The Democrats and the President have been effective with some American voters in manipulating the perception that Republicans in the House and Senate along with former president George Bush are to blame for all our woes.
Not only is this accounting of reality fictional rubbish it is a lie from those that want nothing more than to bring down America by destroying her foundational wholesomeness.
Americans need to face facts and ignore finger pointing arguments by vapid politicians. The House was altered in the 2010 but in any election cycle only a third of the political seats are up for re-election by the voters.
The new blood in the House has been an infusion of political penicillin to the disease of corruption, cronyism and constitutional subterfuge. However, the small minority of new members cannot cure the patient (Congress) for two reasons.
One the Democrats still hold the majority in the Senate and two the old guard Republican Senate and House members continue to refuse to attack the virus fearing they will suffer political reprisal.
Pundits and some Americans still don’t understand the aim of the Tea Party Movement. The failure to win the Senate in 2010 which allowed Harry Reid to be the guardian of the gridlock gate is pointed to as an Angle blunder.
However, the odd thing about failure is that in order to truly find success one needs to learn from mistakes not fold the tent. True failure is giving up and the Tea Party Movement has only just begun to battle the breeding beltway contagion.
Yes we failed in 2010 to win the senate but we have stopped the President and the Democrats from continuing to ramrod through their long list of anti-American legislation designed to infect every aspect of America’s soundness.

The gridlock therefore is representative of the patient under medical supervision but by no means out of critical condition as we await the 2012 election. It is imperative that we win the Senate this time if we hope to wellness to come to our nation.
The Democratic left is no longer hiding their secret statist socialist agenda. Worse for them is that the Europe they always pointed to as proof that there can be a socialist state that works is equally exposed as dysfunctional.
The effects of the Tea Party Movement’s rise have had unseen influence in a multiplicity of ways that either isn’t reported or continues to be undervalued by oblivious political observers.
It matters little whether you call yourself a Tea Party Movement member instead it is more important that the voter choose a side. Are you on the side of America’s health as a proud nation or are you on the side of those wishing to see her crumble into Roman ruin.

Americans are not only on the track of Greece and Italy’s infirmity caused by Democratic socialists policies coupled by Republican lameness but even if we start to recover it will be a long painful rehab.
The presidential race is important for one aspect of recovery and the Senate is another much like a patient that needs illness fighting medicine but equally restive care.

The results of the 2012 election will be critical. In the executive branch America needs leadership that understands the importance of re-establishing America’s boldness as a strong guardian against menacing nations in the world.
In the Senate the curative must take place quickly and extensively by first stopping the bleeding by addressing the debt with real surgery to the federal budget along with repeal and reform of many unhealthy beltway habits.
Many political pundits are making predictions about the 2012
If Americans continue to re-elect those representatives who both poisoned America and continue to feed her arsenic as she languishes then shame on us.
There is no reason to claim that you have been fooled anymore.
There is no reason to claim that you have been fooled anymore.
America is not a dying old man but an infant comparatively in the historic timeline of nations and if we fail to save the baby from the bathwater there will be grave consequences for generations to come.
We have a two party system and we have ultimately two choices. Return the power to the Democrats that want to re-birth America into a socialist’s state or replace the power with Republicans that have pledged to save her.
Yes there will be some blue blooded liberal Republicans residing in both Houses but the good news is that these political cowards will no longer be able to hide from the voter if they dare side with the minority. It would be political suicide and their expedient hubris would keep them voting with the majority.

The 2012 election is about the Senate as much as it is a presidential race. If Americans want reform and greater opportunity in the future we need to go back to basic fundamental limited government.
The American citizens can bring America back to health by voting against the liberal disease eating away at our liberties.
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