Monday, March 3, 2014


The ancient adage “Peace through strength” implies that in order to avert war one needs to increase one’s military might making enemies back away from engaging in war with a formidable foe. It can equally be said that empty bluffs and inaction signals weakness, opening the door and inviting aggression.

Our Commander in Chief Obama has employed a foreign policy that at best can be called naïve and at worst advocating chaos. Starting with the insipid ideological belief in the moral equivalency in the ongoing conflict between Muslim terrorists and the state of Israel, where Obama promotes the Palestine state myth rather than denouncing Mideast Muslim’s immoral hate filled anti-Semitism. 

Obama has been inconsistent and capricious with America’s long history of supporting freedom and denouncing the slaughtering of civilians by dictators. Obama then led America’s military into a mercenary mission for the United Nations under NATO command into Libya under the guise of humanitarian 
righteousness. Yet he did not intercede in Syria, where Assad had killed many more civilians than Kaddafi. 

In Egypt the Obama administration backed the Muslim Brotherhood (the parent terror founder of Hamas) under the sophomoric belief that this so-called reformed terror group was peaceful and not seeking to make Egypt an Islamic state. It was a policy that made little sense to Americans for three reasons. One, why would we backing any group in Egypt, beyond the Egyptian public that protested for their freedom from dictatorial rule? Two, why would America be backing a group seeking an Islamic state that is hostile to Israel’s right to exists and our western values? Three, is there such a thing as a peaceful terror group that seeks to force Islamic Sharia law on all non-Muslims?

To say the least, the Obama administration under both Secretary Hillary Clinton and John Kerry has not just confused our allies but confounded Americans with their rudderless values. Moreover from Benghazi to the feckless red line in Syria, America has become a toothless tiger in a zoo of foreign policy mistakes that could be summed up as “strong weakness and lame leadership”.

Now after hitting the “reset button” button with Russia and waving a professorial finger at conservatives admonishing them that the cold war is over, Obama allows Putin to throw borsht all over him “beeting” him in an Olympic game of diplomatic Gorodki over Ukraine. (Gorodki is a Russian game similar to horseshoes.) 

In the Crimean war of 1853 to 1856 there was a strategic military mistake by the British command in which a light cavalry of men were ordered to charge artillery positions of the Russians that ended in devastating loses. In the epic poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson “The Charge of the Light Brigade” the author described the battle as both a blunder by their commander and a feat of unquestioning bravery by the six hundred men that met a slaughter. Russia eventually lost to the alliance of Britain, France, Sardinia and the Ottoman Empire but the battle of the light brigade will forever differentiate between honoring brave deaths on the battlefield while rightfully condemning poor leadership. 

Unfortunately for America today under the baffling foreign policy of Obama, where brave men are left to die alone on the battlefield in Benghazi and our enemies watch our feckless response to aggression we should worry that this administration has embolden our enemies. Instead of meeting with our allies and showing resolve to fight both terrorism and dictatorships our Secretary of State John Kerry at the behest of our President preaches that Global Warming as the world’s biggest threat. Instead of presidential leadership of a superpower nation Americans are protected by a political partisan lightweight whose only regard is to charge forward with his failed domestic policies. Instead of fear and respect for American influence our enemies scoff at our nation while our allies no longer believe America can be counted upon to take the lead.

Meanwhile North Korea launches test missiles into the China Sea, Iran pursues the nuclear bomb, Syria continues to savage its people, Libya is a hotbed of terror, Christians continue to be killed in Egypt and Nigeria by Muslim extremists and now Putin threatens the sovereignty of Ukraine.

To top all of the blundering and unseemly bowing done by this community organizer and his cabinet full of gullible unworldly rubes pretending sweet talk disarms the lawless, the President proposes to slash the military budget. Can you see our enemies smiling? Can you see our enemies rubbing their hands together in glee?
It may be true that after two wars America is not ripe with an appetite for war but imagine with me if you will, an American President filled with patriotic resolve to keep freedom’s best ally strong. Imagine that President facing these crises. He or she would pull out of Afghanistan, work with Congress to quickly and radically bring down the debt, and signal to the world that America will react with restraint while we reposition our assets in the world.  

The world should know and certainly our enemies should take heed to understand that as flaccid and flip floppy this current administration may be on the world stage, do not underestimate the American people, our soldiers, and our die-hard commitment to lead the free world. No American blood was ever spilled in vain even when we lost battles; we stay committed to the ongoing war for freedom, everywhere.   
'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do & die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

 Claudia Roazen is a writer from Maine. Her book “ARE WE THE SHEEPLE OR THE PEOPLE? AN AMERICAN WOMAN ON FIRE!” can be purchased at AMAZON.COM or on her website

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