Wednesday, August 11, 2010



We all know that both parties use political influence to pay for both votes and campaign contributions. The Republicans have long been accused of using the Amendment process of legislation brought to the floor of Congress to help Corporations, Small Business Associations and conservative special interest groups’ examples; (Christian Coalition, National Rifle Association).

The Democrats have been doing the same with Unions, Trade Associations and special interest groups’ example; (American Civil Liberties Union, National Organization for Women).

Both Parties have been tone deaf to the average American worker that is not in a union or in a special interest group until this Democratic Congress and Barak Obama has embarked on a new Political strategy. Put all Americans on the public payroll or dole and they will never go back to capitalism. Socialism will win by default.

It has long been know that the Republican Party fares best with the suburban and rural voters and less with the city dwellers. The Democrats have been unable to convince home owners and suburbanites that their tax and spend policies make them an attractive alternative.

However, this economic recession has the Democratic Party using the Blame Bush not us or Obama argument to institute stimulus that has been a complete failure. Not only has it failed to stimulate the economy to create jobs but some say it has hampered recovery by ballooning the National Debt.

It has caused them to reach into the Government goody bag and hand out taxpayer money to average Americans for cars, appliances, mortgages and job loss. Regardless of their political Party affiliations Americans took advantage of Government rebates and subsidies for newer cars to more efficient energy products in their homes. Why not take advantage of the “Cash for Clunkers” even if you disagreed with it being passed? It is on the buffet table and it is too sweet to pass up.

The many programs offered by this Congress should remind us of an earlier time in United States history, the NEW DEAL of FDR. There has been a debate as to whether we are in a deep recession or a depression as the economists play a game of semantics most Americans out of work have traded the soup line to the unemployment line.

“Parallel Problems and Pressures”

“And just like in the '30s, pressure is building for a new international financial regime — for the same political and financial elites who created the problems to try to solve them. This time around, the inaugural conference was held not in London but in Washington, at the behest of the UN and other modern global authorities rather than the old League of Nations. And as in 1933, the participants in the recent international economic conference expect their efforts to culminate in a Bretton Woods-like revolution in international finance.In sum, very little has changed in 70 years except the names of the actors. Given how closely events in 2008-2009 have tracked those of 1929-1933, it appears increasingly probable that the consequences of those actions — a lengthy, debilitating depression — will be the same as well.”

First example of the new push by Democrats to turn the middle Class into liberal votes is the extending of un-employment benefits that now has the out of work American receiving a pay check two years after the loss of their job. It is a welfare program that has a disincentive to seeking work but allows under the table employment to grow.

Obama has used the argument openly to chide Republicans who have opposed the extension of being callous to the economic needs of the Middle Class.

Second example is This Administration is keeping one of its campaign promises to us and “Joe the Plumber” the redistribution of wealth.
It is obscene to realize that less than 50% of the workforce is in the private sector in America. It is equally disturbing to see the Food Stamp and welfare rolls exploding while the only jobs expanding and paying far greater a salary on average is the Federal employee.

Did you think something is wrong when a high school graduate taking the Civil Service Exam and becoming a federal worker makes on average double the income of a college graduate in the private sector? It is true and it is an outrage!

The Democrats and the Obama administration have been busy putting the finishing touches on the long war against free markets started by their hero Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They have socialized and corrupted America’s greatest competitive edge against the rest of the world’s marketplace by an aggressive attack on Capitalism.

Will the republican throw those federal employees off the Government payrolls en mass? We know that they will not and cannot until the private sector economy is able to absorb them into the job market again. If we are in fact looking at a long term recession than the ability of the Republican wins in both November and in 2012 may mean that America is likely to stay a quasi-socialist Country for years to come.

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