The liberals in Congress along with many special interest groups (ACLU) had temper tantrums over George Bush and the Patriot Act. The claim was that even in the wake of trying to thwart terrorism the rights of citizens should not be infringed upon by Big Brother government.
Yet the Obama administration has not only supported the Patriot Act his Department of Homeland Security has extended spying on Americans.
Many conservatives worried that provisions in the Patriot Act were problematic to the notion of unfettered intrusion of privacy by federal officials and the precedent it would set against the Fourth Amendment.
The conservatives have always been wary that our government officials given the broad power to spy on so-called terrorists suspects without a warrant would branch out to invade the privacy of citizens based on political rivalry.
Conservatives want terrorists caught before they can carry out murderous plots against American citizenry but they equally want assurances of federal restraint to protect First Amendment rights.
Americans have learned that the Department of Homeland Security has been monitoring social sites (Twitter, Facebook, Drudge Report, Hulu) on the internet since 2010 claiming the need to “collect information used in providing situational awareness and establishing a common operating picture” for government officials.
Huh? Does that make sense? Nobody knows what “situational awareness” means? Does it mean that federal officials are so computer illiterate then don’t know what a hash tag means?
Does it mean that given the government’s penchant for long unintelligible writing officials need to learn to be witty writers under a twitter 140 character limit?
Exactly what “situation” can the Huffington Post or the Drudge Report provide “awareness” to the Homeland Security officials charged with protecting us from attack? Are we not already in the mainstream media subjected to editorial terrorism?
The truth is that that our government is already “Big Brother” while the liberal media has become their controlled puppet.
Remember the uproar when the Obama administration refused to claim that we were at war with terrorism instead calling it a police action. What’s the difference? In a war you have clearly defined enemies that are not citizens unless it is a civil war. In a police action the enemy is not defined but includes anyone that violates the law.
The CIA and the FBI were looking for chatter from the enemy terrorists under Bush while the Homeland Security Department under Obama is reading the Twitter feed and the Drudge report?
The silence of the liberal media about Obama’s use of the Patriot Act points again to the one word that delineates the ideological difference between liberals and conservatives; hypocrisy.
Conservative Americans have always been skeptical of big government over individual liberty understanding the danger of excessive federal power.
The liberals on the other hand only use Fourth Amendment arguments against conservative leadership (Bush)
while becoming deafly silent about government spying done by their messiah of Marxism. (Obama)
All Americans should be outraged that Homeland Security is spying on America’s social network sites. Do they really believe that a terrorist will get on twitter with the hash tag #terrorists and expose their sleeper cell identity?
Are terrorists watching television shows and marking their favorites on Hulu in a secret cryptic message system or using the “like” on facebook to send code to others about a terrorist plot?
The only “situational awareness” at work here is that the government is spying on Americans with the same lame justification they use at the TSA for patting down children and old ladies at the airport.
We all know that there is no privacy in America today between car’s black boxes and smart phones even the Amish are traced and tracked by checking accounts and social security numbers.
However, we have never believed beyond the potential of our federal government becoming a police State directly violating the privacy rights of citizens until this new revelation of DHS.
More than ever conservative and independent Americans need to demand accountability of our government to the Bill of Rights. More than ever “We the People” must not allow federal government to intimidate us as we exercise our public protests while the government spies on us.
We cannot be afraid to voice our criticism of a government drunk with power especially when our elected Representatives ignore our Bill of Rights.
Let them come. Let them watch. Let them listen. Let them know. They might be watching us but “We the people” are “situational aware” that we have the power not them.
Our Constitution is more than a piece of paper the liberal left continually tries to distort and destroy. It is an intangible treasure held close and intractable in every traditional American heart and soul!
“I will not give up on this fight. I will not fade into the night. I am America.” (I am America by Krista Branch)
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