The question of election fraud was asked by many and
discounted by more in the weeks following Obama’s re-election. We know there
are always voters in any election that do not follow election rules out
of corruption or ignorance. It was claimed by even conservative news outlets that
the fraud was small and isolated.
We equally know that polling places have a dicey record of
ensuring that the vote is not tampered. Whether it is dead people voting,
people voting twice, once by absentee ballot and again on the day of election
or voting in two polling locations either in the same state or out of state, fraud exists.
However, we were told that in this 2012 election that any of
the charges that there was wholesale voter fraud was unfounded and that there
was not enough evidence to suggest that voter fraud happened substantially to
change the election outcome.
Regardless of whether one accepts or refuses to accept that voter
fraud at the ballot box was used to re-elect Obama there is now mountains of
evidence that there was a conspiracy by Obama and the Democratic Party in power
to use the government agencies to ensure the 2012 outcome.
Beyond the favorable mainstream media coverage of Obama that
most Americans have known for years is bias for Obama and the Democratic Party
to the point of corruption; there were other players on Obama’s campaign team
that the public was unaware.
All the current scandals now being unearthed lead to Rome or
more specifically to an active election participation by entities of our
government that are required to be neutral. We now know the level of this
conspiracy was widespread from Benghazi to the IRS, from the Agriculture department
to the DOJ all of whom conspired to assist this administration’s re-election
through a series of activities and actions, which were at least unethical and
worse criminal.
The use of these agencies ranged from giving bribes to
voters such as expanding food stamps by the Agriculture Department, and giving
away Obamaphones by the FCC’s Lifeline Program without proof of need based eligibility
to active intrusion of clean elections by the Department of Justice lawsuits on
states voter ID laws.
Now we are learning post election that starting shortly
after the 2010 midterm elections in which Obama took a “shellacking” resulting
not, in a course correction in policies by him, but instead, a revenge. The
flagging of Tea Party groups, conservative groups, religious groups, conservative
donors and just about any critic of the Obama’s administration by the IRS is
not a scandal but a criminal misuse of power that had a chilling effect upon
the 2012 elections.
When the allegations first surfaced that the IRS was
targeting Tea Party groups both the mainstream media and the talking heads
pundits shielded the administration and laughed off the charges as rants from
tin-hat wearing conspiracy believers.
Now as the truth is finally coming to light that this was
indeed done by the IRS and hurt the flow of conservative donation money and
opposition groups ability get out the vote drives, and was a criminal conspiracy of
the IRS to benefit Obama’s re-election in 2012.
Equally, Harry Reid hurt Mitt Romney’s campaign with
independent voters when he alleged on the Senate floor that Romney was a tax
dodger for failing to pay his fair share of taxes over many years. When Reid
was asked how he could make such a scandalous charge, Reid claimed he received a
call from an investor of Romney’s Bain Capital Company. Many, wondered then and
now, even if this Bain Capital anonymous snitch existed how would he have
access to Romney’s private tax return information?
We now demand Harry Reid explain and reveal who this anonymous
source is, in light of allegations that not only did the IRS flag conservatives
for audits but that the IRS supplied private tax information to liberal groups
like ProPublica and the Huffington Post, which makes this scandal diabolically
criminal with Harry Reid in the middle of the muck.
Make no mistake there was a concerted inter-agency
government influence in the outcome of our 2012 elections. Equally, the
Benghazi cover-up and the President’s lies throughout the debates had an effect
on the electorate especially independent voters who may have voted for Romney
if the truth of Benghazi was revealed.
To suggest the 2012 election was a fair non-fraudulent
election when, we now know that all of these lies, deceits, DOJ lawsuits, IRS
intimidation and the Benghazi cover-up came together in a
criminally corrupt way to deceive American voters from the truth during Obama’s
re-electing campaign, would be to don a closet full of tin hats in order to
deny it.
Congress needs to not only get to the bottom of all these
scandals but until it holds hearings on the impact of all these government
agencies being used by Obama’s Chicago White House to deceive the electorate,
by being re-elected through wide-scale perception
fraud then it will fail us again. All of
these revelations clearly show a conspiracy that needs to be addressed both
individually, and as a whole campaign, to steal an election otherwise it will
damage the nation’s trust of government for generations to come.
A special prosecutor and a vigorous investigation of this
White House over Benghazi, IRS and the Department of Justice is needed for
Americans to believe that the rule of law and our government’s Republic is
still operating under the Constitution’s credo of “WE THE PEOPLE” and not we
the government bureaucracy.
This 2012 election was stolen. It was stolen by a brazenly
corrupt administration aided by a complicit Press that did not hold it
accountable. It was stolen by the misuse of powerful agencies working at the
behest of the Democratic Party. It was stolen by the IRS bullying of opposition
voices. It was stolen by a Congress that allowed President Obama to undermine
the limits of his executive branch restraints, allowing him to violate the Bill
of Rights with Obamacare and get away with scandal after Fast and Furious
scandal without using their Congressional power to impeach him for trashing our
Congress’s inaction has created this sewer-ship of the
people’s White House and the people demand that it stop playing politics and
investigate diligently and criminally these and all other scandals to restore
our government’s credibility.
Congress needs to
decide whether it represents the People or their Party and get to the task of “draining
the swamp” if Washington is ever to recover the distrust and cynicism that
places a pall over today’s America.
Yes the 2012 election was fraudulent for no one can make an
honest choice in the ballot box when being told lies by both government and
media, and having opposition voices suppressed, in fact that is the definition
of fake elections we witness in countries with dictatorships.