Monday, February 24, 2014


Under the guise of gathering information, under the trickery of data collection and under the innocuous rationale of insuring fairness, our government is intruding. Our government is expanding its power well beyond its original limitations with its hands on our health throats. Our government is becoming a ubiquitous unwelcomed peeping-tom in our Americans lives. 

The NSA and now the FCC have been caught spying and peeking treacherously in the shadows. They are trampling all over the “keep out” signs and prohibitions written clearly in the Bill of Rights, from the first Amendment to the tenth.  

The new revelation that the FCC has plans to infiltrate newsrooms with a survey to gather information to supposedly ensure that there is equal opportunity for diversity in the ownership of media outlets is not just troubling it is downright antithetical to core principles of America’s credo. 

Once again Americans have an explosive story that provides ample insight and evidence that big government is a tyrannical threat, a morphing growing monster that eats freedom and sucks the oxygen of liberty out of the air, interfering with the American individual ‘s right to breathe unmolested.

The Democrats continue to talk of Republicans’ false wars on women and the environment when their Party and administration is actively waging war on America’s very foundational essence. War on privacy, war on Bill of Rights, war on free enterprise, war on fossil fuels, war on private property, war on jobs and war on our Constitution and its reliance on the separation of power.  

It is time for the voters; yes the Democrat supporting voters, to be called out as supporters of big government tyranny. No longer should we accept the “low-information” voter excuse of those that continue to elect and re-elect Democrats. 

The Democrat Party is enabling Obama to rule like a king. The Democrat Party not only authored Obamacare, it supports big government expansion by its unlawful interpretation of our Constitution. Democrats treat our Constitution and Bill of Rights as a metaphorical document of translation subject to loose interpretation as opposed to a carefully worded and crafted legal contract that establishes foundational law.  

Whether by support or silence the Democrats in Congress have not once joined with Republicans to try and admonish this administration from trampling the separation of powers and the privacy rights of citizens. Democrats claim to be the party for the little guy yet they support tyranny over individual rights and complete dispassion for citizens whose rights are being eroded daily.

Big federal government was considered a danger by our forefathers because they knew it would assume more power and control than it was granted. They understood that government unchecked would evolve and grow like a bacteria insinuating itself into every organic opportunity to become not just an arbiter but the controlling power. 

Democrats love to play the victim and propose more government, more laws and more regulation as the fix to all the perceived unfairness in the world. Gullible and compassionate Americans accept the Democrats false premise that a government program or policy will help save citizens from fate and folly. Not only is their big government solution a scam, but the so-called inequity it pretends to fix is a swindle.

Does it make sense to anyone that Obamacare that was foisted on the American public to supposedly create lower health insurance costs and more equity in coverage has instead made it less affordable? Isn’t it proof enough that government programs are more spoilers than saviors when Americans have seen their old more affordable coverage replaced with unwanted provisions, see their policy deductibles increase the cost to patients and discover that their doctors and hospitals are no longer affiliated with their coverage? 

Isn’t it proof enough that government makes the problem worse not better when we learn that the number of uninsured Americans remains the same or is even greater after Obamacare? Isn’t it typical bureaucratic insanity that Americans must pay a policy premium rate based on contraceptive coverage well past their child bearing age because the one size fits all coverage by the Democrats has zero flexibility?

Worse than all this, the Democrats shut down the government rather than to delay Obamacare but then when its rollout disaster threatened to damage the Democrat Party brand, King Obama waved his imaginary power wand and delayed it until after 2014 and then again until after 2016 in a blatant corrupt political move.

The Democrats have accused Republicans of not caring for the poor, middle class and the aged yet; Obamacare is killing full time employment. Obamacare is contracting business expansion. Obamacare has cut into Medicare, and it is they, the Democrat Party, not the Republicans that are throwing Grandma over the cliff.

Democrats lie with a straight pace of socialistic expediency. Democrats support our government spying and collecting data on law abiding citizens while they have the gall to finger point that social conservatives are the moral police. The Democrats tearless cries of injustice have been exposed, and all Americans, even those half politically awake, should see thru their shameful shams, their counterfeit concern, their  synthetic sincerity and mostly their premeditated power grab on your individual right to freedom.

The separation of powers is dying if not already mortally wounded and our nation needs patriotic Democrat voters, libertarians, independents and conservatives to coalesce around our Constitution and throw sedition out of office, everywhere it germinates.

“Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” (George Orwell)
Claudia Roazen is a writer from Maine. Her book “ARE WE THE SHEEPLE OR THE PEOPLE? AN AMERICAN WOMAN ON FIRE!” can be purchased at AMAZON.COM or on her website

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