Monday, October 21, 2013


The President told Americans to not listen to lobbyists, bloggers, radio personalities or activists? This is coming from the mouth of a man whose short resume to be President of the United States prominently featured his community organizing for Acorn. Now as President he wants Americans to listen only to who, him?
Call me a racist, even though I am not. Call me a bigot, even though I am not. Call me obstructionists, even though I am not. Call me a Hobbit even though I am not. Call me a wacko bird, even though I am not. Call me a purist even though I am not but call me for patriotic citizen duty to defend our constitutional Republic and I am ready and not intimidated.

Regardless of your political party affiliation when has America ever before had such a partisan President that feels the need to demonize his opposition and show such arrogant cynicism to those that disagree with his policies?

When has expecting our representatives and President to be faithful to their constitutional oaths altered to a radical position? When has calling for small and limited government that affords maximum individual freedom become labeled as a destructive American philosophy?  

Obama has been condescending and condemning of conservative patriots from the moment he stepped into office. He has been aided by a mainstream media that has bashed everyone who dissents as a bigoted small minded racist and it is not just wrong it is despicably divisive.

As a citizen I am expected to respect the office of President and accept election losses as a good sport and wish the President well in running the country. That does not mean I must accept, like, promote and agree with his policies while abdicating my rational, common sense, ideology and opinion. It is healthy to have dissent, healthy to have debate, healthy to disagree and healthy to be recalcitrant to one’s core principles and values. I don’t begrudge President Obama’s liberal ideology why does he resent all those who hold the opposite beliefs?

No American should just listen to politicians instead one must seek to assess the background, previous policies, voting record, party affiliation and most importantly ideology. If we voted purely on what a pundit, radio host, blogger, activist or friend said about a candidate then we would all be low-information voters.  

Our civic duty is to vote for the candidate in the primary that represents your Country, Constitution and state or district’s best interest not because you like a candidate’s style or personality. Unfortunately we voters are too easily fooled by charlatans that bait and switch our vote. It is okay to make mistakes; it is not okay to give up the search for honorable office holders.

The Republicans and the Democrats as Parties have betrayed the American people, one by seeking to ignore and alter our Bill of Rights and the other by capitulating to this erosion for political expediency. The Democrat Party is selling fool’s gold to the people that eventually will be exposed for the complete charade that its government classism espouses. 

The Republican Party is filled with posers that talk about opposition but votes in lock step with big government. The only hope for Americans to insure their freedoms is to successfully revamp the GOP from the Grand Old Party to the new GOP or Guardian of the People party.
It will take many primary election cycles and there will unfortunately be lost battles along the way yet in any deeply held value struggle, when do you give up and surrender your principles?

The answer is simply, never.
                                                                                                      When will you as an American listen only to your President’s teleprompter? When will you turn off your radio? When will you only read only government approved media?

 Your answer should be simply, never.

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