all Americans in a grassroots movement to restore American values in Washington as an extremist hate group.
The public should reject the notion that those in support of protecting our borders from ILLEGAL ALIEN crossing, drug-running and human trafficking are hostile to legal aliens and new immigrant citizens. We welcome legal immigrants and lawful visa and green card holders.

The public should reject the notion that their vote can be bought, bribed, and or baited by negative name calling when there is valid disagreement on political policies and direction of Washington.

The tea Party movement is a ground swelling of American voices who are young and old, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents, rich, poor and middle class Americans that have gathered in many groupings across the nation. These average Americans of all walks of life are unhappy with politics as usual, Socialism replacing our Constitutional Republic and a Federal Government in Washington that is out of touch and ignoring the plight of hard working Americans.

The Tea Party Movement who are average American citizens have been called names for gathering in the public square (rallies) expressing their civic responsibility to question and hold their Representatives accountable (Town hall Meetings) and participating in the political process to fire incumbents and elect new candidates that adhere to Public Service integrity and the voice of the people (Primary elections).
Are you not tired of being duped, doped and discarded by special interest groups with one hand in our treasury and the other in the back pocket of Washington politicians?

Are you going to let political organizations disparage honest hard working Americans seeking responsible government to be profiled and tainted with a broad brush of negative hate filled rhetoric?
Are you going to let the political power brokers intimidate you or persuade you as they attempt to herd votes in the continuation of courting you at election time and ignoring you once in power?

We are the people and we are Americans speaking up and standing up for America. We love our fellow Americans and call everyone to stand up for Individual freedom, liberty and justice for all.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


In researching the difference between Nationalism and Patriotism I have found more inaccurate and incomplete contrasts and comparisons written, yet oddly I know most Americans understand the difference between these two allegiances in their hearts even if unable to articulate them.

The general overview of Nationalism is that it is a belief and love of your Country’s Government and culture. The French are very Nationalistic about both and are very inhospitable to the encroachment of other cultures supplanting themselves into the French marketplace.
Nationalistic Countries equally have a tendency toward xenophobia such as in China where it perceives perhaps because of its past history of occupation and pillaging from Japan and Great Britain, any acceptance of foreign culture as a diminishment of Chinese culture and therefore a threat.

Patriotism on the other hand venerates ideals of their country be it governmental or cultural. American Patriotism does not celebrate the government that is current and in power but rather the ideals of government as in the Constitution and the American Democratic Republic. Equally Patriotism celebrates the ideals of our culture, such as, freedom of the individual, free enterprise, the American Dream, pluralism, hard work, the pioneer spirit, and importantly family (Mom and apple pie).

The Nationalist believe that their government and culture is superior to others and therefore it has rightly been considered a blind loyalty as well as an arrogant claim of superiority.

The Patriot believes that their form of government (ideals) along with its cultural (ideals) is superior to all others and has been wrongly characterized as being the same as Nationalism where both blind loyalty and arrogance is celebrated when instead patriotism celebrates individual independence.

The individual rights and the sacrifices made by our ancestry to establish those rights along with the soldiers of today protecting those rights are clearly what Patriotism is about contrasted by Nationalism that bows to ethnicity and cultural identity.

Demanding that new immigrants assimilate into our culture by learning English and showing love and respect to our constitution is not cultural snobbery or bigotry, quite the contrary, it is proclaiming that what constitutes your American status as a citizen is reliant on the American system and its ideals and your fealty to those Constitutional protections not your ethnicity.

The current Germans are Nationalistic as was the Germans under Adolph Hitler’s Nazi party. Nationalist are loyal to their government and culture in whatever form it arises, transforms or changes in practical application to the notion that if you are a German then you should always be proud of your motherland. Nationalism is a blind, arrogant and indoctrinated concept of loyalty that has always been a dangerous and agitating passion that sometimes incites conflict.

Patriotism however, is not about loyalty to a government but to a concept of government or ideal and that is not a small distinction. Patriots look to the idea of individual rights and freedoms and are roused when those ideas and ideals are challenged. They have loyalty to a document indeed a contract such as the Constitution and not to a President, Congress or a Supreme Court.

Also American Patriotism is unique because of the exceptional nature of its governmental system and ideals of freedom. Americans rally around the flag understanding it to be a symbol of individual freedom and then only by extension is the superiority of our society felt because we are grateful and appreciative for those unalienable rights and protections.

Patriotism is stirred when enemies of America and her Constitutional protections and our way of life are threatened by either outside forces, (Islamic Terrorists) or in what we are experiencing today, inside forces, Progressive Democrats (Socialists) challenging those ideals and individual rights to freedom.

