Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The recent disclosure from the release of more White House e-mails about Benghazi, reveal that the Rice was cooked before she went out and lied to the American people, that it was a protest caused by a video.

Interestingly enough the deputy national security advisor to the White House, Ben Rhodes, was the person that prepared Secretary Rice's risotto of lies, turns out to be the same man that came out months later on the Sunday talks shows, to defend his President against allegations that he was absent during the crises. Remember that Rhodes said that the President was engaged during the Benghazi crises yet he could not recall what room the President was in during the attack?  

Yes this is also the same Ben Rhodes, who happens to be the brother of CBS President David Rhodes, who just by coincidence  gave Mike Morell (ex-CIA deputy director) a job as a contributor to that broadcast station. You remember Mike Morell, he  recently testified to Congress that he changed the Benghazi talking points but there was no political influence involved in that decision?   

CBS President David Rhodes is the man that shut down the good reporting of Benghazi by Sharyl Attkissson, who was trying to uncover the identity of the person who had changed the talking points. Sharyl never had the support from CBS and as a result quit the network that never gave her excellent reporting air time.

The recent revelations about Ben Rhodes prepping Susan Rice uncovers the sewer cap long hidden amid the bogus finger pointing between the White House, Department of State and the CIA, that all claimed a lack of responsibility for the Benghazi video lie.

Yes, there was a White House connection. Yes, there was a planned and staged scheme to falsify the facts to make the President not be seen before the election as a failure in foreign policy and a fool claiming "Al-Qaida was decimated". Yes, we are finally approaching the  uncovered sewer cap now, but there is far more to learn as to what is crawling around under the Benghazi scandal tunnels.

Ben Rhodes doesn't have the authority or the pay grade to have been the one that ordered the Benghazi lie. He is merely a excrement dredger asked to help Susan Rice tiptoe around the noxious lies this ultra-political White House uses instead of the truth. No, there are bigger swamp gators here that are still hiding in the underground network of underhandedness in this Benghazi scourge of betrayal.

Americans died, our government lied and the truth has been cast aside by a conspiratorial political avarice to win an election. Now we are beginning to smell the rancid fumes left behind by the elites in power that orchestrated this heartless fraud and cowardly abandonment of our fighting men in Benghazi.   

How campish and corrupt this administration is, as it continues to cover-up the Benghazi scandal and the collusion with liberal mainstream media to promote the President by overt lies and disinformation. Shame on any government official in any of the many departments involved, who continue to keep silent rather than be full throat-ed and expose the persons responsible for the Benghazi cover-up.  
This was a conspiracy folks, and one doesn't need to wear a tin foil hat to see the smoke rising from the hot gun. The only question Americans need to ask Congress is, when will they appoint a special prosecutor to expose and aggressively uncover all the players responsible for this deadly political fraud.

Americans will not accept that this was just a tri-department (State Dept. CIA, White House) bureaucratic comedy of errors, for otherwise, it would suggest a deeper unfathomable corruption. No, we know it was a carefully executed public relations stunt for Obama's re-election and that is abhorrent enough. 
Benghazi will continue to be a an ugly act of political expediency over the lives of brave men. We will continue to prod and haunt our representatives until the shame is exposed, completely!

Monday, April 14, 2014


The recent revelations that the vice chairman of the House Oversight Committee Elijah Cummings Democrat from Maryland, used the power of his office to unleash the IRS attack dogs on True the Vote is astounding.  Especially given the fact that this Democrat Representative wanted to shut down the investigation of IRS targeting by the committee back in June of 2013.

Cummings said on CNN in an interview with Candy Crowley Based upon everything I’ve seen, the case is solved. If it were me, I’d wrap this case up and move on.Now we know why the Congressman was so eager to move on. Not only was he and his staff up to their eyeballs in soliciting the IRS to scrutinize True the Vote and its founder Catherine Engelbrecht but apparently Lois Lerner provided his staff with confidential tax information. 

