Thursday, August 26, 2010


A short history of American Party politics would reveal that Independents are nothing new in the political history of this country. The first Independent voters to break away from the Republican Party that was supporting James G. Blaine in 1884 and threw their support to the Democrat Grover Cleveland. They were called “Mugwumps” from Massachusetts American Indian’s Algonquian language meaning “kingpin” and implied that Independents thought they were “Holier-than –thou” in their rejection of Party politics.
There has been a long period (too long) period of American apathy and cynicism regarding politics in this Country that has led to greater corruption both in State Houses and in the Capital building in Washington. Equally the rise of the independent voter referred to today as the “Swing Vote” has benefitted both the Republican and Democratic Parties in winning Congressional Power.
However, both the “Mugwumps” and the new “Swing Voters” have not been successful in either changing the two Party system or forcing less partisanship in Washington or in the State Houses. In fact, there is a good argument to be made that they have increased the pandering of politicians to take “middle of the road” positions in order to swing the Independent voters their way. The Republicans march away from the right toward the middle and the Democrats march away from the left toward the middle and after the elections they march right back to their Right and Left camps respectively.
Those that make the declarative statement that they vote for individual candidates and not Party loyalty are kidding themselves that Party Power can be altered or changed. Equally, the call for “Throw all the Bums Out” clearly has created more cynicism and less voter participation in elections making voter turnout in America abysmal and shameful. New immigrants to this Country from Countries that do not give them the right to vote are appalled at the apathy of Americans who do not vote.
There is also a problem with registering as an independent voter in this Country, for in order to participate in the primary vote you need to register and declare a Party to receive a primary ballot. One should note that it is in the PRIMARY elections that one’s individual choice of candidate becomes most vocal and effective in changing the political dialog in both State and Federal elections.
Regarding Party loyalty and a blind faith support of Party over candidate in the General elections? This too has historical precedence in the election of Ronald Reagan in both 1980 and 1984 when Democrats voted in record number for his election. In Fact, it could be argued that a vast majority of those Reagan Democrats left the Democratic Party and became Independents rather than join the Republican Party.
Where does this leave us today? Today, American’s are finally realizing that sitting on their election hands, and not voting, has not worked. Voting for a third party (Ross Perot) has not worked. Registering as an Independent and swinging the pendulum back and forth has not worked. In fact, it has lead to an even greater level of corruption and cynicism on the part of politicians to manipulate the American voter.
Enter the new era of the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT consisting of Democrats, Independents, Republicans and newly registered voters angry at the deafness of Politicians, the despotism of the Left-wing co-opted Democratic leadership, the shredding of Constitutional rights and freedoms and the corruption of moneyed special interest buying legislation loopholes in Washington while the Average American citizen is ignored and disparaged.
The American middle class has been required to shouldered the tax burdens, (Tarp, Bailouts, stimulus) regulation burdens, (Healthcare Mandates) atheist war on Christianity burden (Prayer out of School and Public Square) American values burden (Judicial Nullification of voters on Marriage law) College cost burden (too rich for tuition cost help not poor enough for tuition cost help) Job and entrepreneur opportunity burden (Union extortion and Vast over regulation) protection of property and equal justice burden (Border States overrun with illegal workers, imported gangs and drugs and exploding social services costs afforded to non-citizens) a war on individual Freedoms burden (Congress, Executive and Judiciary Branches all deciding, altering and tampering with the Bill Of Rights which was a list intended to BAN Government involvement PERIOD!) All adding up to the passing of the Torch Burden giving hope to the American Dream or nightmare as to what we leave to our prodigy?
The TEA PART MOVEMENT is an Independent movement but unlike the failed grassroots political revolts of the past we are NOT going to be Mugwumps, swing voters, or third party idealists that see our cries for change be co-opted and or marginalized by those wishing to change our EXCEPTIONAL, PROVIDENTIAL and HISTORIC METEORIC rise among nations be destroyed.
Do not be fooled or foolish to believe that the enemy has not clearly taken a side in the Two Party system and resides fully encamped in the Democratic Party of today. This is not the Party of John F. Kennedy nor even the party of Jimmy Carter this is the party of Radical Socialism that wants to change our Equal Justice to Social Justice. The Democratic Party and their current leader in the White House want to change us from a Republic and capitalistic Country to a European styled Socialist democracy.
Make no mistake America is in a clear political and ideological war in which the middle class will be destroyed first and permanently if the DEMOCRATS continue to be allowed to hold power.
This is the reason that the Tea Party Movement has chosen to throw all of its support to the Republican Party in the general election this fall on November 2nd. We are not foolish enough to think that the Republican Party wears the lily white hats! Not foolish enough to think that that party is not corrupt! Not foolish enough to think one election will solve all our problems! Not foolish enough to think they will try and use and lose us! Not foolish enough to think that they will willingly or miraculously grow an ethical Representative character overnight…but quite the contrary.
We have two party choices in front of us and while both are corrupt and deaf to Middle Class America one is the enemy of freedom and Founding principles and the other has failed to protect us on the battlefield of freedom. We must take the rag tag army of Republican Party cadets to Generals and de-commission the corrupt, re-train the rank and file, design the war strategies for them, remove the traitors and the deserters from the ranks. The Tea Party Movement must be like George Washington and lead these Republican troops back over the Potomac River to battle for saving and preserving our Republic.
We are all independent individual citizens in America but today as in all wars the battle lines are clearly drawn and unambiguous. Don’t act foolish or “holier than thou”, don’t sit on your hands or the sidelines. Stand up and choose. There are only two sides.
DEATH of the American Constitution, Capitalism and our Individual Liberty way of life=Democrats.
Restoration of Constitutional adherence free competitive markets and celebration of individual rights liberties and pursuit of happiness=Republican.

1 comment:

d.eris said...

LOL. Your naive belief in the Republican party is almost touching. Unfortunately, it endangers the future of this country and the existence of the constitution. Make no mistake: the Democratic AND Republican parties are at war with the people and constitution of the United States. They have been for decades. The only way to stop the ruling political class war being waged against us by the Democratic and Republican parties, short of outright revolution, which may in fact prove necessary, is to cease providing popular political cover to the Democratic and Republican parties.

If you vote Democrat OR Republican, you are the problem in this country today. Fortunately, there are a dwindling number of people who continue to be so deluded by the ideology of the two-party state, that they continue to support either of the reigning parties. Freedom and independence today begins with freedom and independence from the tyranny of the two-party state and duopoly system of government. Declare your independence. Vote independent.

With respect to the Tea Party movement, you might want to consult your history book again. The original Tea Party was part of a movement for radical independence from a tyrannical government. To call oneself a Tea Party activist, but support one of the ruling parties, would like going and supporting the British King and Crown during the revolutionary war. Of course, there were such people at that time, and they were berated as Loyalists and Kings Men by the patriots of the revolution.

If you're not independent, you're co-dependent.