The news media outlets enjoy
increased ratings when compelling events such as the missing Malaysian passenger jet
disappears from the sky without a trace. They know that the public is drawn
into the mystery by a combination of compassion for the missing passengers
along with sympathy for their families and the fascination that in today’s fish
bowl of technological voyeurism momentous events can still avoid detection.

The debate
over what to cover and how much time to devote to one story over another invokes
the age old enigmatic question “which came first, the chicken or the egg”, or
in this case, which comes first, viewer driven ratings or significant news that
could lead to a world war?
Some in the
news business will tell you that the public always controls the coverage, while
others will argue that real news reporting should not be concerned with ratings
and instead be governed by simply reporting significant news stories. They
claim to not write or make-up the news but merely report it. However, media
exercises sole control over whether a story is the lead or buried in the news, along
with the amount of time devoted to a story and how comprehensive the coverage
is on any news story.
when Americans complain that our newsrooms are corrupt, and in the tank for
either (mostly both) entertainment ratings or the Obama Administration the
proof is in the coverage of the Malaysian jetliner versus the Russian takeover
of a sovereign’s state’s land. One story seems to be fueled with more speculation
than facts as it flies all around the airwaves constantly focused on the mystery of the
Malaysian plane. However, the other major story (Russia annexing Crimea) which is
a clear act of unbridled territorial aggression, that has the real possibility
of escalating to a world war in the near future is in a holding pattern at the
media airport of landing coverage priorities.
The point is
this; if newsrooms want to be taken seriously, claiming they are not
info-entertainment like supermarket tabloids and the John Stewart Daily show
then why is the Malaysian jetliner story topping the news coverage? If the
argument is that we are covering the stories people want to hear then, why not
cover the Benghazi and the IRS corruption scandals that somehow have gone media
dark and silent? If the argument is that
there is nothing more to report on those stories, then that fails to explain
hours of news reporting on speculation as to the whereabouts of a plane when no
new information has been discovered.
Where is the
news coverage speculating that the Obama administration covered up Benghazi to
win election? Similar to using retired airline pilots to wax about possible
theories about the missing plane, why then has media not used ex-diplomats and ex-CIA
agents to fill a panel to speculate on what happened in Benghazi?
Where is the
speculative reporting that the IRS was used by the Obama administration to
silence the growing Tea Party groups to organize educated voters to the polls
in 2012?
The news
media cannot have it both ways. They can’t argue that they don’t control the news
and merely report it and then filter it through their elitist’s lens of
priority. They may not make up the news stories (ahem I guess) but by
controlling the air time, front page space and the extent of both coverage and
investigative follow-up, they do set the news table. They do determine what
news is important. They do influence what news Americans are informed about and
what news is not noteworthy for Americans. Media does control the information
agenda and they have not acted responsibly or fairly to a simple standard of
unbiased honesty.
To argue
that the repeated lies told by this administration over a terrorist attack in
Benghazi during the 2012 election is not at least (we think much more) as egregious
as Watergate is not credible. Equally, to have no follow-up investigations and
no questions to the White House amid the many still unanswered questions about
Benghazi shows more than political bias, it bespeaks a media cover-up.
The IRS scandal
is a huge criminal-political corruption yet it has been ignored by our
so-called professional journalists. For the majority of media outlets to just
take the President’s word that there is not a “smidgeon” of corruption done by
one of the most intimidating of government agencies is an appalling indictment
of media collusion not just bias.

Those in
media that argue that Justin Bierber latest folly is more popular to the
viewers than the NSA spying scandal are using excuses, allowing their network-needs to continue feeding
Americans “Bierber celebrity-Pablum” to distract us from their media malfeasance.
We might agree that too many Americans are obsessed with celebrity news and
might be bored to change the channel but then so aren’t school children easily
bored. Do we then teach children only information they deem popular and throw
away vital curriculum?
Responsible journalism requires reporting important news
stories period. Otherwise they are misusing the freedom of the press to pander
for ratings, pick political sides, hide unflattering revelations about our
government and making all Americans more vulnerable to tyranny.
There is a
reason that freedom of speech is the first Amendment in our Bill of Rights.
There is equally a reason that Obama’s promise of an open and transparent
government was and is a fairy tale.
More than
ever Americans believe that our government is flying under the radar and
increasing its covert corruption under our noses with the oligarchic Press
turning off the transponder of truth and burying the black box of facts in the propaganda
waters off the coast of Fantasy Island. We are rightfully worried that instead
of America living out her dreams those elitist power brokers are creating
America’s nightmare.
“The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the
world. Lies will pass into history.” (George Orwell)
Claudia Roazen is a writer from
can be purchased at AMAZON.COM or on her website
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