Whether out of ego or distrust the local, state and federal
law enforcements have an obligation to put aside their differences in order to
combat both crime and terrorism to keep the American street safe.
Did they in the case of the Boston Marathon bombers? The
answer appears to be both yes and decidedly no. Yes, in the aftermath of this
cowardly terrorist act they seem to come together working well to capture the
suspects. Yet, no they did not share information to local authorities about the
older bomber who had been investigated by the FBI based on the Russian
counter-terrorists request.

Before 911 the FBI’s counter-terrorism division had the
names of possible terrorists yet they did not share that list with INS and some
of the hijackers brazenly walked into our country under the nose of our
so-called security. The CIA blamed the FBI and the FBI blamed the CIA and both
agencies blamed the National Security Agency who blamed the FBI and the CIA.
We then had an independent commission (911 Commission)
investigate the buck and blame passing to learn that every agency had to accept
partial responsibility for dropping the ball. Moreover the number one reason
why they failed their primary objective to keep America safe was that these
agencies failed to have cooperative intelligence sharing.
There was a stove-pipe or turf entrenchment in these
agencies that either did not trust one another or wanted to garner agency
credit as though the CIA and FBI were competing sports teams. The report by the
911 commission indeed was an indictment against the bureaucratic culture in

Most Americans believed that the creation of another
bureaucratic agency was not only an unnecessary expansion of government, but
ridiculously expected bureaucracy to control bureaucracy while they ignored the
real problem; bureaucratic paralysis . When you ignore any problem it grows,
festers and becomes even harder to solve as its imperfection is accepted as the
new normal.
Looking at the Boston Bombing incident we see déjà vu all
over again. Arguably under the Obama administration our government’s policy of
political correctness and multicultural blindness has made America more
vulnerable than before 911. The vetting of those seeking asylum, visas or green
card admission into America appears nonsensical at best and politically
motivated at worst.
The INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) granted
asylum to the Tsarnaeva family in 2002 from Dagestan granting citizenship to
the younger bomber Dzhokhar in 2011 all with DHS approval.
We imported the Cleaver family into the United States where
the mother June Cleaver or (Zubeidat Tsarnaeva) supplemented the family income
by given facials in her home and shoplifting clothes from the Lord and Taylor
department store. Ward Cleaver or (Anzor Tsarnaeva) was an auto mechanic that
suffered ill health and eventual Ward and June divorced over rumored
differences about fundamentalist Islamic beliefs.Ward (Anzor) returned to Dagestan leaving June (Zubeidat) to
raise the Cleaver clan alone.
Wally (Tamerlan) was the older of the two brothers
and made his parents proud by dropping out of school, going on welfare, getting
a girl pregnant, marrying her, converting her from Christianity to Islam and slapping
her around a bit as well. He also coincidentally found that his wife Katherine
Russell shared the same passion as her mother-in-law; shoplifting.
The Beaver (Dzhokhar) was the all American immigrant citizen
attending college, by all accounts a bright kid that was failing his courses
perhaps because he had a greater passion for pot smoking and dealing.
Yes Wally (Tamerlan) was a great son and older brother for
the Beaver (Dzhokhar) to look up to and emulate. You can hear it now can’t you?
The Beaver (Dzhokhar) saying to Wally (Tamerlan);
“Hey Wally
(Tamerlan) what happens if we get caught planting the bombs? Will Mom and Dad
be upset? Do we really have to commit suicide? Can I smoke another blunt before
we head to New York? Hey Wally do I get
to pick my 72 virgins from thousands of virgins or does Allah pick them for
Yes our government imported the Cleaver family even though
the Russians warned us that Wally (Tamerlan) might be a terrorist. Yes our
government imported an Islamic mother June Cleaver (Zubeibat) that became more
religiously zealous as she trolled the Boston stores for good buys to shoplift.
Yes our government granted citizenship to the Beaver (Dzhokhar) that along with
Wally (Tamerlan) planted bombs at the Boston Marathon that killed a handful of
Americans and maimed and scarred for life hundreds of others.
Nothing, because if we don’t demand our government to start
profiling and getting serious about protecting Americans from Islamic Jihadists
then we will be seeing more carnage on our streets.
We need to demand that
Congress investigate and give us a full accounting of Benghazi and the Boston
Bombings and stop pretending we are not at war with terrorists.