In fact when True the Vote's lawyer, Cleta Mitchell raised the issue of Cumming's involvement in the targeting during a February 2014 testimony before the committee. Cummings flatly denied her assertions that three separate letters from Cumming's office requested the same information of True the Vote as did the IRS. This raised obvious collusion suspicions between the IRS and Cummings that now have been exposed by recent e-mails between Lois Lerner and Cummings's staffers. 

Also noteworthy, is that Rep Cummings's sent a letter to House Majority leader Boehner prepared by lawyers claiming that Lois Lerner did not waive her Fifth Amendment rights because Chairman Issa did not utilize a procedural process in order to hold Lerner in contempt. This behind the scenes advocacy begged people to ask why Cummings was acting like Lois Lerner's lawyer?    

Why did Cummings try and make a circus out of the IRS corruption hearing in March? The Committee had recalled Lois Lerner believing she might be willing to testify, but she instead re-invoked her Fifth Amendment, and after Issa adjourned the Committee, Cummings  had a typical Democrat grandstanding temper tantrum;
" I am a member of the Congress of the United States of America. I am tired of this. We have members over here each who represent between them 700,000 people. You cannot just have a one-sided investigation. There is absolutely something wrong with that. That is absolutely un-American."

Now that a recent e-mail has surfaced from Lois Lerner to Cummings's staff intrusively seeking information on True the Vote perhaps it is becoming more filthy clear that this Congressman is all up in it to his elbows. 

Funny, that the letters from Cummings office to Catherine Engelbrecht group were mirror images of the inquiries being made of the group by the IRS. Funnier still is that the Vice Chairman of the Committee Cummings has kept this correspondence secret from the Committee and its members investigating the illegal targeting of non-profit conservative groups. Funny or tragic that these recent revelations have not caused Cummings to be removed from the Committee, criminally investigated and defamed by the media for his deception.

The stench of the Democrats party corruption is powerful strong and blowing downwind toward voters and one should expect even loyalists to gag and wretch. Instead Cummings is invited to go on FACE THE NATION to make idiotic statements about Democrats needing to speak about Obamacare being a moral issue. Moral?

The corruption and bullying of American citizens by progressive Democrats and their use of government unions, have corralled most all of the federal bureaucratic  agencies to ask "how high" when they are told to jump. The use or should I say abuse by lawmakers that have used federal agencies as their own private attack dogs against their political enemies is what the IRS investigation is all about isn't it? Now we find the vice Chairman of the Committee Elijah Cummings with his fingerprints are all over the IRS canine collar with the Democratic party and the sycophantic media holding the leash.

Meanwhile Obama's Attorney General "smidgeon" hunter, Eric Holder has been given the Lois Lerner contempt charges to prosecute amid the public's cynical awareness that our chief justice officer is himself contemptuous of Congress and a race baiting immoral party loyalist.

Americans are not dumb enough to believe that justice will be served while this party and administration  replete with corruption remains in the seat of power. Even the most politically unaware understands that "crap runs downhill" and low rung civil servants are just the mere shovel wielders for those elites that are in denial that their outflow doesn't stink.

Representative Cummings tirade that was plastered in the media and caused Representative Issa to apologize is endemic of the surreal world in America today. Who will be held accountable for the many unconstitutional breaches by this administration? Who will be charged and sent to jail for abuse of power, election fraud, intimidation of their office, withholding evidence, obstruction of justice?  Who will apologize to the American people for the corruption oozing out of Washington and causing a malaise of federal tyranny in America?

Friday, April 4, 2014


The House Intelligence Committee heard testimony from ex-CIA director Michael Morell on the Benghazi "talking points"  as to why the public was mislead over the Libyan terror attack. When Morell was asked why he drafted a fictional narrative of the Benghazi attack as a protest caused by a video, instead of the truth that it was a planned terror attack, he denied it involved political collusion with the White House.

