Recently the Pew Research Center conducted a study to determine the political party knowledge of voters by a 13 question quiz. They requested the voter’s party affiliation, their age and their educational background.
First Pew established that Republicans were more knowledgeable about political parties than liberals regardless of their formal education. Two the study found that Republicans were more open to criticism than their liberal counterparts. Three the study found that liberals only enjoy the company of other liberals while they banish friends that do not agree with their political views.
The results were not really surprising to conservatives who have long known that being a conservative comes with the price of being marginalized by the left-wing controlled education and media establishments.
Conservatives have been painted by liberals in an aggressive long standing erroneous campaign of character attack by the Democratic Party. They have painted the opposition Party members as dumb, (Hillbilly under-educated) obstinate, (religious zealots) and judgmental (moral police).
Therefore although the results may anger liberals who are more likely to castigate the study as bunk, conservatives know the ring of truth in the study’s findings based on the many antidotal experiences they have had with friends and family.
Why is there such disparity between the two political party views that transcends from a differing opinion into a character distinction over the realm of knowledge, self-examination and acceptance of opposing viewpoint?
Let’s talk about the finding by the Pew Research Center that shows that Republicans are more open to criticism.
Independent thinkers are taught to not fear the truth and to keep their minds open or otherwise truth becomes both elusive and self-serving. Many traditional stories and adages teach children that reliance on information un-sourced and un-substantiated is no more than a fools truth and or belief. Equally truth is as easily misinformed en mass as it can at times rest only with a few.
Americans were once routinely taught not to believe the so-called truth of gossip, hysteria, popular opinion, or even the rationalizations of their own egos when it comes to seeking the truth.
Conservatives believe that if the foundation of an argument is capricious, weak or contains dubious facts then as critical thinker you must acknowledge the feebleness of your opinion and concede it to be unsettled.
Liberals argue using antidotal evidence, theory, popular opinion, government statistics, and the views of influential people as factually proof that they were feed to believe in our educational institutions. Knocking down those beliefs is considered an affront to their core creed of their liberal religion.
Conservatives separate religion from politics when it comes to debating a political issue yet conservatives know that religion and moral conscience teaches you can never separate your character and values.
The third finding of the Pew Research shows that liberals need to flock together. Why? Well if you viewpoint is filled with flaws and you can’t defend it with intelligent argument you resort to the safety of like-minded fools. You also run away from sane arguments in order to avoid introspection that might find you wrong when you want desperately to save your delusional world view.
Conservatives don’t abandon friends and family just because they hold a different or wayward view. That is because they are secure in their point of view knowing it is based on facts and reality not theory and postulation. They are truth seekers willing to follow the truth to where it leads.
There is a reason that as citizens age they become more conservative in their opinions and it is not just that
they are afraid of the retribution of the after-life, but rather that experience teaches them the truth and the folly of liberal ideas. Ideas based on falsehoods never stand the test of time.
Many conservatives know that a large portion of the Occupy Wall Street crowd will age, pay taxes (we hope) and grow up to moderate their childish, selfish and myopic baseless viewpoint. Yes there will be a portion of those that will be recalcitrant and become the “established” left-wing activist of the future like Bill Ayers.
Yet, like everything in life you cannot rid society of all its “useful idiots”. There are fools born every day as the saying goes but we always know that reality and truth is powerful. Experience will keep slapping you upside your head until you learn and there is no escaping common sense when it is staring you in the face and taunting you when you ignore it.
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