The Tea Party Movement is not a third party, is not an organization founded on Nationalistic principles, is not a co-opted or a funded Republican mask like the many Democratic party masks(ACORN, SEIU) and is not a top down led group by neo-con Conservatives. It is a growing gathering force of Patriots in the spirit of our tradition of defending our individual freedoms as law-abiding, value-laden, civic-minded honorable citizens that are awakening from apathy and complacency.

Americans are not Nationalists and we proudly stand together in our pluralistic society and assert our Patriotism together with brand new citizens along side of those whose heritage dates back to the first Puritan settlers.

There should be not cry for humility; no equation with Nationalism and no tempering with guilt as we proudly proclaim our Patriotism as “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Wednesday, June 30, 2010



When American’s were told after 911 that terrorists had sleeper cells throughout the United States, in which these American Nationals and or American citizens sympathetic or terrorist operatives would and could be mobilized to carry out more attack’s everyone was shocked and dismayed. How could we be harboring inside our Country those murderous Muslim terrorists masquerading as average God and Country loving Americans?
The infiltration was done over a number of years both by the supplanting of these Al Qaeda, Hamas or Hezbollah trained operatives (soldiers) of Islamic terrorism and the grooming of American born citizens indoctrinated in the Islamic radical ideas and recruited. They have been a threat, are still a threat and our Counter-intelligence in the FBI are tracking them as we speak.

Now we find that there have been Russian spies just caught in the United States sent by Putin’s government to infiltrate and discover American political Policy by the White House among other espionage information gathering. Is this new? Spying between the two Nations have been going since the early in the 19th century to the present day.

In fact, who believes that with the arrest of these 11 spies there are many more Russian sleepers inside the United States? Well an ex-KGB defector seems to think that America might have as many as 50 couples quietly living among us passing secrets. According to Oleg Gordievsky who defected in 1985 says there are 400 declared Russian Intelligence officers and likely up to 50 couples undeclared or (Sleepers) in the United States.

What does this all mean to the Average American?
Well first the President of the United States Barak Obama has refused to tighten our American Borders and in fact supports his Attorney General to bring a lawsuit against Arizona’s Immigration law designed to protect the State and citizenry from alien invasion. Perhaps there is no need for sleeper cells with the ease of terrorist able to cross our porous southern border.

Equally it is well documented that Barak Obama is sympathetic to a Marxist view of Progressive change for America. It is interesting that we now know the President was briefed on the decade long investigation of the Russian spy ring and perhaps the eminent arrest of those involved and yet he chose to meet with Russian President Medvedev. Could our own CIA and FBI be worried about the Administration getting too cozy with Moscow?

With President Obama trying to secure better relations with Russia and negotiate a START treaty to reduce nuclear arsenals when wonders about the timing of the FBI arrests. The Russians seem to think that hawks in the U.S. government purposefully timed these arrests to derail the talks and adversely affect American-Russian relations?

The role of Kissinger in the “New World Order” is troubling as well; the press has not reported his active involvement and influence in U.S. Soviet relations. He is not a part of the administration, not part of a Congressional appointed delegation but has been active along with a cadre of others retired on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) described as an independent non-partisan think tank on foreign relations.
However Kissinger on his own has been to Russia several times since Putin has come to power. Interesting that Kissinger chooses Putin to buddy and influence where as he was not linked with Boris Yeltson except to advise Bill Clinton along with other former diplomats.

This leads us back to why now? Why is Russia using an old cold war spy game and focusing it on United States policy? Why did the FBI choose to arrest the 11 spies and charge them not of espionage but instead as failing to register as foreign agents? Was it mere coincidence that Medvedev met with President Obama and then the FBI acted on the arrests with separate reasons? After these entire sleeper spies were not after Military secrets but specifically Policy issues?
The FBI claims one the woman was scheduled to return to Moscow and therefore they had to make the arrests? Really after watching these people for ten years? What were they afraid she was going to bring back to Putin? This game of saying the spies were romantic throw backs and that today with more open relations these spies are superfluous while the “New World Order” is being engineered by ex-government policy makers like Kissinger and the (CFR) and our current President is negotiating Start treaty talks on Nuclear weapons does not add up. There are a lot of dots and yet the American is kept in the dark.
Oh and let us not forget what big international crises that Russia and the United States are involved with that could be very dicey in the near future? Iran! The Iranians have a friend in Russia and remember we are still the Great Satan.

We have sleeper cells, from not just terroist but communists and foreign governments all playing chess with the sole objective of bringing down the greatest superpower Nation the world has ever known. We may not known it before but we know now that Barak is not the strong leader our Country needs in time of crises.