He explained with the same smarminess of IRS Douglas Shulman's Easter egg roll comment, that he ignored the information that it was a planned attack from Chief of Station in Libya and instead changed the "talking points" to comport with Washington analysts speculating from afar, that it was a protest not a terror attack. He claims that the Washington CIA analysts (not him or White House) decided that the attack was a protest caused by a video even after he requested they re-analyze that finding in light of the information on the ground. 

In a clever but morally vacant argument he told House members that the White House and the State Department contributed only small minor changes in editing the "talking points" (such as changing Consulate to diplomatic post). Yet, what he failed to mention, (fortunately House members understood)  that by the time White House and State looked at the briefing it had already been fixed, doctored, ghostwritten and made to read as fiction for the administration. Fiction I might add that fit the Obama administration's narrative and excuse for inaction.

Michael Morell is a career civil servant and some might say one doesn't advance a long career in government without learning how to expertly dance the sycophantic salsa. One may or may not believe in outlandish conspiracies, and we are all quite familiar with fortuitous coincidences yet, this ex-CIA Chief (currently a CBS analyst) bends credulity like a clown making balloon animals. 
His revelations leave Americans to only two conclusions, either the CIA is corrupt and should be referred to as the Central Indoctrination Agency, or the CIA is incompetent and filled with civil servants that have their socks lettered left versus right, making them the Central Idiocy Agency. 
There is no question that Michael Morell thinks that both Congress and the American people would have to have a head full of rocks to believe his protestations that there was no political expediency playing out over Benghazi during Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. 

The reason for the Benghazi lie was not only to match the Obama narrative on the campaign trail that al-Qaida was defeated and on the run, but also to provide an excuse for dereliction of duty. The public disinformation by the CIA that Benghazi was a protest also gave cover and excuse to why the President did not send military help to our embattled men. For a sitting President to know America is under attack and do nothing is shameful cowardly dodge of duty. However, no one expects that the president should militarily react to every spontaneous Muslim protest around the world, right? 

Unfortunately for the President and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton the childish tactic of blaming a group of unknown Washington CIA analysts for providing bad misinformation doesn't pass the RPG (Rocket propelled grenades)smoking smell test. The administration had a drone watching the attack, they had both State and CIA operatives reporting real time that it was planned aggression and the attacks were multiple.

Equally contrary to the Obama administration and his former Secretary of Defense, that claimed we had no assets available to assist our embattled men, Americans are revolted that this administration did not even try to send rescue. To this day the question of where the President was during this crises remains a mystery.
Intelligent Americans know that military operations covert or not are never surgically precise and antiseptic. Many things can go wrong and do. Yet, being a Commander in Chief means that a President's political fallout is secondary to his duty as leader of our national interests. Has this President been leading America or handled by his party's operatives?

We know that before the Osama Bin Laden raid there were many earlier operational opportunities to catch him that were nixed by Valerie Jarrett. Indeed, many Presidents have had their covert military blunders that hurt them politically such the failed Carter hostage rescue and Clinton's Mogadishu raid in Somalia to capture Aidid.

Therefore during the height of Obama's re-election campaign, after he had involved us in a UN led war in Libya, after he had proclaimed that al-Qaida was decimated and on the run and after he took almost personal credit for getting Osama, does anyone believe he wanted to test his political fate by sending military rescue to Benghazi, especially during a close re-election race?

Did Valerie Jarrett advise her dear leader that he should stand down? Did Hillary Clinton worry that her part of the Benghazi political mess would only be more messy if the military got involved? What difference does it make? Well, brave men's lives were sacrifice for political careers and that is the difference between honor and respect versus sniveling snakes of evil expedient callousness.  

 The "talking points" are revealing a greater virus present in our government that should alarm all Americans regardless of political party. That trust is truth and truth is trust and that they are inseparable. We know our government holds back secrets in our national interest but we don't expect our government to lie to us about straightforward events. We don't expect our government to lie to us when we are attacked. We should never expect or ever allow, our government to lie over the graves of brave fighting men. 
No Benghazi is not a phony scandal Mr. President and Yes, the American people will continue to demand answers as to where you were hiding when America was under fire!