His modus operandi reminds one of a time honored trick used to thwart children’s desperate desire to have something or throw a temper tantrum if denied. The trick is called distraction. If you could get the child focused on something else they will forget their original object of desire.
Are the American voters as naïve and easily distracted as little toddlers? Are we so unaware of intrinsic proof that unfolds its reality by our own common eyes on Main Street and Wall Street that we ignore what we see to instead believe a political sophists lie?
The Democrats and the Obama administration certainly believes that they can win an election by once again relying on distraction, slogans, slander of the opponent, demonizing conservative values and making every dismal economic statistic better by the claim it would have been worse if not for Obama.
It is an old political trick. It has worked for them in the past. Will this electorate distraction work in an age of voter awareness? Most parents know that the distraction trickery no longer works as the child ages and matures. Have we matured as voters?
The level of success of this distraction psychology needs more than just a group of Party officials quacking out a duck feathered litany of lies. It needs another flock of trusted squawkers to either repudiate or promote the quackery.
Americans long suspected that the mainstream media had a liberal bias long before it was fashionable to make that conspiratorial claim. Yet, most believed (some still do) that it was innocent bias, meaning that the reporters and editors were human and part of the imperfection of being human is the inability to exercise a completely machine-like objectivity.
However, it doesn’t explain why most major newspapers and television news outlets contain a lopsided number of liberal believing employees. If bias reporting was just problems of human error in reporting stories than news would sometimes lean left and sometimes lean right.
More importantly the argument that mainstream news is a conspiratorial reality rather than a human folly proves itself by omission. Why are the biggest and most explosive political stories not being covered by the news outlets?
If the New York Times wants to claim that the national security stories it printed regarding the covert counter-terrorism operations were the public’s right to know then why isn’t the cover-up of Holder’s Fast and Furious fiasco equally front page news?
Why when the Watergate scandal broke did all the major news outlets jump on the news bandwagon to drumbeat bits and pieces of new details while the Fast and Furious current scandal is barely mentioned?
There is no longer an argument or an excuse that can be used by the mainstream media to deny their corrupt collusion with the liberal agenda and this Obama administration. The question is not whether the major networks are biased but rather to what degree of corrupt propaganda and misinformation are they willing to pass off as professional journalism?
This is bunk. The logic makes no sense. If I have a secret and tell no one should I suggest that it is curious that no one is interested in my secret? Is it strange that no one has asked me to reveal something they have no idea I hold in my mind?
Americans did not know about the Stuxnet virus that was created in cooperation with the Israeli and American espionage agencies to thwart Iran’s computers to delay their nuclear program. It was a secret, intended to be a secret and by the New York Times exposing the secret it begs an Iranian retaliation in our future.
Americans understand that covert operations need to be kept secret. Equally Americans want to believe in the integrity of these operations. We don’t expect our CIA or FBI to act immorally but we do expect stealthy operations to undermine our enemies and the threats they pose to our security.
Is the argument that the secret mission of Fast and Furious is less appealing to the American public that our own government sold guns to Mexican drug thugs that eventuated in these guns being used to kill two law enforcement officers (Zapata and Terry) and Americans still don’t know who in our
government authorized this criminal law enforcement operation?
The New York Times must be doggy chasing the meaty bone of the Fast and Furious scandal with the same demand to bring the truth to the American people right? They must know that having a corrupt operation approved by the ATF and the DOJ that resulted in hundreds of dead Mexican nationals and two American law enforcement officers is a slam dunk “right to know” story right? More importantly there continues to be a cover-up while the president issues Executive Privilege to insure no more information leaks out can’t be claimed as a ho-hum run of the mill news event right?
Look at the birdies! The mainstream news media is in sensual bed swimming under the covers of the Obama liberal agenda trying to pretend that they are not in full fallacious love with their mister while they commit blatant adultery on their public responsibility to be objectively married to the truth.
The American voters have grown since 2008 with the rise of the Tea Party activists that are educating voters to the tactics employed by this administration and the Democratic Party for generations. Sadly, some voters still rely on the major network and newspapers for their information and those ignorantly loyal voters are what this administration is counting on to win re-election.
We need to grow up as Americans and no longer rely on pundits, press or sloganeering from those with a vested interest in selling us distractions. Any American can look around at their country’s problems and the outlook it portends and know instinctively that we need to reverse course not re-elect those that continue to steer us toward misery.
If you want HOPE then we must change both the president and the Democratic majority in the Senate otherwise you will have proven that corruption, lies, and distractions are more powerful than your own rational reasonable adult common sense.
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