Saturday, June 29, 2013


Is anyone surprised that most Americans do not believe that our government is sincere about protecting our borders? Is anyone surprised that this latest piece of immigration legislation promoted by the Senate gang of eight is being viewed by Americans as another vote harvesting scheme by both parties?

First, consider that Americans know that this administration along with past administrations have already ignored and made a mockery of our current immigration laws. Therefore, why would more ignored words on paper help?
Second, most Americans rightfully see the problem as both an illegal alien violation of our border and the lack of common sense and intelligence by INS and DHS when it comes to granting Visa’s and asylum to the Boston bombers. Writing new laws on paper doesn’t fix stupid or mindless bureaucratic idiocy.

Third, we have been constantly sold the lie that we can’t deport millions of illegal aliens squatting in our country so therefore, we must make them legal and ignore their lawbreaking. Most Americans don’t understand that logic. Put another way, if we can’t find or imprison all the rapists, pedophiles and or murderers in this country, do we say then that their crimes will be excused if they just step forward and pay a fine? Why are we given a false choice?

Most Americans would rather beef up INS agents and clean up the screening process for government assistance programs and send the message to illegal aliens that you can self-deport or live here as a fugitive. Instead, our brainsick Congress sends the message to lawbreakers and would be lawbreakers that if you squat in America illegally eventually we will grant you amnesty.

Fourth, the problem is not with the current laws on the books but rather the enforcement and procedures in our federal agencies that need overhauling. We need more fences, more border agents, money to develop both a green card and a visa card that cannot be gamed by identity theft, and a computer database that local police, employers and social services can tie into that is reliable. Then there should be stiff penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens and towns, cities and states that knowingly provide them with taxpayer assistance.

Fifth, as many Americans are struggling in Obama and the Democrats over-regulatory, over-taxed, big government controlled quasi-socialist economy that has been creating both an increase in poverty and a lack of good paying jobs, what are our representatives proposing to do about this economic malaise? They are proposing to legalizing millions of more Americans to compete for fewer and fewer jobs. Does that sound insane? It sounds to most Americans not only crazy but once again disgustingly dismissive elitists policies by Washington toward the middle class. Yet, Congress wonders why its favorability polls so low.

The Washington bubble needs to be popped. House members need to be respectfully reminded that they have a constitutionally duty to represent the people and not the corporations and special interests pushing this immigration fiasco. 

If “Elections have consequences” then surely our Representative’s “votes on legislation have consequences”. It is our job as an electorate to ensure that bad representation is remembered in the polling booth. However, what to do if both candidates on the ballot support bad legislation? 

Well this is a problem for any political movement, which is why the Tea Party and libertarians need to get together and recruit alternative candidates to run as independents if they must. We need to use all the arrows in the quiver and hold our representatives accountable.

The Senate may have passed this wordy weak excuse for real border security Bill but the House of Representatives should either let this bill lay untouched on the table or feed it to the paper shredder.

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