Friday, August 2, 2013


Can America admit that Detroit died by the big three? I am not referring to the automobile companies but rather the big three lies that the Democratic Party preaches; unions help workers, liberal big statist socialist’s policies improve people’s lives and the Democratic Party elite cares about the little guy.

Sorry, Democrat blame gamers and finger pointing victim sellers, this time, this city and this city’s riches to rags story cannot be blamed on Republican leaders, conservative principles or capitalistic greed. The OWS can’t camp out in Detroit parks and blame Wall Street for the crumbling infrastructure, crime, unemployment and long history of union and political corruption.

Detroit was once a healthy example of free enterprise that attracted manufacturing due to its unique transportation system in the heart of the Great Lakes. Starting with fur traders in the 19th century to car and diverse manufacturing in the early 20th century the city boomed with growth, jobs and opportunities for both the highly skilled and unskilled workers.

Detroit attracted an eclectic mixture of Americans that reflected America’s immigrant welcome wagon that significantly helped build a thriving middle class. Yet, as the history of business teaches all communities built around the engines of industries, areas must be willing to undergo evolvement as modern technology shifts both jobs and demand for the marketplace to adjust. 

Socialist’s politicians and political activists wrongly assume that successful businesses will continue to make huge profits, expand jobs and be perpetually solvent regardless of the economic times and the supply and demand trends. Socialist’s liberal unions and politicians go far beyond their stated goals to ensure humane working conditions and fairness in wages, taxes and laws designed to protect against unscrupulous business practices, they try and micromanage business.  

The rise of unions in America was born out of business greed for profits, yet greed is not a vice that lives in the propriety of business but rather can infect the heart of a poor man as much as a rich man. Union greed in America is just as destructive as business greed and far worse because unions are not makers but rather parasites of makers.

The combination of liberal politicians and unions greed has been destructive to America’s free enterprise. When liberalism preaches that greed is only confined to business and not workers they fuel a vulture culture of greed. This partnership of corrupt politicians and unions invades business as two parasites that feed off the host or business and as with all parasites feeding off the host, the results are terminal. 

For decades and decades the promotion of avarice by the Democratic Party in bed with the unions formed the culture of biting the hand that feeds them. Naively to this day the liberals begrudge the business money that pays their wages and donates to their political campaigns. Socialists’ live in a selfish non-introspective bubble that capitalism is necessary only for them to exploit as their cash cow.

The usurious nature of liberal socialist’s policies, which preach an endless field of cash cows to infest then redistribute their wealth to everyone, has been exposed as the fraud it is built upon. No longer is the liberal socialist’s theory on paper, it has been a nuts and bolt experiment in one of America’s greatest free enterprise working city. All Americans now have an historical example of what happens when the Ponzi scheme of socialism runs out of other people’s money; its name is Detroit. 

Worse than just ruining Detroit’s economic engine the socialists were not finished with the city and Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty increased government welfare and furthered the exodus of upper middle class and wealthy Americans that left the city. It is wrong to say white flight, for that would totally ignore that wealthy successful Black Americans left the city of Detroit just as fast as white affluent Americans. 

Unions, corporations that signed unsustainable union contracts, corrupt Democratic Party politicians that taxed and taxed and top down tinkering by federal programs from Washington insured that Detroit would eventually both bleed jobs and fail to attract new ventures.

Liberals argue that Detroit’s failure was a result of the evolution from industrial to post industrial America where manufacturing left America to take advantage of cheap overseas labor. It is a partial truth built on a foundational lie and akin to explaining that an abused woman left her husband for another man. 

They deny that over regulation, taxation, union bullying not only drove away many otherwise profitable business but it equally failed to attract new business to fill the void. All across America cities and states have huge liabilities caused by mismanagement and greed. Those states and cities that both deal with their fiscal crises rather than ignore it will benefit however, if they do not change their abusive micro-management of free enterprise they will continue to see jobs and opportunities contract rather than expand.

Obama and socialist’s Democrats love to talk about jobs and job creation by government stimulus policies as though business is expanded by government. It is like the abusive husband telling his wife that if she would just be a happy masochist he would not be seen by her as sadistic. 

Government does not create any jobs except government jobs. Government takes money from business and workers to pay the salaries of those government jobs. When you hear any politicians in either side of the political aisle talk about creating jobs then they are either growing government and shrinking your wallet or trying to take credit for someone else’s hard work and success. (“You didn’t build that.”)

Free enterprise built Detroit and corrupt unions, government and the voters that supported the socialists corrupt politicians raided, plundered and micro-managed it to insolvency. When are we Americans going to stop shooting ourselves in the foot and start kicking out the charlatans that don’t just lie with empty promises but fleece our future and poison success opportunities for every American?

America’s free enterprise and hard work built Detroit and the socialist’s liberals, unions and corrupt city, state and federal politicians killed it off. Let’s go America, let’s learn through failure and rid our Congress of elitist, statist and socialists. It is time for all good men and women to vote for those that will return our nation to its roots of small limited and constitutional faithful representation.

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