The Tea Party Movement does not want smaller government because of high tax burdens and the encroachment of unaliable rights but economic freedom as well.
We all know even without the STATS that America’s middle class and her American Dream has been slipping away from our grasp for a long time and it is the fault of Washington and Big Government interference.
Snyder is right to argue that global competition is to blame for the “GIANT SUCKING SOUND” which is a term made famous by Ross Perot in describing what would happen to American jobs if NAFTA was approved. However, the real vacuum cleaner that has been sucking away American’s opportunities belongs to Washington D.C. and its assault on capitalism.
I believe if the American worker has an even playing field we can and would outperform other labor markets because we work smarter not harder as our innovation over the years has proven.
He is right that in a global competitive workforce Americans cannot compete with other countries and their workers when you compare the cost of labor for a Corporation today in America after years and years of Washington’s interference in the free market system.
We in the Tea Party Movement understand what is wrong with the Country’s shrinking economy and our transition from manufacturing to a service workforce and it is NOT the sophist’s argument of corporate greed but the (sucking) sound of Washington’s big government taking away our once competitive marketplace.
The list the real reasons for the shrinking of the American middle class; Unions, Government labor laws and regulations,
America’s corporate tax structure,
litigiousness of our society requiring costly insurance and labeling on products that increase consumer costs,
Government spending that decreases low cost credit and lines of credit for business,
minimum wage laws and equal benefit laws that take away employers salary discretion in a merit system of compensation,
equating and lumping together small farming, logging and fishing in environmental regulations that kill small independent business when the real culprits to say over fishing are huge corporate owned trawlers,
requiring business to hire full time lawyers, accountants human resource personnel just to keep up with the ever changing laws coming out of Washington lawmakers and bureaucracies.
I could go on and on but the bottom line is that our GOVERNMENT has over regulated and overtaxed American businesses out of competitiveness in the global world of competition.
There is no question that Americans hold some responsibility to their fiscal folly in living beyond their means and using their credit cards in a childish ignorance of the financial consequences that come from being over-extended and in deep debt but our society has enticed them as well with no-money down encouragement. (Sub-prime lending, Fannie and Freddie Mac)
The reality is that the middleclass is becoming a dinosaur right in front of our eyes and our children will not just be saddled with debt from an out of control spending spree in Washington but a BUREAU-REGULA-TOCRACY that puts their future employment options in ever increasing over qualification and under compensated economic death of the American Dream!
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