Monday, May 13, 2013


I have decided to not play the liberal political game of calling it Benghazi-gate for it cheapens the seriousness of the shame all Americans should feel about our Commander in Chief abandoning our brave soldiers. The better term for this cowardly scandal is Benghazi-Disgrace which has smeared the People’s House with abject tyranny for everything this nation stands for by shaming our honor.

Our President not only failed those brave men in the field but has lowered the morale of our military, both active and retired, and caused all Americans who understand what difference the Benghazi-Disgrace makes to be sickened and angry.
The latest scandal involving the IRS will not distract any Americans to bury away the Benghazi-Disgrace scandal that would mark a first in our history as a freedom fighting nation. It would be the first time in which orders came from the highest levels to let our men perish while their deaths were seen by live drone-video feed.

Let me repeat this slowly for all those Democrats and leftists who still want to be apologists to this administration when it comes to Benghazi, WE NEVER EVEN TRIED TO SEND THEM HELP. We never knew in advance how long the fight would take so how can it ever be argued it would be too late?

If we arrived too late to have saved those men then so be that outcome, at least we could all hold our heads high knowing that our government tried to do its best for our best. We still know little of the actual facts surrounding that September 11th attack except these three things.

One we never sent military aid to Benghazi. Two, we were lied to for weeks by top officials and the President, that this was a protest not a planned terror attack. Three that the internal so-called government investigation (ARB report) has proven to be inadequate for its lack of fact finding at best and a white-washing of the truth at worst.

We are in the midst of a cover-up that involves a secret CIA mission with State Department diplomats. These diplomats were sitting ducks in a civil war torn country long hostile to American and American interests, we gave them the scrawniest security even after preliminary terror pot shots were already taken at that consulate and we knew that the 911 anniversary was approaching.

Why didn’t we call them home if we did not intend to provide them security to survive an attack? Why didn't we bring whole hog military assets to the fight once we knew they were under attack?

Second guesses are however not the main thrust of the Benghazi-Disgrace but a sideshow orchestrated by Clinton when she testified that her focus is to fix the mismanagement. The real focus is cowardly abandonment of our soldiers under fire.

 It will not fall into the back pages of the current news and fade into our small and easily distracted attention spans. We knew our Americans were under fire. We knew they needed our support. We knew the terrorists would show no mercy and yet we never even tried to respond to their cries for help.

I know Americans have many political feelings about the issues of the day but I suspect real Americans don’t have to pause to think about the answer to the question, should we aid our men in battle. Many liberals in fact understand, even pacifists have learned from Vietnam, that whether one agrees or not with a war, you honor the soldier that stands between you and the enemy. 

We can come together in this country under arguably the most divisive and partisan President that has ever been granted the privilege of serving in the White House, at least, over our common decency to honor the lives of our brave soldiers. Obama and his Democratic Party has called that honor into question.
We want answers. We demand answers. If the Democratic Party continues to ignore the cowardice of our inaction in Benghazi, Libya by painting it a political witch hunt then it is high time that “We the People” shout louder. We need to demand our representatives hunt down those witches, warlocks and ghouls in Washington that have waved a wand and made honor and courage an expendable expediency to winning political office.

All the other scandals will taint this presidency, but the Benghazi-Disgrace will haunt the White House for years to come, if we don’t exercise the demons of details and uncover all those who unseemly turned their backs on our band of brothers!

These are our American sons and daughters who volunteer to place their life in harm’s way to spare us the savagery of a ruthless radical jihad 
enemy. We as honorable Americans will not, and should not deny them now, as our Military men and women deserve all the shining daylight of truth to be shed on this shameful desertion in their hour of need.

No, Mr. President the Benghazi-Disgrace will not be just another story forgotten in the headlines. Americans value life, liberty and proudly bow respect to her fallen that ensures that our prodigy remains free.

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