Saturday, June 8, 2013


American rights have been assaulted once again by the discloser of data mining by the NSA with the White House arrogantly assuring us that their actions are legal and constitutional. Americans should have two reactions to this administration’s anti-American campaign to spy on citizens, one is Hell and the other is NO.

Is anyone else sick of our government’s complete underhanded secrecy on the one hand and abject ineptness on the other? The Russians handed the FBI the information on the Boston terrorist on a silver platter. They didn’t have spy for the information or eavesdrop on phone calls to find Tamerlan Tsarnaeva.  Worse, Tamerlan was not a United States citizen so the FBI can’t argue that they were helpless to charge him with a crime until he committed one. 

The FBI should have deported Tamerlan Tsarnaeva based on his extremists views and at the very least kept him under surveillance and let the local Boston police in on this potential terror suspect. However, the FBI did none of these things and Americans families suffered losing loved ones and limbs thanks to their PC correct; no jihad threat to see folks. 

It was this administration’s DHS that granted the Tsarnaeva family asylum. It was this administration that ignored the warnings from Russia. It was this administration’s FBI that failed to give the local Boston police the information that may have saved lives.

Oh but spying on Americans and data mining our phone records in the interest of finding terror plots is suppose to make us feel warm and fuzzy that our government is protecting America?

Which is it? Are we at war with jihad or is this a police action against terror? Obama wants it both ways. Which is it? Is this an unconstitutional breach of law enforcement spying on private citizen’s phone logs or a suspension of the Bill of Rights while we are at war with jihad? Either way Americans say “Hell No”.

If we lose our liberty because of terror threats than the Muslim terrorists have won already. The Patriot Act was not intended to give the federal government “Big Brother” omnipotent power. Now that it has been revealed that this is exactly how it is being abused by our government then it is time to seek repeal of the Patriot Act by both sides of the political aisle.

Some have suggested that if one doesn’t want the government to spy on you, then don’t access the internet, don’t use your cell phone and I guess we would also add, don’t make a salary (IRS target) and don’t see a doctor when you’re sick (Obamacare). NO, technological progress does not mean a waiver of your inherent right to privacy. Just because technology makes it easier for government to data mine information on citizens does not make it legal, constitutional or moral!

The Fort Hood shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is another example of the Political Correct numbness of officials in authority refuses to exercise their common sense and recognize a terror threat peculating in front of their noses. This Army psychiatrist was spewing praise for suicide bombers to American troops and the military brass looked the other way. He was communicating with Anwar al-Awlaki the American born terrorist Obama killed in Yemen without a trial that his administration claimed incited terrorism like the Fort Hood killer.

Which is it? Did Anwar al Awlaki incite Hasan to commit workplace violence or terrorism? Which is it? Did you drone kill a terrorists or a criminal? If you drone killed a terrorists that incited a terrorist then why is the Fort Hood massacre still called a workplace domestic incident and not a terror attack?

Which was it? Was Benghazi a protest caused by a video or a terror attack? Which truth was it? Did the President call it an act of terror immediately at the Rose Garden, or was the fog war making it unclear and the President, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice were misled by bad intelligence?

This administration has been standing on its head while turning our country upside down against our Bill of Rights, traditional values and common sense. Stop allowing the government to pretend that invading our liberty is necessary to keep us safe.

Obama and the Democrats need to understand who the real enemy of America is,and it is not the Tea Party, conservatives, Libertarians, Patriots, Constitutional educators, traditional Americans, or JFK Democrats. It is not Christians, Jews or law abiding atheists. It is not soldiers returning from war, or legal immigrants assimilated and studying to be citizens or newly sworn citizens that respect America’s constitution. 

Stop pretending that it is politically incorrect to “profile” those traveling or immigrating to the United States from countries ripe with extremist Muslim radicals but okay to “target” God fearing Americans that reject your socialist, big government policies. 

Americans know who the enemy is. Americans know it is possible to thwart terrorism while keeping our Constitution respected and upheld. Americans know that yes we are in a war, against a caliphate, against Muslim religious fascism that will not rest until it dominates the world. 

Americans are not the enemy! Using the social media the internet or the cell phone is neither a crime nor a waiver of American’s right to not have our government seize our records, read our e-mails or spy on us.
If Obama’s government cannot use technology responsibly and within our constitutional rights then we should make our government communicate by carrier pigeons.
Americans have the right to use our modern world with all its modern conveyances and still be assured that our rights are not trampled by big government statist that spy, lie and say trust us. Hell NO!  


ron8072 said...

What a great post, Foxy. I can't wait until America reaches that special place where they say, NO MORE! Reverse course. This has caused America to not be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave! It has become the fenced area of the gulag of the SSA. (Socialist States of America)

Claudia Roazen said...

Yes Ron and We the People should exercise the power that both God and our wise forefather's gave us! We can be America!